similar to: R: How to multiplying y-axis ticks value by 100?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "R: How to multiplying y-axis ticks value by 100?"

2017 Jul 23
R: How to multiplying y-axis ticks value by 100?
Hi Nic, Have a look at axis.mult in the plotrix package. Jim On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 12:46 PM, iPad via R-help <r-help at> wrote: > R: how multiplying y-axis ticks value by 100 (without put the % symbol next to the number) here: > plot (CI.overall, curvlab=c("Discharge", "Death"), xlab="Days", las=1) > P.S. So instead 0.00, 0.20 etc.
2008 Dec 08
How to display y-axis labels in Multcomp plot
Dear R-users, I'm currently using the multcomp package to produce plots of means with 95% confidence intervals i.e. mult<-glht(lm(response~treatment, data=statdata), linfct=mcp(treatment="Means")) plot(confint(mult,calpha = sig)) Unfortunately the y-axis on the plot appears to be fixed and hence if the labels on the y-axis (treatment levels) are too long, then they are not
2008 Dec 09
controlling axes in plot.cuminc (cmprsk library)
Dear R-help list members, I am trying to create my own axes when plotting a cumulative incidence curve using the plot.cuminc function in the CMPRSK library. The default x-axis places tick marks and labels at 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 (my data has an upper limit of 96), whereas I want them at my own specified locations. Here is my example code: library(cmprsk) attach(MYDATA) MYCUMINC <-
2003 May 18
log scale y axis ticks control?
Hello R Users! I'm using lattice to produce some graphs with logaritmic y-scales. I use the command xyplot(hits ~ c(1:1024), data=eichData, type="S", scales=list(y = list(log=10))) to create the plot. This is fine, except for the automatically choosen tick marks. I'd like to have a major tick at the 10^n location and minor ticks in between which correspond with the native
2008 Jun 20
Howto reduce number of ticks in X, Y axis while still containing all the data
Hi I am trying to plot 100 x 100 matrix data in a level plot. The problem I have is that the x/y -axis label in ticks are jumbled together. Thus I want X/Y axis to contain 10 ticks only, yet still plotting all the 100 data. Is there a way to do it? The code I have below doesn't work. __BEGIN__ # Corr contains 100x100 matrix corr <- cor(t(, method ="pearson") # Plot
2006 Aug 17
putting the mark for censored time on 1-KM curve or competing risk curve
Hi All, I'm trying to figure out the cumulative incidence curve in R in some limited time. I found in package "cmprsk", the command "plot.cuminc" can get this curve. But I noticed that there is no mark for the censored time there, comparing with the KM curve by "plot.survfit". Here are my codes (attached is the data): ----------------
2008 Jan 31
decrease amount of ticks on y axis in lattice levelplot
Hi all, How can I decrease the number of ticks on the y-axis in a lattice levelplot()? I have as many ticks displayed on the y-axis as I have columns of data (1000 columns), how can I decrease this amount of ticks, while still properly displaying all the data? Note that I get my data from a matrix object, in which the z-values of the levelplot are the actual values in the matrix, whereas the
2006 Feb 27
log scale y axis ticks control on boxplots
Hey R Users I like to control the ticks and labels in a boxplot as described for a xyplot below (thread in maillinglist in may 2003). Does anybody knows how it works? Thanks in advance Thomas Thread from May 2003 ( Hello R Users! I'm using lattice to produce some graphs with logaritmic y-scales. I use the command xyplot(hits ~
2011 Nov 10
ticks at the Y axis
Dear Mailing list, I am trying to produce a simple xy plot but overlapping at the y-axis the y-values of each point. The problem is that I don't know the x-coordinate corresponding to the y-axis to plot the y-points. For each plot I have manually "calculated" the x-coordinate but was wondering whether there is a way to know the number. Example: cores <- rep(c('blue',
2011 Jul 21
Lattice: place ticks only on y-axis
I am using lattice for a bar plot, having a little trouble removing ticks, tick labels from x-axis, but keeping them on the y-axis. I looked around quite a bit (, help pages, etc), tried variations of "scales = list(alternating = c(0,0)", "scales = list(alternating = c(0,0), tck = c(0,0))" and others, couldn't quite
2011 Dec 24
need help with a time series plotting problem
Dear R Users, I am a beginner in R programming and need some help with a simple plotting problem that i am having. My dataset consist of three columns: first one has data_id, second is the date and third is the actual data itself corresponding to each date. The date ranges from 1/1/2000-12/31/2009. I am trying to plot my data versus the dates as a long term time series but
2009 Dec 03
Formatting of numbers on y axis
Hello all. I have the following: plot(salaries$yearID, salaries$salary, type='n', xaxt='n', xlab='', yaxt='n', ylab='') axis(1, at=unique(salaries$yearID), labels=unique(salaries$yearID), lwd=.25, tck=-0.05) axis(2, axTicks(2), format(axTicks(2), scientific = F)) Which nicely creates the Y axis with the raw numbers, which are in the range of .5 - 7
2009 Oct 13
plot dates in x-axis
Hallo, I am trying to plot dates in x-axis. The format of my dates are in dd/mm/yyyy. At first I install zoo package. After R reads my file, I change the default format of dates to the format that I have, >myfile<-read.csv >DATE<-as.Date(DATE,format="%d/%m/%Y") up till now everything goes ok; when however I go and plot for example >plot(DATE, Discharge) in the x-axis I
2009 Feb 18
rbind: number of columns of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1)
i have the following constructed and running very well,, thanks to Gabor Grothendieck for his help. > <- c("", "year", "date", "max.discharge") > > for(i in 1:num.files) { + <- substring(data[i], 1,8) + DF <- read.table(data[i], sep=",", blank.lines.skip = TRUE) + z <- zoo(DF[,4],
2010 May 18
Function that is giving me a headache- any help appreciated (automatic read )
note: whole function is below- I am sure I am doing something silly. when I use it like USGS(input="precipitation") it is choking on the precip.1 <- subset(DF, precipitation!="NA") b <- ddply(precip.1$precipitation, .(precip.1$gauge_name), cumsum) DF.precip <- precip.1 DF.precip$precipitation <- b$.data part, but runs fine outside of the function: days=7
2009 Oct 06
ggplot2 applying a function based on facet
Look at the bottom of the message for my question #here is a little function that I wrote USGS <- function(input="discharge", days=7){ library(chron) library(gsubfn) #021973269 is the Waynesboro Gauge on the Savannah River Proper (SRS) #02102908 is the Flat Creek Gauge (ftbrfcms) #02133500 is the Drowning Creek (ftbrbmcm) #02341800 is the Upatoi Creek Near Columbus (ftbn) #02342500 is
2011 Apr 23
Problem having tick marks aligned when plotting three graphs on top of one another.
R 2.10 Windows 7 I am trying to plot three graphs on top of each other. I need to have the axises perfectly aligned. For some reason the ticks on the y axes are slightly off so they do not perfectly align. Can someone tell me how I can get the to overlay each other perfectly? I thought the yaxp parameter would solve my problem, but it does not. My data and code follows: >
2008 Apr 10
Beautifying axis tick labels
Hi, For example, the y axis shows "0 500000 1500000". Is there any way to beautify the tick labels to get 0 5 10 15, and at the top of y-axis "x10^5" (superscript 5) ? My plots all have different ylim, how to perform the beautification automatically ? Thanks Stanley [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Feb 19
data format
Hi, Try this: el<- read.csv("el.csv",header=TRUE,sep="\t",stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ?elsplit<- split(el,el$st) ? datetrial<-data.frame(date1=seq.Date(as.Date("1930.1.1",format="%Y.%m.%d"),as.Date("2010.12.31",format="%Y.%m.%d"),by="day")) elsplit1<- lapply(elsplit,function(x)
2008 Aug 12
Parsing array data
Hi, I read in csv files with the following code: res <- vector(mode="list",length=3) for(i in 1: length(res)) res[[i]]<-read.csv(file=paste("/Users/markaltaweel/Desktop/Output/HydroDataOutput",i,".csv",sep=""),header=T,sep=",") This allows me to load the data into an array of length 3, with the res array containing my data from the csv