Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "customizing color key with plot3D"
2017 Jun 21
customizing color key with plot3D
Hi, I am doing composite plots with the package plot3D. One of my variables is qualitative and indexed to integers, and I would like the legend for it to have labels located at the integer values (midpoints), and not at the breaks between classes. In the example below, the Elev Classes legend has labels at the breaks and nothing at the midpoints. How can I show the class labels at 1:3, and not
2017 Jun 29
plot3D color ramp not working as expected
Hi, I want to use a discrete color ramp with plot3D, and show NA values as white (default). I get unexpected results per the following.
# as in help(slice3D) example:
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
x <- y <- z <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.1)
grid <- mesh(x, y, z)
colvar <- with(grid, x*exp(-x^2 - y^2 - z^2))
slice3D (x, y, z, colvar = colvar, theta = 60)
# use three discrete classes and colors
2005 Nov 14
(no subject)
I am trying to solve a model that consists of rather stiff ODEs in R.
I use the package ODEsolve (lsoda) to solve these ODEs.
To speed up the integration, the jacobian is also specified.
Basically, the model is a one-dimensional advection-diffusion problem,
and thus the jacobian is a tridiagonal matrix.
The size of this jacobian is 100*100.
In the original package
2009 Jun 29
new version of package deSolve on CRAN
Dear R users,
an improved version of package deSolve (version 1.3) is now available on
CRAN. deSolve, the successor of R package odesolve, is a package to
solve initial value problems (IVP) of:
- ordinary differential equations (ODE),
- differential algebraic equations (DAE) and
- partial differential equations (PDE).
The implementation includes stiff integration routines based on the
2009 Jun 29
new version of package deSolve on CRAN
Dear R users,
an improved version of package deSolve (version 1.3) is now available on
CRAN. deSolve, the successor of R package odesolve, is a package to
solve initial value problems (IVP) of:
- ordinary differential equations (ODE),
- differential algebraic equations (DAE) and
- partial differential equations (PDE).
The implementation includes stiff integration routines based on the
2012 Aug 15
question concerning par("plt") and par("mar")
I have a function that changes par("plt") to plot a colorkey, and upon returning resets the original value.
Unfortunately this changes the size of the plots when I change the layout. A simplified example:
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
plt <- par("plt")
# .... # change par(plt) and create colorkey
par(plt = plt) # resets the default
2014 Sep 02
unexpected behavior of <<- in nlm (lazy?)
while working with closures in deSolve we have found unexpected behavior
in R 3.1.0 and R 3.1.1 and R devel, while it was still as expected in R
3.0.3. This behavior occurs also in several functions of other packages
like nls.lm from minpack.lm and even nlm in base, while some other
functions worked as expected. See example below.
The symptom is that super assignments (<<-) of
2013 Sep 29
useR! 2014: call for tutorial proposals
We are pleased to announce that the R user conference
useR! 2014
is scheduled for July 1-3, 2014, and will take place at the
University of California, Los Angeles.
As for the predecessor conferences, the program will consist of two
parts: invited lectures and user-contributed sessions (abstract
submission will be available in due course). Prior to the
conference, there will be tutorials on
2000 Dec 22
par(lab= *) / axis(*) bug (PR#791)
As the subject says,
here is example code (with comments) showing the problem:
p1 <- function(lab = c(8,12,7))
## This `fails' (on a virgin device)
clab <- paste(lab,collapse=",")
plot(1,1, xlim = c(0,15), ylim = c(-.8,1), type ="n", axes = FALSE,
main=paste("plot(*,axes=F); par(lab= c(",clab,")); axis(*) x
2009 Jun 02
quantmod plot trendline
Is there a way to plot trendline with quantmod package?
There is addLines function in the package but I can't seem to figure out how
to use it (not well documented):
> args(addLines)
function (x, h, v, on = 1, overlay = TRUE, col = "blue")
so arguments "h" and "v" add horizontal and vertical lines. How does
argument "x" work? I would like
2010 Mar 09
plotlmer graphics/x-axis and legend options
I am Using R.2.9.2 and I am trying to make nicer some graphics, which
are constructed with plotmer.fnc. In particular, I have two questions:
1. Is is a way to decide in which order we want the labels on the
x-axis. For now, the reference value label is the first one, and the
other labels appear in the alphabetical order. I would like them to be
sorted in the ascending way. Here is my
2009 Apr 28
image3d in misc3d
I'm trying to make sense of the image3d plots in misc3d. Unfortunately I can't find any authors on the help pages of the function to e-mail directly. In the following toy example, I'm puzzled as to why (1) the positions of the image plot on the axes include negative values when I think I've specified all to be 1:3 and (2) the logic that needs to be adhered to in order to
2015 Nov 23
Dibujar en tres dimensiones para un dominio dado. Añadir curvas de nivel.
Deseo dibujar en tres dimensiones la siguiente función
z= min( 1 - abs(x-0.7), 1 - abs(y-0.2))
en este dominio 0<= x <= y <=1
En el ejemplo que hay abajo, se dibuja para 0<=x<=1, 0<=y<=1. ¿Me pueden ofrecer alguna ayudita para dibujarla en el recinto 0<= x <= y <=1 ?
Y si además me indican cómo dibujar las proyecciones (curvas de nivel) en los planos XY, YZ y
2015 Jan 16
S3 generic method dispatch on promises
Dear R friends
I wanted a function to make a simple percent table that would be easy for
students to use. The goal originally was to have a simple thing people
would call like this
pctable(rowvar, colvar, data)
and the things "rowvar" and "colvar" might be names of variables in data. I
wanted to avoid the usage of "with" (as we now see in the table help).
2014 Mar 12
Sobreponer dos mapas
Estoy tratando de sobreponer un mapa sobre otro, uno que sirva de ?background? y otro con datos. Mi primer intento lo hice usando el paquete PBSmapping.
Aquí lo que hice:
estados <- importShapefile(?Entidades_2013.shp") #Aquí cargamos las entidades federativas (32 entidades)
zonas <- importShapefile(?zm.shp?) #Aquí cargamos las zonas metropolitanas del país
2013 Mar 21
vector field from a 3D scalar field
I have a 3D field of a scalar variable (x, y, z, value). Is there a way to generate a vector field from this data--gradient at defined points? I found the rasterVis package for 2D data, but as yet nothing for 3D data.
Scott Waichler
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Richland, WA
scott.waichler at pnnl.gov
2006 Jun 27
Possible to get a definition of a function from a package to use without invoking the package?
I often use the mod() and instring() functions that are available in the
clim.pact package. This package has a lot of dependencies, including
installation of netCDF, and I haven't yet been able to get
library(clim.pact) to work on a Mac OS 10.4.6. A previous request for
help with the Mac problem yielded no results, so now I wonder if I could
just extract the definitions for the couple
2020 Sep 24
How to use `[` without evaluating the arguments.
Hello R-devel,
I am currently attempting to implement an API similar to data.table wherein single bracket subsetting can accept an unquoted expression to be evaluated in the context of my object.
A simple example from the data.table package looks like this:
DT <- data.table(col1 = c('a', 'b', 'c'), col2 = c('x', 'y', 'z'))
DT[col1 ==
2012 Apr 13
Can't read a binary file
Hi, I've read up on readBin() and chapter 6 in the R Data Import/Export manual, but I still can't read a binary file. Here is how the creator of the file described the code that would be needed in Fortran:
"Every record has a return in fortran. The length of each record is nx*ny*4. To read you would use the following:
nlayx = nx*ny*4
do iz=1,nz,4
read(binary file) var(1:nlayx)
2009 Jul 02
diagram package treearrow help
I would like to write text on top of an arrow.How can I do this?
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