similar to: Combining autotest, rspec, rspec_on_rails and spec-server

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Combining autotest, rspec, rspec_on_rails and spec-server"

2007 Aug 18
RSpec: "--color" not working in spec.opts when combined with "--drb"
Windows XP SP 2 ruby 1.8.5 gems: rails 1.2.3 rake 0.7.3 win32console 1.0.8 plugins: rspec 1.0.8 rspec_rails 1.0.8 spec.opts: --colour --format progress --loadby mtime --reverse --drb When I run "rake spec" or "ruby script/spec spec --color" this is the output: D:\dev\project>rake spec (in D:/dev/project)
2008 Jan 31
DRb does not activate using options file
Hello List, For a small project I''ve been using ''ruby script/spec -X spec'' to execute my specs. Now that I added ZenTest on it, found that the test takes longer to run due the complete load of test environment. Since autotest uses ''script/spec -O spec/spec.opts'' as the command, I decided to add --drb to spec.opts Using --drb or -X, spec_server is
2008 Mar 13
What is SpecServer?
I have looked through the docs, looked at the code, even gave a cursory (2 page) glance at google, and it is not clear to me what SpecServer is or what it is for. Is it meant to speed up the execution of specs in a rails environment by doing some magic on the database? Or I am thinking it keeps a copy of Rails running to avoid the rails reload delay... Is there any documentation on this so I
2007 Aug 14
AssociationTypeMismatch with RSpec 1.0.8, autotest running with drb
Before I chalk this up as a bug and report it, I just want to make sure I''m not doing something silly. Running ZenTest''s autotest on OS 10.4.10 with RSpec 1.0.8, drb, produces the following failed test: ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in ''User should create an avatar with uploaded_data'' Avatar expected, got Avatar This only happens with that exact
2007 May 30
autotest and rspec_on_rails not happy
Hi, I''ve been using the rspec and rspec_on_rails plugins quite happily on my Rails project for a while now. Today I noticed the autotest support in RSpec-1.0.3 and decided to give that a spin. Oh tragedy! $ autotest loading autotest/rails_rspec ./vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/autotest/rails_rspec.rb:33:in `initialize'': undefined method `singularize''
2007 Mar 28
Is anyone using rspec with autotest? Scott
2007 Oct 26
rspec_autotest failing
Is the rspec_autotest plugin mentioned here, the accepted method of auto testing specs? It''s an old article, and after grabbing the plugin, and giving it a run, it fails with: $ rake spec:autotest:rails trunk/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/dsl/behaviour/rails_example.rb:31: undefined method
2007 Aug 09
AutoTest plugin and rspec for rails
(WinXP) Hi, I have the autotest rails plugin running - detecting changes and running the examples. However the rspec color output (of which I am a fan) ... has stopped happening Anybody got a spare moment to point me in the right direction, please ? Cheers! sinclair -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Feb 21
Using rspec_on_rails without a test database
Is there some way to remove the database hit when running rake rspec:models ? I''d like to mock all of my objects (or at least remove all reliance on fixtures and the database itself) - both for speed and because static fixtures are brittle. Best Regards, Scott Taylor
2007 Apr 01
rake w/rspec
How can I spec out a rake task? How can I use rake in my spec''s? I want to fix this rake spec:autotest bug with --drb and --color. How can I get rake output? How would I get out of autotest? My initial thought is just to run the command in the spec. Scott
2007 Nov 13
Spec slowdown
Is there something currently going on on the rspec trunk that causes a massive slowdown when running rake spec and autotest (without spec_server)? I updated to the latest trunk yesterday and the time needed to run the specs of my app jumped from ~20 seconds to more than a minute. The weird thing is that if I run the rake spec tasks separately (controllers, models, views, helpers), they
2009 Oct 06
rspec-rails 1.2.9 Released
rspec-rails version 1.2.9 has been released! * <> * <> * <> * <> * <rspec-devel at> Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby on Rails. Changes: ### Version 1.2.9 / 2009-10-05 * enhancements * added route_to and
2007 Jun 21
Sqlite3, in-memory db and rspec_server
Hi everyone. I can''t get the above(subject line) combination to work. If I use a standard sqlite3 file db for the test db, and spec_server all the specs on my models pass. If I use an in-memory db for the test db, script/spec w/o spec_server, they all pass. But if I use in-memory and spec_server I get the following error: 1) ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ''User should be
2007 Nov 01
no speed up with spec_server
Hey guys, I''m running spec_server and using --drb with my specs in Rails, and I''m seeing virtually no speed up. I''m using rspec/rspec_on_rails trunk. Is there something I''m doing wrong? TIA, Jeremy -- Jeremy Stephens Computer Systems Analyst I School of Medicine Department of Biostatistics Vanderbilt University
2007 Jun 08
autotest bug?
Autotest is running continuously - even when the files mtimes aren''t changing. I believe this only happens if using a failures file. autotest -v gives me: euclid% autotest -v loading autotest/rails_rspec /opt/local/bin/ruby -S script/spec -O spec/spec.opts spec/ controllers/log_entries_controller_spec.rb spec/views/login/ new_spec.rb spec/controllers/login_controller_spec.rb
2007 Aug 08
rspec with autotest on a windows machine
Hello all, I''m new to rSpec but after reading a couple of tutorials I''ve become enamored. Anyway, I am at minute 42 of the rSpec basics screencast ( and I''m having the following error running autotest w/rSpec: D:\ruby\projects\forecaster>autotest loading autotest/rails_rspec c:\ruby\bin\ruby -rrubygems -e "require ''redgreen''"
2008 Sep 13
rake does recognize "rake examples_with_rcov"
Hi, Q1 - Know why rake doesn''t recognize "rake examples_with_rcov" per ? Q2 - Also when I run "rake spec:rcov" it seems to give me the same as if I just run "autotest" or "rake spec". I was expecting a heap of pointers to code I haven''t tested?
2007 May 23
log file
hi, When running rails spec tests is there a log file generated? i''m looking for generated sql to help me debug like in development.log or is there a way to run the test against a webrick server so i can see logs? (i''m not running with spec_server at the moment, it doesnt seem to work well with autotest) thanks linoj
2007 Sep 25
Autotest with RSpec Rails and Engines
Hi We have a Rails project using an engine which I want to run autotest with rspec against. So the project specific specs are in the specs directory but the common specs are in the specs directory of the engine plugin (e.g. vendor/plugin/engine/specs) Just wondering where I would be looking to change configuration so that autotest will also look for the specs in the engine directory?
2007 Apr 13
ZenTest autotest now handles RSpec, yay!
Josh Knowles just let me know that ZenTest Autotest 3.50 now handles your RSpec specs. That''s a great news. Josh also shared with me a quick hack to make autotest work with only the RSpec plugin installed. Add the following into your ~/.autotest file