similar to: Gluster failure disk is full

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Gluster failure disk is full"

2010 Jul 12
Error in storage.mode(test) <- "logical"
Hi There, I get the following error from the code pasted below: Error in storage.mode(test) <- "logical" : object 'HGBmt12_Natl_Ave_or_Facility' not found library(RODBC) library(car) setwd("c://temp//cms") a07.connect <- odbcConnectAccess2007("DFC.accdb") sqlTables(a07.connect) ##provides list of tables## dataset <-
2002 Jan 22
I've been attempting to calculate the predictions from a poisson glm object, along these lines: predict(foo.glm, type = "response") and predict(foo.glm, type = "response", = TRUE) foo.glm is arrived at this way: foo.glm <- glm(Insects ~ Dad * Mum + Location, offset = log(MM), family = "poisson", data = model.df) There are two
2013 Jan 08
bagging SVM Ensemble
Dear Sir, I got a problem with my program. I would like to classify my data using bagging support vector machine ensemble. I split my data into training data and test data. For a given data sets TR(X), K replicated training data sets are first randomly generated by bootstrapping technique with replacement. Next, Support Vector Mechine (SVM) is applied for each bootstrap data sets. Finally, the
2009 Sep 11
format (?) problems with data imported from postgres
Good day, I read some data from a PostgreSQL database by a following script: library(Rdbi) library(RdbiPgSQL) # conn becomes an object which contains the DB connection: conn <- dbConnect(PgSQL(), host="localhost", dbname="BVS", user="postgres", password = "*******") query_duj_kal <- dbSendQuery(conn, "select zdroj as well, cas as date, fe2,
2009 Sep 13
zoo plot: yearly marks on X-Axis
On Sun, 2009-07-26 at 13:17 +0200, Poersching wrote: > stvienna wiener schrieb: > > Hi all, > > > > I am plotting a financial time series, but I need a more detailed X-Axis. > > > > Example: > > x <- zoo(rnorm(1:6000), as.Date("1992-11-11")+c(1:6000)) > > plot(x) > > > > The X-Axis is labeled "1995", "2000"
2011 Nov 02
Proper Syntax for Logical Subset in Subset()
I have measured values for 47 chemicals in a stream. After processing the original data frame through reshape2, the recast data frame has this structure: 'data.frame': 256 obs. of 47 variables: $ site : Factor w/ 143 levels "BC-0.5","BC-1",..: 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... $ sampdate : Date, format: "1996-04-19" "1996-05-21" ... $ Acid :
2011 Mar 07
png inside loop
hello list! I'm sorry, I just stumbled over this strange behaviour (at least I am not able to explain the behaviour, therefore I assume it to be a strange behaviour): attach(water) # I know, this is not recommended names(water[3:10]) [1] "temp" "pH" "DO" "BOD" "COD" "no3" "no2" "po4" for (i in
2011 Feb 27
accessing variables inside a function, inside a loop
dear list! I KNOW this has been answered a million times before. But, as some might remember from their "freelance" times as a statistic consultant, sometimes you're blinded by the facts. I KNOW I have seen this problem solved, but due to the mental blockade i have been suffering from the last 3 hours, I can neither find the answer on the mailing list nor on google. I wrote a
2008 Jan 02
why does rails keep prompting me for post?
Hi, was tryin to do a restful method to allow users to change password. This is what i did: 1) use restful authentication plugin. 2) use the code here 3) realise that no1. i am using something funny like /v1/users/:permalink/ change_password and not just /change_password no2. i cant use html.erb for
2005 Dec 08
'mean' and 'sd' calculations do not match
Dear list, I am using R 2.1.1 on a Fedora 3 Linux, 32 bit PC. If I compute the aggregated mean and the standard deviation I get standard deviation values for factors where the mean was not computed. It seems to me that this is somehow related to the NA values. But I don't quite understand what is going wrong? Could it be related to the data import already? Some of the imported data got the
2011 Nov 29
Why Numeric Values Become Factors in Data Frame
I have a data frame with 1 factor, one date, and 37 numeric values: str(waterchem) 'data.frame': 3525 obs. of 39 variables: site : Factor w/ 64 levels "D-1","D-2","D-3",..: 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ sampdate : Date, format: "2007-12-12" "2008-03-15" ... $ CO3 : num 1 1 6.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ HCO3 : num 231 228 118 246
2009 Apr 20
Fitting linear models
I am not sure if this is an R-users question, but since most of you here are statisticians, I decided to give it a shot. I am using the lm() function in R to fit a dependent variable to a set of 3 to 5 independent variables. For this, I used the following commands: >model1<-lm(function=PBW~SO4+NO3+NH4) Coefficients: (Intercept) SO4 NO3 NH4 0.01323 0.01968
2002 Jun 06
covariance analysis model
Dear list users, I have trouble with covariance analysis. I measured nitrate concentrations in the soil (NO3) and the percentage of legumes (LEG, continuous), affected by 2 different CO2 concentrations (CO2, discrete). I suspect that CO2 has an effect on LEG and NO3, but also that LEG has an effect on NO3, so this is the formula I wrote to test this: NO3 ~ CO2 + LEG + CO2:LEG Will LEG be
2009 Jul 25
yaxp problem for more irregular time series in one plot
Good day, I'm trying to get more time series in one plot. As there are bigger differences in values of variables I need logaritmic y axis. The code I use is the following: nvz_3_data <- read.csv('/home/tomas/R_outputs/nvz_3.csv') date <- (nvz_3_data$date) NO3 <- (nvz_3_data$NO3) NH4 <- (nvz_3_data$NH4) date_p <- as.POSIXct(date, "CET") par(mfrow=c(2,1), ylog
2017 Apr 07
Slow write times to gluster disk
Hi, We noticed a dramatic slowness when writing to a gluster disk when compared to writing to an NFS disk. Specifically when using dd (data duplicator) to write a 4.3 GB file of zeros: * on NFS disk (/home): 9.5 Gb/s * on gluster disk (/gdata): 508 Mb/s The gluser disk is 2 bricks joined together, no replication or anything else. The hardware is (literally) the same: * one server with
2011 Dec 22
[LLVMdev] tail call optimization question
Hello, Is tail call optimization performed if the ret instruction does not actually follow the tail call? Not according to the documentation, but in examples it seems to work. For example, consider the following definition of Ackerman's function in ML (it has two tail calls): let rec ack x y = if x <= 0 then y + 1 else if y <= 0 then ack (x - 1) 1 else ack (x - 1) (ack x (y -
2012 Mar 22
gluster management console cann't get server's disk information
Hey all- Anyone know why the gluster management console can not get the server's disks information? I have set up the gateway and backend , i use the ssh methord to get all information, now i can add servers and delete the current volumes throw the platform ,but i cann't create volume because on the "select bricks" window has no bricks, anyone know why? best regards
2018 Feb 03
Error - Disk Full - No Space Left
Hello Community and Devs, i have the following problem. I have a 3 Brick Distributed GFS. After Upgrading to the latest 3.13.x i cant create any directory on the volume which i access due NFS. I have on the smallest brick over 170GB free and also enough free inodes on all 3 Bricks. If i want to create a directory, the system says that there is not enough disk space left, but i have. I run a
2018 Feb 06
Error - Disk Full - No Space Left
Hi Nithya, and thax for your Information. I testet it yesterday and set the value to 0 /Zero. First i thought i have to restart all bricks because it doesnt work, but after aprox 3min i could create directories. After the first test i tried it again, but got the same message with disk full. I than restart the bricks and tested it again, but without success. I than tried a different directory in
2011 Oct 09
Hello. I am wondering why I am getting NA for all in cors=sapply(pred,cor,y=resp). I suppose that each column in pred has NAs in them. Is there some way to fix this? Thanks > str(pred) 'data.frame':   200 obs. of  13 variables:  $ mnO2: num  9.8 8 11.4 4.8 9 13.1 10.3 10.6 3.4 9.9 ...  $ Cl  : num  60.8 57.8 40 77.4 55.4 ...  $ NO3 : num  6.24 1.29 5.33 2.3 10.42 ...  $ NH4 : num  578