similar to: Plotting data on a map

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches similar to: "Plotting data on a map"

2012 Mar 06
Good afternoon, is proud to announce the first MilanoR meeting on Tuesday 8th May 2012 at 18:00. Venue: Fiori Oscuri Bistrot Via Fiori Oscuri 3 IT-20122 Milano Agenda: Introduction Andrea Spano' Quantdie Srl Past, present and future of R Stefano Iacus, Department of Economics, Business and Statistics, University of Milan and R Development Core Team R and
2011 Feb 10
randomly generated binary matrix (with conditions)
I want to create a randomly generated 25*15 binary matrix knowing what the colSums and rowSums of this matrix should be. colSums(a) [1] 3 7 2 5 0 4 6 5 5 4 3 4 4 5... rowSums(a) [1] 8 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4... . . Baptiste Coulmont coulmont at --------
2012 Jan 11
Revolutions Blog: December Roundup
I write about R every weekday at the Revolutions blog: and every month I post a summary of articles from the previous month of particular interest to readers of r-help. In case you missed them, here are some articles related to R from the month of December: A brief summary of the changes in R 2.14.1: A review of the new book 'R in
2017 Jan 03
Consulta mapas
Hola! Quiero empezar a georeferenciar en mapas con R. En blogs se encuentra bastante información pero veo que no hay unanimidad respecto a las librerías a utilizar ni tampoco la información es muy clara ni abarcativa. ¿Alguno/a trabaja con mapas en R y me puede indicar por donde encarar? En principio mi interés es realizar mapas sencillos con información por provincias y departamentos de
2017 Feb 17
Sobre gráficos
Hola Puedes encontrar libros gratuitos y de pago googleando "library genesis", en ese sitio encontraras libros de pago en forma gratuita hay bastantes libros de muchas especialidades, R incluido, solo tienes q tomarte tu tiempo en buscar. Edgar. > El 17 feb. 2017, a las 06:51, Francisco Rodriguez Sanchez <f.rodriguez.sanc en> escribió: > > Buenos días
2012 Jul 03
how to plot the data in a map?
hi R-users: I have some data related with geographical information. I wonder how to plot some data (in contour,shaded or scatter) on a map. Could anyone tell me which package or reference or examples I can learn ? thank you . -- TANG Jie Email: [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2020 Sep 14
Interpretación de salida de un GLM
Estimada comunidad, tengo unas dudas que son muy básicas creo, pero es mi primera incursión en GLM. Estoy ajustando un modelo binomial a unos datos de germinación. El modelo es muy sencillo, tengo un factor "Condicion" con dos niveles: "a" y "b" (nivel de humedad en suelo). Por otro lado, tengo una variable explicativa "HF" (horas frío=estratificación) que
2017 Feb 16
Sobre gráficos
Hola a todos, alguien que ya tenga en sus manos esos libros y/o otros más sobre todo sobre estadística descriptiva, inferencial, minería de datos y big data, o cualesquiera de R y que aunque haya pagado la ostia, no le importe compartirlo conmigo que no tengo la posibilidad de pagar por ellos, por favor, le estaría eternamente agradecido. Fraternalmente, Nivaildo. ----- Mensaje original -----
2012 Dec 05
Global variable in the C code used to create R extension
Hi , I am writing a function in C and i wish to call it from R. Thanks to this tutorial , this is easily possible - Now , i have a server written in R which listens on a port for requests and process the requests. Now what i need is to load a large amount of data in startup of the server. And later this data should be available to
2008 May 23
Pros and Cons of R :GUI
R has very good GUI packages that I have used - R Commander RCmdr and Rattle rattle . Since I work on multiple packages with constraints of time, I almost always use the GUI rather go through the intricacies of command line . The log of these GUIs shows the relevant R command that was used, so you can actually learn the language also. I have written about the ease of learning R , if you begin
2006 Jul 02
sparse matrix tools
Dear R-Help list: I'm using the Matrix library to operate on 600 X ~5000 element unsymmetrical sparse arrays. So far, so good, but if I find I need more speed or functionality, how hard would it be to utilize other sparse matrix toolsets from within R, say MUMPS, PARDISO or UMFPACK, that do not have explicit R interfaces? More information on these is available here
2008 May 22
Pros and Cons of R
Hi, I am doing a very informal presentation for my office about R capabilities to deal with and analyze spatial data, display data and maps, and connections with GIS. I've used in my presentation info from the CRAN, the spatial Task view, and the more striking graphics examples from and NCEAS