similar to: persistent window wobble at screen edges

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "persistent window wobble at screen edges"

2006 Dec 08
Patch to wobbly snap for outputs
Here's a patch to wobbly.c to handle edge snapping with multiple outputs... Also, I tweaked the window edge snapping to include dock window types, to support the case where dock windows may be on the inner edges of multiple monitors (and thus currently ignored as struts in the output workarea setup). I personally think we should include these "inner" struts when calculating the
2007 Aug 08
Expo and Window Snapping
Not sure if this is where bugs should be reported, but here it goes. When Window Snapping is on and Expo mode is launched, dragging windows is jerky near the edges. This is especially noticeable with large windows, such as maximized Windows. There is an Expo option called "Immediate moves" that disables wobbly. If the problem is not easily fixed, perhaps "Immediate moves"
2008 Feb 07
Insensitive screen edges
Hi, You may have seen a thread about this issue on the forums, but I wanted post a mail about it here to be sure that it gets noticed by you compiz developers. The problem is that compiz seems to make the screen edges insensitive to clicks, meaning that e.g. a panel item isn't clickable when the pointer is directly at the screen edge. This breaks Fitt's Law and should therefore be fixed
2007 Jan 26
Get window textures even when they're transformed.
If I wobble a window and quickly initiate switcher or cube, this can cause weird artifacts. I had a look at Beryl's switcher.c In switchPaintThumb they use this: static void switchPaintThumb(...) { DrawWindowGeometryProc oldDrawWindowGeometry; AddWindowGeometryProc oldAddWindowGeometry; WindowPaintAttrib sAttrib = *attrib; int wx, wy; float width, height; CompIcon *icon = NULL; /*
2009 Oct 14
[ANNOUNCE] compiz-0.8.4
Compiz 0.8.4 is released! This is the second stable release of Compiz 0.8 series. This release brings two new plugins, translation updates, many bug fixes, improved stability, and better screen resolution change handling. Also included is additional integration work for KDE 4. In particular, window thumbnails are now supported in Plasma window tooltips with the new KDE compatibility plugin, the
2007 Feb 20
scaler plugin fixes
Hi I think this is mostly a question of preference for my part, but I think it would give an overall better quality feel. What I'm talking about is mostly the movement it uses. As I've come to understand, it uses velocity and direction, and a target point. This means that it updates it velocity and direction every X seconds (timestep), and gives it the possibility to be
2007 Aug 13
Compiz Fusion Release 0.5.2 is out!
Compiz Fusion Release 0.5.2 is out! This is the first development release of Compiz Fusion, the result of more than six months of work and polish. The first stable release, 0.6.0, will follow after the Compiz 0.6.0 release. Compiz Fusion is the result of a merge between the Compiz community plugin set "Compiz Extras" and the parts of the Beryl project that are independent of the
2007 Jun 06
[PATCHES] Fixes for java apps and firefox in scale, switcher and wobbly
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I've made these patches that basically, make the java apps and firefox items well being recognized by some compiz plugins (scale, switcher and wobbly), I don't know if those can be considered workaround, but this helps in using your desktop tools. Basically java apps are seen as: * name=sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer (default windows = Normal) *
2006 Apr 28
Wobbly settings
I have created a patch to wobbly that gives you friction and spring_k settings for each effect type. It seems to be very popular. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: compiz-wobbly-kf-options.bin Type: application/octet-stream Size: 9875 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2007 Mar 27
Problem with decorator and edges
Hi, I've just started using Compiz. I'm running Debian testing on a HP/Compaq nc4400 laptop, and I've installed Compiz from the exprimental repository, 0.3.6 I believe, since the 0.2.2 in testing was rather old. In general I have very few problems, besides having to change my ways of working due to a radically different interface :-) I did run into one thing I don't quite
2006 Jun 18
Feature request: windows snapping
There is a feature of oroborus (also used in xfwm) which might be worth importing: windows snapping. >From the xfce website ( "You can choose the windows borders to be attracted by the borders of other windows, or by the screen edges, when they are moved. The distance from which this effect will
2007 Apr 29
Wobbly jerkyness
About a month ago, David made a commit to wobbly to the spring engine which has introduced some bugs. They are hard to explain so bear with me. In a sense, the wobbly plugin does not seem as smooth as it used to be and the windows jerk all over the place. For example, I sometimes notice that when I move a large window (around 2/3 of the size of the desktop window), If I moved it down, the top of
2007 Apr 26
[PATCH]Make wobbly's bezier patch to work with grids that aren't 4x4.
Hi, Recently, I started taking a look at wobbly's source (I was interested in it's physics... ;-)) I noticed that GRID_WIDTH and GRID_HEIGHT were defined to be 4, and I wanted to see how the physics look like with grid sizes that aren't 4x4. I changed the defines to my new grid size, but unfortunately it didn't work. I investigated this "bug" (it's not exactly a bug
2010 Apr 30
X11() device widht and height parameters limited to one screen
Hi, if I specify the width and height of a plot I want to see via > X11(width=14,height=7) > X11(width=28,height=14) > X11(width=20,height=14) > X11(width=13,height=14) > X11(width=15,height=14) any width greater than 15 is ignored as it seems the width is limited by the screen width. However, as I am using two screens (xinerama), I can easily manually resize to fit two
2006 Dec 28
updating the AUTHORS file
Hey everyone, I like to get the AUTHORS file updated before the next release. I suggest that we add the name and email of anyone who contributed some piece of code to compiz. For people who have contributed such a significant piece of code that it can be considered an algorithm or some functionality (e.g. Mirco's sky dome support in the cube plugin or S?ren's plane plugin), that should
2010 Jun 18
Two patches for Snap
Hi, There are a couple of problems with Snapping Windows that I tried to fix: (1) The snap to windows checkbox in ccsm has no effect because Snap treats any window with struts as an edge, and all windows have struts. I think it should be a test for dock windows. (2) Windows don't snap to the left edge because it has been erased. The right edge doesn't seem to get erased because it is
2006 Dec 29
Vide: bug with minimize+wobbly
Hi, I notice a bug if I start wobbling unminized window before the minimizing effect is finished. Here's the video (flash): Does anybody else notice this? Stjepan
2007 Aug 25
Strange window flipping around
Hi, I have a glitch in all latest compiz versions (tried 0.5.2, 0.5.4 and git head+compiz-0.6 branch). When enabling cube and wobbly windows and moving a window left out of the screen (so the cube turns) the window seems to flip to the other side of the screen and back. This doesn't happen with 0.5. If required, I could try to make a film out of it. Any ideas what is wrong? I'd
2007 Jun 19
[PATCH] Screen edge trigger delay
Hi, a popular feature in Beryl currently missing in Compiz was the ability to delay triggering screen edge actions, so that you have to keep your pointer at the screen edge for a while for the action to be triggered to prevent accidential triggering. The attached patch adds that feature. I'd like to hear about questions/suggestions/objections about it. The only slight problem I see with it
2009 Feb 21
Clipped screen when using multiple X screens (regression) ?
Please see the Ubuntu bug report for photographs and logs of this problem "Clipped area for multiple X screens with different dimensions": Thanks to some great support and suggestions in #compiz-fusion-dev I've made some progress in trying to pin this issue down. I've operated with compiz and multiple X screens for