similar to: 1.9.5 gem for OS X

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "1.9.5 gem for OS X"

2007 Oct 17
1.9.2, OpenGL
[third sending attempt...] I''m going to try and test out the samples on MSW over the next few days and if things look good I think we should release 1.9.2. Might try and fix the bugs related to TreeCtrl#get_first_child as these might involve minor API changes. So if anyone has any time to test out SVN HEAD and look for anything funny, please do. Also, we have an anonymous patch
2006 Aug 10
Gem and tarball rake tasks
Hi I created an add-on script (to live in rake/) and a little patch for our main rakefile to automate building release products. The two main targets are ''gem'' (create a binary gem for your platform) and ''package'' (create a platform-neutral source tarball for SWIGging and compiling). A few small things came up while doing this: - Package name and version
2007 Oct 30
Comments on commit 1406 (rakefile changes)
Alex, The changes to the rakefiles are causing me some problems building on OS X. I am getting the following: rake aborted! undefined method `+'' for nil:NilClass /Users/sean/Archive/Programming/wxRuby_Dev/wxruby2/rakefile:109 I will now go test on Windows Sean
2008 Jan 15
Just to say that I''ve tagged 1.9.3 in the repository, but havent'' yet had time to create the release. Please do upload the binary builds as they become available. I''ll do the source package and linux-intel build tomorrow once I''be got some sleep! a
2008 Mar 01
1.9.5 Release
Hey Alex and Sean, It looks like it is getting to be that time again for a new release. What are we looking at for the release time frame? I''m working still on the wxSDL type library for wxSugar, as I think this would be a great thing to create a Library for, to incorporate SDL into wxRuby. I''m already looking at creating Wx::SDLPanel, which will be the equivalent of
2006 Aug 22
doc generator now in CVS
Hi Just a quick note to let you know that the Textile doc generation stuff is now in CVS. There is a moderate amount of documentation in rake/rakedoc.rb in case you feel like generating your own local copy. The only prerequisite is the Ruby ''redcloth'' library. There''s also some info in doc/lib which might be some help if you want to tweak the output. cheers alex
2007 Aug 29
Hi I''ve been trying out the StyledTextCtrl/Scintilla component bundled with wxWidgets 2.8. Surprisingly, it''s very easy to get this working at a basic level with wxRuby (95% of credit to Roy, who originally created a SWIG file for this). So I''m wondering: should we try and integrate this into wxRuby core? Pros: - a cool component, interesting to developers - not
2008 Jan 08
1.9.3 release, rakefile
Hi I''d like to put out a 1.9.3 release perhaps later this week/weekend. If you have a chance to test the build and samples esp with latest rubygems, please do. There are still some bugs on the list, and samples to do, but this should address all the build/install probs that have come up. And it would be good to get some testing and feedback on some of the new classes. A note on the
2006 Oct 24
tagged 0.0.37; release plans
Hi I just tagged 0.0.37 in Subversion. I also added a note on the Wiki on how to do this, and how to checkout a clean version: For the build, I''m just about to upload a tarball, and will add a powerpc gem once the compiler''s chugged away. Please upload for your platform as you''re ready. I suggest we announce
2008 Jan 25
"undefined symbol" with wxRuby gem on Fedora Core 5...
I''m trying to test on platforms other than Windows, starting with my Fedora Core 5 box. I''m getting this error when trying to run the Hello World script ( undefined symbol: gtk_widget_is_composited - /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-1.9.4-x86- linux/lib/ (LoadError) This happens with both the
2007 Sep 26
development status, 1.9.2
Hi all Just a quick update on recent SVN activity: * added Sound and CollapsiblePane classes * added the XRC tool to wxSugar * fixed some XRC bugs in Window * added syntax sugar for event handlers and list-like controls * added some missing methods in Sizer Sean - I''m away for about 10 days from this weekend, and I''m thinking of doing a 1.9.2 release in the next day or two.
2007 Nov 06
gem problems on Windows
$ gem list wxruby *** LOCAL GEMS *** wxruby (1.9.1, 1.9.0) Ruby interface to the wxWidgets GUI library $ gem install wxruby Need to update 39 gems from ....................................... complete Select which gem to install for your platform (i386-mswin32) 1. wxruby 1.9.2 (x86_64-linux) 2. wxruby 1.9.1 (x86_64-linux) 3. Skip this gem 4. Cancel installation
2008 Jan 17
1.9.4 released
Hi Just a quick note to say we released a new version, 1.9.4. The main purpose of this release is to offer an OS X gem that''s compatible with both 10.4 and 10.5 - The wxruby-1.9.3 OS X binary gem would only work with version 10.5 (Leopard). Version 1.9.4 also includes a couple of other minor fixes and enhancements, including * Some new AuiNotebook methods added in recent wxWidgets
2006 Oct 25
PrinterDC.i Patch
This patch allows PrinterDC to go merrily by on Linux. I''m not sure it''s the best solution to the problem so I submit it for your approval. Roy -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: PrinterDC.i.patch Url:
2007 Oct 29
wxRuby Socket Demo finally available
Hello All, I''ve just sent off the source code for wxRuby Socket''s demo to Sean and Alex to do some final testing on Linux and MacOS X, to ensure compatability of my design with those two operating systems. Once confirmed, the demo will be posted to the SVN. What is basically entailed within these two demos, is the implementation of a Server with a GUI Front End, and the
2007 May 07
0.0.40 tagged
I''ve tagged 0.0.40 in subversion and created the release on rubyforge. Roy, Sean, please could you compile and upload the binary gems when you have a moment - thanks in advance. Drop me a line off list so I know when to make an announcement. cheers alex
2006 Aug 28
Gem testing
Hi all, First off sorry for the lengthy email but I typed it as I went along. I just tried to start a bit of testing of the binary Linux gem (Kevin sent me a link) and I quickly ran into a problem: ----- jonathan@weatherlight ~/ruby-dev/wxruby/cvs_current/wxruby2/samples $ ruby test.rb /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-1.9.0-i486-linux/lib/wx.rb:22: uninitialized constant Wxruby2 (NameError)
2006 Aug 12
Documentation for wxRuby
I have written an addon file for rake that turns the wxWidgets documentation into something much more Ruby like. The code has not been cleaned up or re-factored and needs some extra features added but it does quite a bit already. I have uploaded the generated documentation to my web site so people can view it. I also have a
2007 Sep 12
screenshots & wxruby apps
Hi I''ve added a page to the wiki to show some screenshots opf the wxRuby samples: I''d like to get some screenshots for OS X to add to this, if anyone could supply them please. It would be nice to show the minimal sample for all three platforms, plus perhaps some of the ones that aren''t included there. Also if
2007 Oct 18
Hi I was wondering if anyone knows if there are any circumstances where the "create" methods that all Windows have are useful? They end up producing quite a lot of C++ code so I might try undeffing them if they''re useless. Alex