similar to: Warning from reshape2 when melting a data frame with uneven number of columns.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Warning from reshape2 when melting a data frame with uneven number of columns."

2017 Jun 04
Warning from reshape2 when melting a data frame with uneven number of columns.
Is this the solution? > d1<-,as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) > str(d1) 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 5 variables: $ V1: chr "Name1" "Name2" "Name3" $ V2: chr "nam1" "name_12" "name-1" $ V3: chr "nam2" "nam_34" "name-2" $ V4: chr "nam3"
2017 Jun 04
Warning from reshape2 when melting a data frame with uneven number of columns.
I am not really sure what the warning means but I think your underlying problem is that all your variables are factors. Did you intend the values in each variable to be character? data.frame':??? 3 obs. of? 5 variables: ?$ V1: Factor w/ 3 levels "Name1","Name2",..: 1 2 3 ?$ V2: Factor w/ 3 levels "nam1","name-1",..: 1 3 2 ?$ V3: Factor w/ 3 levels
2006 Feb 26
assigning differences in a loop
Dear All I would need to generate differences between variates such as nam1<-nam2-nam3 in the following loop: for(i in c("13","26","38")) { for (j in c("HR","PQ","QRS","QT")){ nam1<-paste("d",j,i,sep="") nam2<-paste(j,i,sep=".")
2012 Oct 29
naming datasubsets in a loop
Hello everbody, I want to generate different subsets of my data-set and safe this subsets with names listet in a vector. Because in reality I have got about 70 subsets I want to realize this in a loop Somehow like this: names=c("nam1",
2009 Apr 28
duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed
Hi everyone,   I have got the following problem:   x1 <- rnorm(10,5,1) x2 <- runif(10,0,1) nam1 <- paste("A",1:4,sep=".") nam2 <- paste("A",6:9,sep=".") nam <- c(nam1,"A.4",nam2,"A.9") mydata <- data.frame(x1,x2) rownames(mydata) <- nam Error in `row.names<`(`*tmp*`, value = c("A.1",
2005 Oct 06
Compare two distance matrices
Hi all, I am trying to compare two distance matrices with R. I would like to create a XY plot of these matrices and do some linear regression on it. But, I am a bit new to R, so i have a few questions (I searched in the documentation with no success). The first problem is loading a distance matrix into R. This matrix is the output of a the Phylip program Protdist and lookes like this: 5
2007 Jun 28
Function call within a function.
I am trying to call a funtion within another function and I clearly am misunderstanding what I should do. Below is a simple example. I know lstfun works on its own but I cannot seem to figure out how to get it to work within ukn. Basically I need to create the variable "nts". I have probably missed something simple in the Intro or FAQ. Any help would be much appreciated. EXAMPLE
2010 Aug 04
applying strsplit to a whole column
I am sorry, I'd like to split my column ("names") such that all the beginning of a string ("X..") is gone and only the rest of the text is left. x<-data.frame(names=c("X..aba","","","X..abd")) x$names<-as.character(x$names) (x) str(x) Can't figure out how to apply strsplit in this situation - without using a
2012 Oct 10
multiple t-tests across similar variable names
Hi everyone- I have a dataset with multiple "pre" and "post" variables I want to compare. The variables are named "apple_pre" or "pre_banana" with the corresponding post variables named "apple_post" or "post_banana". The variables are in no particular order. apple_pre orange_pre orange_post pre_banana apple_post post_banana person_1
2011 Dec 07
removing specified length of text after a period in dataframe of char's
Dear all, I'm trying to remove some text after the period (a decimal point) in the data frame 'hi', below. This is one step in formatting a table. So I would like e.g. "2.0" to become "2" and "5.3" to be "5.3", where the variable digordered contains the number of digits after the decimal that I would like to display, in the same order in which
2012 Mar 19
Reshape data frame with dcast and melt
Hello, I implemented two functions reshape_long and reshape_wide (see full working example below) to reshape data frames. I created several small examples and the two functions seemed to work properly. However, using the reshape_wide function on my real data sets (about 200.000 to 300.000 rows) failed. What happens is set all values for X, Y and Z were set to 1. The structure of my real data
2012 Oct 22
How to use tapply with more than one variables grouped
I'm studying alone the R language for data preparation. I found a course at MIT for data preparation that uses python but I'm using R to learning. The first exercise is the preparation of data from a database that shows the contributions made to candidates for U.S. president. The database is described in FORMART
2011 Oct 31
reshape2: Lost Values Between melt() and dcast()
Working with 5 subset streams from my source data frame, three of them successfully call dcast(), but two fail: jerritt.cast <- dcast(jerritt.melt, site + sampdate ~ param) Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length and winters.cast <- dcast(winters.melt, site + sampdate ~ param) Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length Yet both data frames have the values in their
2012 Oct 07
Reshape2, melt, order of categorical variable and ggplot2
Hello everyone, I have the following data frame: > df V1 V2 V3 1 bench1_10 16675 16678 2 bench1_10 16585 16672 3 bench1_100 183924 185563 4 bench1_100 169310 184806 5 bench1_300 514430 516834 6 bench1_300 510743 514062 7 bench1_500 880146 877882 8 bench1_500 880146 857359 9 bench1_1k 880146 1589600 10 bench1_1k 880146 1709990 > I'd like to
2009 Oct 22
melting columns
Hello, I'm using R to run a acoustic analysis software called Seewave. I ask the code to extract a list of variables from my recording, and the program give ONE table for each of these. The tables consist of a two column data.frame with the time in column 1 and the frequency in column 2. However, for my purpose I need only one column with the time first and the frequency second. I tried
2008 Jul 25
melting a list: basic question
Dear list, I'm trying to use the reshape package to perform a merging operation on a list of data.frames as illustrated below, > a <- 1:10 > example <- list( data.frame(a=a, b=sin(a)), data.frame(a=a, > b=cos(a)) ) > > melt(example, id = a) this produces the desired result, where the data.frames have been coerced into one with a common identifier variable
2005 Jul 26
Melting TDM card
Yesterday FedEx brought me my new TDM400P with 4 FXS modules. I installed it (in the correct type PCI slot) , plugged in the power, and fired up the system. A few minutes later everyone in the office is complaining about something burning. I open the server again, and the top of the Digium card is black, slightly deformed, and looks and smells of melted plastic. The funny thing is.the card
2011 May 05
Averaging uneven measurements by time with uneven numbers of measurements
I have a new device that takes measurements anywhere from every second, to every 15 minutes (depending on changes). The matrix has a date, time and Y column (Y is the measurement). For three days it is 25,000 rows. How do I average the measurements by every 30 minutes so my matrix is 48 rows per day? I have been working on this and cannot figure out a simple method. Any ideas? Thank you. ----- In
2017 Jul 16
Arranging column data to create plots
Dear All, I need some help arranging data that was imported. The imported data frame looks something like this (the actual file is huge, so this is example data) DF: IDKey X1 Y1 X2 Y2 X3 Y3 X4 Y4 Name1 21 15 25 10 Name2 15 18 35 24 27 45 Name3 17 21 30 22 15 40 32 55 I would like to create a new data frame with the following NewDF: IDKey X Y Name1 21 15 Name1
2003 Jun 19
Import time series data with uneven dates
I am trying to import a file of daily index closing prices in business time which excludes weekends and holidays so deltat is not constant. My file looks like the following: date close 2003.0055 47.05 2003.0082 45.71 2003.0164 43.45 2003.0192 42.96 2003.0219 44.56 2003.0247 42.99 2003.0274 42.28 2003.0356 41.74 etc. >From what I saw in the EuStockMarkets file, it appears