Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "weighed Fleming-Harrington log rank test"
2018 Feb 16
weighed Fleming-Harrington log rank test
Thank you Terry. Right now I can use comp() from survMisc package to do the 2-parameter version of F-H weighting. I think both SAS and stata offer the 2-parameter version, so just?thought it would be nice if survdiff() can have that option given it's standard package in R.?
On Friday, February 16, 2018, 7:08:46 AM PST, Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. <therneau at mayo.edu>
2018 Feb 15
Fleming-Harrington weighted log rank test
> On Feb 13, 2018, at 4:02 PM, array chip via R-help <r-help at r-project.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The survdiff() from survival package has an argument "rho" that implements Fleming-Harrington weighted long rank test.
> But according to several sources including "survminer" package
2018 Feb 15
Fleming-Harrington weighted log rank test
> On Feb 14, 2018, at 5:26 PM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:
>> On Feb 13, 2018, at 4:02 PM, array chip via R-help <r-help at r-project.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The survdiff() from survival package has an argument "rho" that implements Fleming-Harrington weighted long rank test.
2018 Feb 14
Fleming-Harrington weighted log rank test
Hi all,?
The survdiff() from survival package has an argument "rho" that implements Fleming-Harrington weighted long rank test.?
But according to several sources including "survminer" package (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/survminer/vignettes/Specifiying_weights_in_log-rank_comparisons.html), Fleming-Harrington weighted log-rank test should have 2 parameters
2008 Nov 24
Discrepancy in the PBC data set
The data set in R is wrong. I've found mistakes on 2 lines in a quick look.
I don't know if the data is incorrect in the Appendix of Fleming and
Harrington as well (someone seems to have borrowed my copy), which is where the
data set appears to have been taken from, given all the "-9" codes in it. (Note,
Tom Fleming originally got the data from me, so I'm fairly
2010 Jul 07
Appropriateness of survdiff {survival} for non-censored data
I read through Harrington and Fleming (1982) but it is beyond my
statistical comprehension. I have survival data for insects that have
a very finite expiration date. I'm trying to test for differences in
survival distributions between different groups. I understand that
the medical field is most often dealing with censored data and that
survival analysis, at least in the package survival,
2008 Nov 21
Discrepancy in the regression coefficients for Cox regression - PBC data set
When I run the following Cox proportional hazards model on the Mayo clinic's
PBC data set (given in the "survival" package), the regression coefficients
do not agree with the results presented in Table 4.6.3 (p. 195) of Fleming &
Harrington's book.
ans.cox <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ log(bili) + log(alb) + age +
log(protime) +
2002 Mar 08
Multiple smbd processes per client
We have around 30+ users using one computer (Win2kTS)
So I guess that means one smbd process is handling all 30 users'
You can watch the smbd process for this machine max out the CPU at times
Is there anyway of getting multiple smbd processes per client/computer
that connects
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2009 Jul 13
pbc data
Hi there,
Can anyone please help me because I am going to get crazy with the pbc data set. I just want to apply simple cox regression in the data set. I am a beginner in R but I don't think I am doing anything wrong.
I have the book of Fleming and Harrington 1990. I perform cox regression by typing:
out<- coxph(Surv(times/365,status)~log(bili)+log(proth)+edema+log(albumin)+age)
2007 Oct 19
calculating power of log rank test
Im trying to calculate the power of the logrank test for different values of rho .I was just wandering whether the following programme would do it. any suggestions are welcome
2012 Oct 05
Matt Fleming to be doing release management for Syslinux
Hash: SHA1
Hi all,
I wanted to let everyone know that going forward, Matt Fleming will be
doing at least some of the releases and prereleases for Syslinux.
Other than who pushes the button, there should be little or no change
in how the builds are done, where they are kept and so on.
Thanks Matt!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12
2004 Mar 15
spearman rank correlation problem
Hello R gurus,
I want to calculate the Spearman rho between two ranked lists. I am
getting results with cor.test that differ in comparison to my own
spearman function:
> my.spearman
function(l1, l2) {
if(length(l1) != length(l2)) stop("lists must have same length")
r1 <- rank(l1)
r2 <- rank(l2)
dsq <- sapply(r1-r2,function(x) x^2)
1 - ((6 * sum(dsq))
2012 Jul 31
As Kevin Fleming says "So long, and thanks for all the fish!", we say thank you - and look to the future
It's amazing what you can learn in a few days...
Having just found out that Queen Elizabeth has a great sense of humor, it has now emerged that Kevin Fleming - a man who (both with and without his moustache) has been an amazing contributor and influencer in the Asterisk project is set to move on to a new challenge outside the project - but still within the realms of Open Source.
Kevin has
2008 Apr 18
survreg with frailty
The combination of survreg + gamma frailty = invalid model, i.e., the example
that you quote.
I did not realize that this had been added to the survreg help file until very
recently. I will try to fix the oversight. Other, more detailed documentation
states that Gaussian frailty + AIC is the only valid random effects choice for
Details: frailty(x) with no optional
2007 May 16
log rank test p value
How can I get the Log - Rank p value to be output?
The chi square value can be output, so I was thinking if I can also have the
degrees of freedom output I could generate the p value, but can't see how to
find df either.
> (survtest <- survdiff(Surv(time, cens) ~ group, data = surv,rho=0))
survdiff(formula = Surv(time, cens) ~ group, data = surv, rho = 0)
N Observed
2007 Oct 29
using survfit
when i use plot.survfit to plot more than one graph why I only see the last graph how do i see the other graphs.for example
a11=4;a12=4 ;a21=4 ;a22=4
2011 Nov 14
Enquiry about 2nd-order interactions survival analysis
David's answers were correct. You are looking deep into the code when
there is no reason to to so.
1. h(t|(X=x,Z=z)) = exp(Beta0 + XZBeta1)
Most statisticians will tell you that this is an unwise model. The
reason is that if you replace X with "X+1" the fit changes, which is
almost never desirable. What if someone coded your dummy variable as
1/0 instead of 0/1 -- wouldn't
2010 Nov 16
Re : interpretation of coefficients in survreg AND obtaining the hazard function for an individual given a set of predictors
Thanks for sharing the questions and responses!
Is it possible to appreciate how much the coefficients matter in one
or the other model?
Say, using Biau's example, using coxph, as.factor(grade2 ==
"high")TRUE gives hazard ratio 1.27 (rounded).
As clinician I can grasp this HR as 27% relative increase. I can
relate with other published results.
With survreg the Weibull model gives a
2011 Jan 28
survreg 3-way interaction
> I was wondering why survreg (in survival package) can not handle
> three-way interactions. I have an AFT .....
You have given us no data to diagnose your problem. What do you mean
by "cannot handle" -- does the package print a message "no 3 way
interactions", gives wrong answers, your laptop catches on fire when you
run it, ....?
Also, make sure you read
2010 Nov 11
predict.coxph and predict.survreg
Dear all,
I'm struggling with predicting "expected time until death" for a coxph and
survreg model.
I have two datasets. Dataset 1 includes a certain number of people for which
I know a vector of covariates (age, gender, etc.) and their event times
(i.e., I know whether they have died and when if death occurred prior to the
end of the observation period). Dataset 2 includes another