similar to: Wilcoxon signed-rank test

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2019 Dec 12
Inconsistencies in wilcox.test
>>>>> Karolis Koncevi?ius >>>>> on Mon, 9 Dec 2019 23:43:36 +0200 writes: > So I tried adding Infinity support for all cases. > And it is (as could be expected) more complicated than I thought. "Of course !" Thank you, Karolis, in any case! > It is easy to add Inf support for the test. The problems start with
2006 Aug 25
exact Wilcoxon signed rank test with ties and the "no longer under development" exactRanksumTests package
Dear List, after updating the exactRanksumTests package I receive a warning that the package is not developed any further and that one should consider the coin package. I don't find the signed rank test in the coin package, only the Wilcoxon Mann Whitney U-Test. I only found a signed rank test in the stats package (wilcox.test) which is able to calculate the exact pvalues but unfortunately
2011 Apr 12
The three routines in R that calculate the wilcoxon signed-rank test give different p-values.......which is correct?
I have a question concerning the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and specifically, which R subroutine I should use for my particular dataset. There are three different commands in R (that I'm aware of) that calculate the Wilcoxon signed-rank test; wilcox.test, wilcox.exact, and wilcoxsign_test. When I run the three commands on the same dataset, I get different p-values. I'm hoping that
2019 Dec 07
Inconsistencies in wilcox.test
Thank you for a fast response. Nice to see this mailing list being so alive. Regarding Inf issue: I agree with your assessment that Inf should not be removed. The code gave me an impression that Inf values were intentionally removed (since is.finite() was used everywhere, except for paired case). I will try to adjust my patch according to your feedback. One more thing: it seems like you
2010 Jun 23
Wilcoxon signed rank test and its requirements
Hi all, I have a distribution, and take a sample of it. Then I compare that sample with the mean of the population like here in "Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction": > wilcox.test(Sample,mu=mean(All), alt="two.sided") Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction data: AlphaNoteOnsetDists V = 63855, p-value = 0.0002093 alternative hypothesis:
2003 Dec 01
wilcoxon-pratt signed rank test in R - drug-effiacy
Hi. I'm going to introduce the R-package for a group of medical doctors later this week and is a little confused about there use of a test named "willcoxon-pratt" for testing if the clinical and biochemical markers has decreased significantly after the use of some drugs for a group of patients. Looking into the R-functions I would in R recommand using a matched-pairs Wilcoxon
2019 Dec 07
Inconsistencies in wilcox.test
Hello, Writing to share some things I've found about wilcox.test() that seem a a bit inconsistent. 1. Inf values are not removed if paired=TRUE # returns different results (Inf is removed): wilcox.test(c(1,2,3,4), c(0,9,8,7)) wilcox.test(c(1,2,3,4), c(0,9,8,Inf)) # returns the same result (Inf is left as value with highest rank): wilcox.test(c(1,2,3,4), c(0,9,8,7), paired=TRUE)
2005 May 16
Mann-Whitney & Wilcoxon Rank Sum
Hello, I am hoping someone could shed some light into the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test for me? In looking through Stats references, the Mann-Whitney U-test and the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test are statistically equivalent. When using the following dataset: m <- c(2.0863,2.1340,2.1008,1.9565,2.0413,NA,NA) f <- c(1.8938,1.9709,1.8613,2.0836,1.9485,2.0630,1.9143) and the wilcox.test command as
2007 Jun 28
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test.
Dear, I'm using R software to evaluate Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test and I' getting one Warning message as this: > C1dea_com [1] 1.000 0.345 0.200 0.208 0.508 0.480 0.545 0.563 0.451 0.683 0.380 0.913 1.000 0.506 > C1dea_sem [1] 1.000 0.665 0.284 0.394 0.509 0.721 0.545 0.898 0.744 0.683 0.382 0.913 1.000 0.970 > wilcox.test(C1dea_sem,C1dea_com, paired = TRUE, alternative =
2011 Apr 13
Wilcoxon rank sum in unbalanced design
Hi everyone! I need to perform a Wilcoxon rank sum test, but I have some ties and the groups have different size also. When I deal with ties I use the wilcox.exact function, how can I solve the different size problem using this function? thanks net -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help
2010 Nov 24
Wilcoxon Rank Sum in R with a multiple testing correction
Hi there, I'm a total newbie to R. I'd like to use a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test to compare two populations of values. Further, I'd like to do this simultaneously for 114 sets of values. The two populations are C and N. The different sets of values have arbitrary names (I'll call them a, b, c etc). The set-up is as follows: a b c d .... C 2 C 3 C 5 C 9 C 4
2010 Apr 05
A questionb about the Wilcoxon signed rank test
Hi guys,   I have two data sets of prices: endprice0, endprice1   I use the Wilcox test:   wilcox.test(endprice0, endprice1, paired = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided", = T, conf.level = 0.9)   The result is with V = 1819, p-value = 0.8812.   Then I calculated the z-value of the test: z-value = -2.661263. The corresponding p-value is: p-value = 0.003892, which is different from
2010 Feb 08
Wilcoxon signed-ranks test using package coin ?
Given the following data, and hypothesized median M.0 I've found a method to implement the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Data: (with one zero difference and tied ranks) x <- c(136, 103, 91, 122, 96, 145, 140, 138, 126, 120, 99, 125, 91,142, 119, 137) M.0 <- 119 > library(exactRankTests) Package ?exactRankTests? is no longer under development. Please consider using package ?coin?
2006 Sep 11
Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test with Bonferroni's correction
Dear all, I am trying to run Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test with Bonferroni's correction. I have two lists: l0, l1: mapply(function(x,y)wilcox.test(x,y)$p.value, l0, l1) How do I run Bonferroni's correction on mapply? Any help is much apperciated. Thanks, -Raj
2012 May 29
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U value: outcomes from different stat packages
Given this example #start code a<-c(0,70,50,100,70,650,1300,6900,1780,4930,1120,700,190,940, 760,100,300,36270,5610,249680,1760,4040,164890,17230,75140,1870,22380,5890,2430) b<-c(0,0,10,30,50,440,1000,140,70,90,60,60,20,90,180,30,90, 3220,490,20790,290,740,5350,940,3910,0,640,850,260) wilcox.test(a, b, paired=FALSE) #sum of rank for first sample sum.rank.a <-
2005 May 04
rank of a matrix
how do I check the rank of a matrix ? say A= 1 0 0 0 1 0 then rank(A)=2 what is this function? thanks I did try"rank"), but all the returned help information seem irrelevant to what I want. I would like to know how people search for help information like this. rank(base) Sample Ranks SignRank(stats) Distribution of the
2012 Jul 24
Wilcoxon V = 0
I am running a pairwise wilcoxon signed rank test, and I am not sure how to interpret the result. I would like to see if there is a difference between the values in conditions a and b. It doesn't seem possible to have a V = 0, but a significant p value. Am I doing something wrong? The command I used is this: wilcox.test(x=a$x,y=b$x,paired=TRUE) The output looks like this: Wilcoxon
2012 Nov 25
Finding the Degrees of Freedom in a Wilcoxon Test
Dear R-ers, I am currently running some Wilcoxon tests in R-64. How do I find the degrees of freedom in the output I am receiving? > wilcox.test(good$TRUE, good$x4a, paired=FALSE) Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction data: good$TRUE and good$x4a W = 2455, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0 Thank you, Stephen.
2013 Sep 16
Estimado José, por lo que estuve mirando aqui, en ?wilcox.test y en libros de papel ... los datos deben cumplir ciertas condiciones, quiza la mas restrictiva es que sean pareados ... si no lo son, quiza esta variante del test es mas apropiada: la que en R se aplica usando el mismo
2002 Mar 20
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
How does R compute the p-value in the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test? If I have the test statistics, can I get the p-value using the function pwilcox? Thanks -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the