Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Exporting to text files"
2018 May 18
Exporting to text files
On May 18, 2018 9:47:25 AM PDT, Ed Siefker <ebs15242 at gmail.com> wrote:
>I have dose response data analyzed with the package 'drc'.
>'summary(mymodel)' prints my kinetic parameters. I want
>that text in an ASCII text file. I want to get exactly what I
>would get if I copied and pasted from the terminal window.
>I've read the documentation on
2011 Aug 16
deSolve, extracting variable values from inside ode function
I'm just getting to grips with using ode function and have used the
examples and vignettes to produce a small model of a one-pool,
michaelis-menten, enzyme kinetic reaction. The rate of flux of substrate
into pool A is constant (fluxoa) however the rate of flux out of pool A
is controlled by the HMM equation (v = Vmax/ ( 1 + (Km / Concentration A
)) ). This function works fine and
2010 Dec 01
parametric estimators for species richness in R
Dear everyone,
I am doing some work about species richness estimation. Nonparametric estimation (such as Chao1, Jacknife1) can be done just using function "specpool()" and "estimateR()" in package "vegan". The problem is that I can not found any functions for parametric estimation (such as MMMeans, MMruns, Michaelis-Menten). Do you know any function for doing this?
2005 Jul 19
Michaelis-menten equation
Dear R users:
I encountered difficulties in michaelis-menten equation. I found
that when I use right model definiens, I got wrong Km vlaue,
and I got right Km value when i use wrong model definiens.
The value of Vd and Vmax are correct in these two models.
#-----right model definiens--------
2008 Apr 02
Problem getting the most recent has_many associated object
I can''t get my view to display the most recent parameters from an
associated object in a view... here is a birds-eye of my app:
I have two models, Ferms and Kinetics. Ferm has_many :kinetics,
Kinetic belongs_to :ferm. Kinetic has the fields ferm_id, brix and
In my ferms/index view I have a table listing the attributes of each
ferm instance. I would like to display the most recent
2000 Aug 12
Nonlinear regression question
Dear R users
I recently migrated from Statistica/SigmaPlot (Windows) to R (Linux), so
please excuse if this may sound 'basic'.
When running a nonlinear regression (V = Vmax * conc / (Ks + conc), i.e.
Michaelis-Menten) on SigmaPlot, I get the output listed below:
>>>Begin SigmaPlot Output<<<
R = 0.94860969 Rsqr = 0.89986035 Adj Rsqr = 0.89458984
Standard Error of
2007 May 11
A simple question regarding plot of nls objects
I was trying to run the example of Indomethacin kinetics from the book:
## From Pinheiro/Bates, Mixed-Effects-Models in S and S-Plus,
## Springer, Second Printing 2001, Section 6.2
fm1Indom.nls <- nls(conc~SSbiexp(time,A1,lrc1,A2,lrc2), data=Indometh)
## ....
the last plot command gives me the
2008 Sep 09
this may be a better question for r-devel, but ...
Is there a particular reason (and if so, what is it) that
the inverse link is not in the list of allowable link functions
for the binomial family? I initially thought this might
have something to do with the properties of canonical
vs non-canonical link functions, but since other link functions
(probit, cloglog, cauchit, log) are allowed, I
2003 Oct 30
'nls' and its arguments
Dear R experts!
I'd to fit data by 'nls' with me-supplied function 'fcn'.
1) I'd like 'fcn' to accept arbitrary arguments, i.e. I defined it
as f(...) {<body>}. (Ok, that's not actually impotant).
2) Second, I would NOT like to supply every parameter in the formula.
To illustrate this, let's look at the last example of 'nls' help
2011 Feb 06
anova() interpretation and error message
Hi there,
I have a data frame as listed below:
> Ca.P.Biomass.A
P Biomass
1 334.5567 0.2870000
2 737.5400 0.5713333
3 894.5300 0.6393333
4 782.3800 0.5836667
5 857.5900 0.6003333
6 829.2700 0.5883333
I have fit the data using logistic, Michaelis?Menten, and linear model,
they all give significance.
> fm1 <- nls(Biomass~SSlogis(P, phi1, phi2, phi3), data=Ca.P.Biomass.A)
2001 Apr 09
Support for compartment models / matrix exponential method
I try to fit reaction kinetic data to a given hypothetical model
consisting of 3 ODEs. After some reading in Bates/Watts and the literature
cited there (e.g. Jennrich/Bright) I looked in R for functions that support
the use of the matrix exponential method. Until now I used for a similar
(but simpler) problem the nls package and fitted against the the parameterized
solution function. But this
2006 Jul 18
How can I extract information from list which class is nls
I work with :
R : Copyright 2006, The R Foundation for
Statistical Computing
Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)
On Windows XP Professional (Version 2002) SP2.
At this moment I use the function "nls" combined
with a selfStar model (SSmicmen, related to
Michaelis-Menten equation, and provided by the
"stats" package).
When I realise the following operation (cf. p 59
of the
2008 Nov 03
standard errors for predict.nls?
Dear all,
Is there a way to retrieve standard errors from nls models? The help page tells me that arguments
such as se.fit are ignored...
Many thanks and best wishes
Dr. rer.nat. Christoph Scherber
University of Goettingen
DNPW, Agroecology
Waldweg 26
D-37073 Goettingen
phone +49 (0)551 39 8807
fax +49 (0)551 39 8806
Homepage http://www.gwdg.de/~cscherb1
2005 Jul 11
Weighted nls
Dear R Community,
I am attempting to perform a weighted non-linear least squares fit. It has already been noted that the weights option is not yet implemented for the nls function, but no one seems to offer any suggestions for getting around this problem. I am still curious if a) anyone has code they have written which includes a weight options for nls, or b) if there is another model which
2008 Jan 22
extension to nlme self start SSmicmen?
Dear list,
Has anyone created a version of SSmicmen that allows testing for group
differences? The basic Michaelis-Menten equation is:
(Bmax * X) / (Kd + X).
The nlme package allows modeling of random effects for Bmax and Kd as
needed, but I curious how I can build in group differences? I have
receptor binding data for strains of mice, and following Pinheiro and
Bates' lead in their
2004 Nov 08
Nonlinear weighted least squares estimation
Hi there,
I'm trying to fit a growth curve to some data and need to use a weighted least squares estimator to account for heteroscedasticity in the data. A weights argument is available in nls that would appear to be appropriate for this purpose, but it is listed as 'not yet implemented'. Is there another package which could implement this procedure?
Robert Brown
2006 Apr 01
(no answer)
I have never taken a statistics class nor read a statistics text, but
I am in dire need of help with a trivial data analysis problem for
which I need to write a report in two hours. I have spent 10,000
hours of study in my field of expertise (high frequency noise-making
plant biology) but I've always thought that statistics is something
that can be mastered on short notice.
Briefly, I have
2010 Jul 16
Creating symbolic expressions in R
I'm trying to do some differential equation modeling in R using the
package 'deSolve.' Briefly, I'm trying to use the law of mass action
(the details of which aren't really important) to structure a vector
of rate equation which will be passed into an ODE function and solved
with associated functions from 'deSolve.' Roughly what this entails
is scanning
2007 Jun 07
Nonlinear Regression
I followed the example in page 59, chapter 11 of the 'Introduction to R'
manual. I entered my own x,y data. I used the least squares. My function has
5 parameters: p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]. I plotted the x-y data. Then I
used lines(spline(xfit,yfit)) to overlay best curves on the data while
changing the parameters. My question is how do I calculate the residual sum
of squares.
2007 Oct 20
saturation binding in nlme
To estimate saturation binding parameters Bmax and Kd in a receptor
saturation binding experiment, I use the following nonlinear equation
and the nls() function:
------------ + ns*X + background = total binding
where X is concentration, and dummy is an indicator to allow shared
estimation of the nonspecific binding parameter ns. This equation
describes two fitted