Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "recursive lapply and keeping track of data"
2017 Aug 14
recursive lapply and keeping track of data
You could replace your 'depth' argument with one that shows where in the
original data you are at:
leaf.func <-
function(data, where) {
if(is.null(data)) stop("Null data at ", deparse(where))
visit.level <-
function(data, where = integer()) {
if (length(where) == 2) {
return(leaf.func(data, where))
} else
2017 Aug 04
define a list with names as variables
I'm having troubles defining a list where names are variables (of type
character). Like this, which gives "foo" instead of "world" (the way I
meant it is that "world" is the value of the variable foo). Any hint?
> f <- function(foo, bar) { list(foo = bar) }
> x <- f("hello", "world")
> names(x)
[1] "foo"
2017 Aug 04
define a list with names as variables
Hi Giovani,
I would create an unnamed list and set the names after.
On Fri, 4 Aug 2017 at 12:08 Giovanni Gherdovich <g.gherdovich at gmail.com>
> Hello,
> I'm having troubles defining a list where names are variables (of type
> character). Like this, which gives "foo" instead of "world" (the way I
> meant it is that
2017 Aug 04
define a list with names as variables
Do you mean like this?
> f <- function(foo, bar) {
+ result <- list(bar)
+ names(result) <- foo
+ result
+ }
> (x <- f("hello", "world"))
[1] "world"
> names(x)
[1] "hello"
Thomas Mailund
On 4 August 2017 at 12.08.28, Giovanni Gherdovich (g.gherdovich at gmail.com)
I'm having troubles defining
2017 Aug 04
define a list with names as variables
You can wrap the list-creating function call (e.g. lapply) in a call to ?setNames, or you can use the ?map function from the purrr package.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On August 4, 2017 3:14:44 AM PDT, Ulrik Stervbo <ulrik.stervbo at gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi Giovani,
>I would create an unnamed list and set the names after.
2017 Aug 04
define a list with names as variables
Hello Thomas, Ulrik,
thanks for your suggestions.
On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 12:13 PM, Thomas Mailund
<thomas.mailund at gmail.com> wrote:
> Do you mean like this?
>> f <- function(foo, bar) {
> + result <- list(bar)
> + names(result) <- foo
> + result
> + }
>> (x <- f("hello", "world"))
> $hello
2006 Nov 16
How Aggegate Data in R
When I use SPSS I execute the AGGREGATE DATA comand for the next data:
2006 Dec 01
simple parallel computing on single multicore machine
Dear List,
the advent of multicore machines in the consumer segment makes me wonder
whether it would, at least in principle, be possible to divide a
computational task into more slave R processes running on the different
cores of the same processor, more or less in the way package SNOW would
do on a cluster. I am thinking of simple 'embarassingly parallel'
problems, just like inverting
2005 Oct 26
help with a self-starting function in nonlinear least squares regression.
Hello. I am having a problem setting up a self-starting function for
use in nonlinear regression (and eventually in the mixed model version).
The function is a non-rectangular hyperbola - called "NRhyperbola" -
which is used for fitting leaf photosynthetic rate to light intensity.
It has one independent variable (Irr) and four parameters (theta, Am,
alpha and Rd). I have created this
2018 Mar 15
Meetup conjunto "Machine Learning Spain" + "Grupo Usuarios de R de Madrid"....
Buenas a todos,
Ayer realizamos un Meetup conjunto con el grupo de "Machine Learning Spain".
Parte del material ya está subido a nuestro portal.
Estamos a la espera de que nos compartan los videos. Por si queréis ir
viendo la parte de Santiago, mi parte es la misma que la que presenté en la
reunión del Grupo hace unas semanas.
2017 Aug 04
define a list with names as variables
> f <- function(foo,bar) structure(list(bar),names =foo)
> f("hello","world")
[1] "world"
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 6:12 AM, Jeff
2019 May 06
Question about GIT repository
Hello, just a question, I can't see a core "release-2.3.6" branch, nor a
pigeonhole "release-0.5.6" branch on the GIT repository, it is outdated?
or do you have changed your policy to create a new branch for each new
release of dovecot and pigeonhole?
Thanks and regards
| Juan C. Blanco
2018 May 31
predicciones sobre el OOB de randomForest
Gracias Carlos. No uso caret, pero lo miraré.
Quoting Carlos Ortega <cof en qualityexcellence.es>:
> Hola,
> Creo que si utilizas "caret" y en la función "trainControl()" defines "oob"
> como criterio de randomización, puedes luego recuperar del objeto del
> modelo, las predicciones individuales...
> Saludos,
> Carlos Ortega
2005 Dec 16
Help with data.frame and lapply
Hash: SHA1
I'm having problems with this line of code:
X.lm <- lapply(names(d), function(x) lm(d["cls"] ~ d[x], data=d))
d[x] is what is giving trouble here, but I don't know exactly how to
solve it. What I'm trying to do is to create a linear model from each
column of the data frame 'd' to apply ANOVA later.
2019 May 06
Question about GIT repository
OK, thanks!!
Juan C. Blanco
On 06/05/2019 10:25, Aki Tuomi wrote:
> Hi ,
> sorry they were accidentically not pushed. Will do so soon.
> Aki
>> On 6 May 2019 11:11 Juan C. Blanco via dovecot < dovecot at dovecot.org
>> <mailto:dovecot at dovecot.org>> wrote:
>> Hello, just a question, I can't see a core
2019 Feb 18
crear un vector con las categorías
Gracias Jorge. No entiendo bien; la variable objetivo es ya factor. El
árbol me la predice bien, como factor, también. Es al ir construyendo
el vector que lo anota con un nº, según de cuál de las 4 categorías se
Quoting Jorge I Velez <jorgeivanvelez en gmail.com>:
> Estimado Manuel,
> Debes definir ecsta como factor usando, por ejemplo,
> factor(ecsta,
2019 Feb 19
crear un vector con las categorías
Bueno, creo que no contesté tu pregunta. Con training <- data[-i, ]
crea una df llamada training, sin la muestra i, que después utiliza
para entrenar el algoritmo.
Quoting Javier Marcuzzi <javier.ruben.marcuzzi en gmail.com>:
> Estimado Manuel Mendoza
> Con sus datos y a modo de curiosidad, ¿que pasa en training <- data[-i, ]?
> Javier Rubén Marcuzzi
2018 Apr 14
Encontrar el más votado
Gracias Carlos J., sale bien, pero me transforma las 6 categorías en
números del 1 al 6
¿sabes cómo evitarlo?
Quoting "Carlos J. Gil Bellosta" <cgb en datanalytics.com>:
> apply(data, 1, function(x) which.max(table(x)))
> El sáb., 14 abr. 2018 a las 19:54, Manuel Mendoza (<mmendoza en mncn.csic.es>)
> escribió:
>> Buenas tardes de
2007 Mar 16
corAR1 in a random effects panel
Hi everyone,
I am interested in estimating this type of random effects panel:
y_it = x'_it * beta + u_it + e_it
u_it = rho * u_it-1 + d_it rho belongs to (-1, 1)
u and e are independent and normally zero-mean distributed.
d is also independently normally zero-mean distributed.
So, I want random effects for group i to be correlated in t, following an
AR(1) process.
I am
2018 Feb 19
gbm.step para clasificación no binaria
Hola de nuevo. Se me olvidaba la principal razón para utilizar
gbm.step del paquete dismo. Como sabéis, los boosted si sobreajustan
(a diferencia de los random forest o cualquier otro bootstrap) pero
gbm.step hace validación cruzada para determinar el nº óptimo de
árboles y evitarlo. Es fundamental.
La opción que me queda, Carlos, es hacerlo con gbm, pero muchas veces,
y usar el