Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "How to write an estimated seasonal ARIMA model from R output?"
2009 Feb 03
Problem about SARMA model forcasting
Hello, Guys:
I'm from China, my English is poor and I'm new to R. The first message I sent to R help meets some problems, so I send again.
Hope that I can get useful suggestions from you warm-hearted guys.
I builded a multiplicative seasonal ARMA model to a series named "cDownRange".
And the order is (1,1)*(0,1)45
The regular AR=1; regular MA=1; seasonal AR=0; seasonal
2007 Feb 21
loops in R help me please
I am trying to make the following Kalman filter equations work and therefore produce their graphs.
v_t=y_t - a_t
I have attached my code,which of course doesnt work.It produces NAs for the Fs,Ks and the a.
Can somebody tell me
2005 Jan 21
transfer function estimation
Dear all,
I am trying to write an R function that can estimate Transfer functions *with additive noise* i.e.
Y_t = \delta^-1(B)\omega(B)X_{t-b} + N_t
where B is the backward shift operator, b is the delay and N_t is a noisy component that can be modelled as an ARMA process. The parameters to both the impulse response function and the ARMA noisy component need to be estimated simultaneously.
2010 Aug 23
Fitting a GARCH model in R
I want to fit a mean and variance model jointly.
For example I might want to fit an AR(2)-GARCH(1,1) model i.e.
r_t = constant_term1 + b*r_t-1 + c*r_t-2 + a_t
where a_t = sigma_t*epsilon_t
where sigma^2_t = constant_term2 + p*sigma^2_t-1 + q*a^2_t-1
i.e. R estimates a constant_term1, b, c, constant_term2, p, q
2000 Apr 04
stochastic process transition probabilities estimation
Hi all,
I'm new with R (and S), and relatively new to statistics (I'm a
computer scientist), so I ask sorry in advance if my question is silly.
My problem is this: I have a (sample of a) discrete time stochastic
process {X_t} and I want to estimate
Pr{ X_t | X_{t-l_1}, X_{t-l_2}, ..., X_{t-l_k} }
where l_1, l_2, ..., l_k are some fixed time lags. It will be enough for
me to compute
2023 Jan 05
R 'arima' discrepancies
Rob J Hyndman gives great explanation here
(https://robjhyndman.com/hyndsight/estimation/) for reasons why results
from R's arima may differ from other softwares.
@iacobus, to cite one, 'Major discrepancies between R and Stata for
assign the, sometimes, big diferences from R
2002 Apr 03
arima0 with unusual poly
Dear R People:
Suppose I want to estimate the parameters of the
following AR model:
(1 - phi_1 B - phi_2 B^2 - phi_9 B^9) x_t = a_t
and I want to use the arima0 command from the
ts library.
How would I use the order subcommand, please?
R Version 1.4.1 for Windows.
Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston -
2009 Jan 23
forecasting error?
Hello everybody!
I have an ARIMA model for a time series. This model was obtained through an
auto.arima function. The resulting model is a ARIMA(2,1,4)(2,0,1)[12] with
drift (my time series has monthly data). Then I perform a 12-step ahead
forecast to the cited model... so far so good... but when I look the plot of
my forecast I see that the result is really far from the behavior of my time
2005 Dec 29
calculating recursive sequences
I was trying to repeat the estimation of threshold GARCH models from
the book "Analysis of Financial Time Series" by Ruey S. Tsay, and I
was succesfull, but I had to use "for" loop, which is quite slow. The
loop is necessary, since you need to calculate recursive sequence. Is
there a faster way to do this in R, without using loops?
The model is such:
r_t = \mu + \alpha_2
2009 Apr 26
simulate arima model
I am new in R.
I can simulate Arma, using Arima.sim
However, I want to simulate an Arima Model. Say (1-B)Zt=5+(1-B)at. I do not
know how to deal with 5 in this model.
Can any one could help me?
Thank you very much!
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/simulate-arima-model-tp23239027p23239027.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2010 Nov 24
Seeking advice on dynamic linear models with matrix state variable.
Hello, fellow R users,
I recently need to estimate a dynamic linear model in the following form:
For the measurement equation:
Y_t = F_t * a_t + v_t
where Y_t is the observation. It is a 1 by q row vector for each t.
F_t is my forecasting variable. It is a 1 by p row vector.
a_t is my state variable. It is a p by q MATRIX of parameters with each column of the matrix being regression
2011 Jun 03
Package dlm generates unstable results?
Hi, All,
This is the first time I seriously use this package. However, I am confused that the result is quite unstable. Maybe I wrote something wrong in the code? So could anybody give me some hint? Many thanks.
My test model is really simple.
Y_t = X_t * a_t + noise(V),(no Intercept here)
a_t = a_{t-1} + noise(W)
I first run the following code: (I shall provide data at the end of the
2012 Mar 08
Panel models: Fixed effects & random coefficients in plm
I am using {plm} to estimate panel models. I want to estimate a model that
includes fixed effects for time and individual, but has a random individual
effect for the coefficient on the independent variable.
That is, I would like to estimate the model:
Y_it = a_i + a_t + B_i * X_it + e_it
Where i denotes individuals, t denotes time, X is my independent variable,
and B (beta) is the
2004 Apr 07
Time Varying Coefficients
I'd like to estimate time varying coefficients in a linear regression using
a Kalman filter.
Even if the Kalman Filter seems to be available in some packages I can't
figure out how to use it to estimate the coefficients.
Is there anyway to do that in R?
Any help appreciated
2008 Mar 26
recursive multivariate filter with time-varying coefficients
I've been searching CRAN and the web for a recursive multivariate
filter with time-varying coefficients.
What I mean is the following:
I have a series of square matrices A_t
an initial value vector y_0
and I need to compute
y_t =A_t%*%y_t-1
As these y_t may diverge quickly and/or lead to underflow problems,
the y_t need to be scaled by eg
y_t =y_t/sum(y_t-1)
Is anyone aware
2011 May 23
predict a MA timeseries
could anyone tell me how predict() predicts the new value(s), of a MA(1)
its really easy to make it with an AR(1), knowing the last term, but how can
i or R know the last error?
It would also help if somebody could tell me how to find the "open" source
of the function predict().
Thanks and sorry for my poor english.
View this message in context:
2011 Sep 09
Different results with arima in R 2.12.2 and R 2.11.1
Hello , I have estimated the following model, a sarima:
In R 2.12.2
arima(x = xdata, order = c(p, d, q), seasonal = list(order = c(P, D, Q),
period = S),
optim.control = list(reltol = tol))
ar1 ar2 ar3 ar4 ar5 ar6 ar7 ar8
0.3152 0.8762 -0.4413 0.0152 0.1500 0.0001 -0.0413 -0.1811
2011 Dec 17
auto.arima from the Forecast package
I've got a little problem using auto.arima.
I run the following command
and I get the following output :
Series: drivers
ma1 sar1 sar2 sar3 sar4 sar5 sma1
2008 Aug 02
SARIMA Model confrimation
R Program is shown ARIMA output as below then SARIMA equation is be
(1 - 0.991B^{12})z_t + 43.557 = (1+0.37B)(1-0,915B^{12})a_t
But I try to calculate it by manual . It look like it 's big different from R sofeware,
I am not sure this equation is correct or not . PLS supoort me to confirm it
Arima Model ( 0,0,1)(1,0,1)
No Transformation
Constant >> 43.557 , t = 10.09
2005 Oct 13
arima: warning when fixing MA parameters.
I am puzzled by the warning message in the output below. It appears
whether or not I fit the seasonal term (but the precise point of doing
this was to fit what is effectively a second seasonal term). Is there
some deep reason why AR parameters
("Warning message: some AR parameters were fixed: ...")
should somehow intrude into the fitting of a model that has only MA