similar to: Elastic net

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Elastic net"

2009 Aug 25
Elastic net in R (enet package)
Dear R users, I am using "enet" package in R for applying "elastic net" method. In elastic net, two penalities are applied one is lambda1 for LASSO and lambda2 for ridge ( zou, 2005) penalty. But while running the analysis, I realised tht, I optimised only one lambda. ( even when I looked at the example in R, they used only one penality) So, I am
2017 Oct 31
lasso and ridge regression
Dear All The problem is about regularization methods in multiple regression when the independent variables are collinear. A modified regularization method with two tuning parameters l1 and l2 and their product l1*l2 (Lambda 1 and Lambda 2) such that l1 takes care of ridge property and l2 takes care of LASSO property is proposed The proposed method is given
2011 May 01
Different results of coefficients by packages penalized and glmnet
Dear R users: Recently, I learn to use penalized logistic regression. Two packages (penalized and glmnet) have the function of lasso. So I write these code. However, I got different results of coef. Can someone kindly explain. # lasso using penalized library(penalized) pena.fit2<-penalized(HRLNM,penalized=~CN+NoSus,lambda1=1,model="logistic",standardize=TRUE) pena.fit2
2010 Nov 04
glmnet_1.5 uploaded to CRAN
This is a new version of glmnet, that incorporates some bug fixes and speedups. * a new convergence criterion which which offers 10x or more speedups for saturated fits (mainly effects logistic, Poisson and Cox) * one can now predict directly from a cv.object - see the help files for cv.glmnet and * other new methods are deviance() for "glmnet" and coef() for
2008 Jun 02
New glmnet package on CRAN
glmnet is a package that fits the regularization path for linear, two- and multi-class logistic regression models with "elastic net" regularization (tunable mixture of L1 and L2 penalties). glmnet uses pathwise coordinate descent, and is very fast. Some of the features of glmnet: * by default it computes the path at 100 uniformly spaced (on the log scale) values of the
2008 Jun 02
New glmnet package on CRAN
glmnet is a package that fits the regularization path for linear, two- and multi-class logistic regression models with "elastic net" regularization (tunable mixture of L1 and L2 penalties). glmnet uses pathwise coordinate descent, and is very fast. Some of the features of glmnet: * by default it computes the path at 100 uniformly spaced (on the log scale) values of the
2010 Apr 04
Major glmnet upgrade on CRAN
glmnet_1.2 has been uploaded to CRAN. This is a major upgrade, with the following additional features: * poisson family, with dense or sparse x * Cox proportional hazards family, for dense x * wide range of cross-validation features. All models have several criteria for cross-validation. These include deviance, mean absolute error, misclassification error and "auc" for logistic or
2010 Apr 04
Major glmnet upgrade on CRAN
glmnet_1.2 has been uploaded to CRAN. This is a major upgrade, with the following additional features: * poisson family, with dense or sparse x * Cox proportional hazards family, for dense x * wide range of cross-validation features. All models have several criteria for cross-validation. These include deviance, mean absolute error, misclassification error and "auc" for logistic or
2013 Mar 02
glmnet 1.9-3 uploaded to CRAN (with intercept option)
This update adds an intercept option (by popular request) - now one can fit a model without an intercept Glmnet is a package that fits the regularization path for a number of generalized linear models, with with "elastic net" regularization (tunable mixture of L1 and L2 penalties). Glmnet uses pathwise coordinate descent, and is very fast. The current list of models covered are:
2013 Mar 02
glmnet 1.9-3 uploaded to CRAN (with intercept option)
This update adds an intercept option (by popular request) - now one can fit a model without an intercept Glmnet is a package that fits the regularization path for a number of generalized linear models, with with "elastic net" regularization (tunable mixture of L1 and L2 penalties). Glmnet uses pathwise coordinate descent, and is very fast. The current list of models covered are:
2011 Mar 25
A question on glmnet analysis
Hi, I am trying to do logistic regression for data of 104 patients, which have one outcome (yes or no) and 15 variables (9 categorical factors [yes or no] and 6 continuous variables). Number of yes outcome is 25. Twenty-five events and 15 variables mean events per variable is much less than 10. Therefore, I tried to analyze the data with penalized regression method. I would like please some of the
2009 May 16
maxLik pakage
Hi all; I recently have been used 'maxLik' function for maximizing G2StNV178 function with gradient function gradlik; for receiving this goal, I write the following program; but I have been seen an error  in calling gradient  function; The maxLik function can't enter gradlik function (definition of gradient function); I guess my mistake is in line ******** ,that the vector  ‘h’ is
2009 Jan 05
transform R to C
Dear R users, i would like to transform the following function from R-code to C-code and call it from R in order to speed up the computation because in my other functions this function is called many times. `dgcpois` <- function(z, lambda1, lambda2) { `f1` <- function(alpha, lambda1, lambda2) return(exp(log(lambda1) * (alpha - 1) - lambda2 * lgamma(alpha))) `f2` <-
2008 Sep 11
Loop for the convergence of shape parameter
Hello, The likelihood includes two parameters to be estimated: lambda (=beta0+beta1*x) and alpha. The algorithm for the estimation is as following: 1) with alpha=0, estimate lambda (estimate beta0 and beta1 via GLM) 2) with lambda, estimate alpha via ML estimation 3) with updataed alpha, replicate 1) and 2) until alpha is converged to a value I coded 1) and 2) (it works), but faced some
2009 Oct 14
different L2 regularization behavior between lrm, glmnet, and penalized?
The following R code using different packages gives the same results for a simple logistic regression without regularization, but different results with regularization. This may just be a matter of different scaling of the regularization parameters, but if anyone familiar with these packages has insight into why the results differ, I'd appreciate hearing about it. I'm new to
2006 Jul 07
convert ms() to optim()
How to convert the following ms() in Splus to Optim in R? The "Calc" function is also attached. ms(~ Calc(a.init, B, v, off, d, P.a, lambda.a, P.y, lambda.y, 10^(-8), FALSE, 20, TRUE)$Bic, start = list(lambda.a = 0.5, lambda.y = 240), control = list(maxiter = 10, tol = 0.1)) Calc <- function(A.INIT., X., V., OFF., D., P1., LAMBDA1., P2., LAMBDA2., TOL., MONITOR.,
2008 Sep 12
Error in "[<-"(`*tmp*`, i, value = numeric(0)) :
I use "while" loop but it produces an errro. I have no idea about this. Error in "[<-"(`*tmp*`, i, value = numeric(0)) : nothing to replace with The problem description is The likelihood includes two parameters to be estimated: lambda (=beta0+beta1*x) and alpha. The algorithm for the estimation is as following: 1) with alpha=0, estimate lambda (estimate beta0
2008 Dec 09
Can elastic net do binary classification?
Hi, List The elastic net package (by Hastie and Zou at Stanford) is used to do regularization and variable selection, it can also do regression. I am wondering if it can perform binary classification (discrete outcome). Anybody having similar experience? Many thanks, -Jack [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Apr 25
glmnet webinar Friday May 3 at 10am PDT
I will be giving a webinar on glmnet on Friday May 3, 2013 at 10am PDT (pacific daylight time) The one-hour webinar will consist of: - Intro to lasso and elastic net regularization, and coefficient paths - Why is glmnet so efficient and flexible - New features of the latest version of glmnet - Live glmnet demonstration - Question and Answer period To sign up for the webinar, please go to
2008 Sep 19
Error: function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters
I have an error for a simple optimization problem. Is there anyone knowing about this error? lambda1=-9 lambda2=-6 L<-function(a){ s2i2f<-(exp(-lambda1*(250^a)-lambda2*(275^a-250^a)) -exp(-lambda1*(250^a)-lambda2*(300^a-250^a))) logl<-log(s2i2f) return(-logl)} optim(1,L) Error in optim(1, L) : function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters Thank you in advance -- View this