similar to: rake spec aborting

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "rake spec aborting"

2008 May 16
attachment_fu and/or rmagick on osx -- weird error
One of our developers is getting a weird error from attachment_fu and/or rmagick on OSX. And even weirder because he''s used attachment_fu and rmagick on other projects without difficulty. This all works fine on debian/ubuntu. See the stack trace below. Any suggestions? Btw, the code that''s blowing up is retrieving the attachment_fu info. The presence of image_science in
2007 Mar 23
Error - Conflicting types for parameter containers
Hi, I am trying to implement password-reset functionality. I have an email sent out to a user when they request a password. The URL in the email contains a cgi param, of which is a SHA 256 hex digest. The user clicks on that link and the page is opened in a separate window, when the user enters in their password. When I hit submit, I get the following error, anyone run into this error before?
2007 May 07
attachment_fu seems to be searching the wrong location for my images
I just installed attachment_fu and for some reason, it seems to be looking in the wrong location for my images. I have a Product model that belongs to a photo model. the photo model has the attachment_fu installed and configured like so: class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base has_attachment :content_type => :image, #Allow standard image formats :path_prefix
2007 Apr 09
Problem with Ferret on OS X with Locomotive
I am using Locomotive 2.0.8 with Rails 1.2.3 for development. It works great. I recently installed Ferret 0.11.4 as a gem. The installation seemed to go fine. No error or warning messages. I setup a test rails app to try Ferret, and the server won''t start. The error I get is /Applications/Locomotive2/Bundles/rmagickRailsJan2007_x86.locobundle/
2006 Jul 31
rescue_action_in_public useless to capture low level errors
Hi all, I''m trying to make for nicer system error handling, with the help of rescue_action_in_public (see Recipe 47, in ''Rails Recipes'') PROBLEM: While it lets me capture an incorrect db name in database.yml (for example), with lower level errors like when the DB server is just down, I still get the default system error screen for MySQL::ERROR :
2006 Dec 08
Using custom stem analyzer giving mongrel errors
I''m using the custom stem analyzer: require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret module Ferret::Analysis class FerretAnalyzer def initialize(stop_words = FULL_ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) @stop_words = stop_words end def token_stream(field, text),
2006 Aug 17
Ferret locks up when adding items to an index
I''m running Ferret 0.9.5 on a MacBook Pro (OS X 10.4.7) under Locomotive 2.0.7. I have a problem where Ferret is hanging when I try to add items to the index. It doesn''t happen with every object that''s being indexed, and I''m not sure what the objects in question have in common (they are not all instances of the same ActiveRecord object). The process
2006 Dec 15
:job_key acting weird?
Hi all I''m experiencing something strange with a :job_key, it took me a very long time to find out a worker wasn''t doing it''s job because of the name of my job_key. The first one I tried was :make_kohier, and with that name (and lot''s of other ones) I can''t get the worker to work. I do get my key in return, but the job doesn''t start
2006 Aug 02
Model still using mysql
When calling a Result.find_by_content on my model, I get the following error: Mysql::Error: Table ''db.results'' doesn''t exist: SHOW FIELDS FROM results Yes, I remembered to put acts_as_ferret. Any ideas? Trace:
2006 Jul 28
Forms: handle foreign keys (AssociationTypeMismatch)
Hi all I tried and tried and tried, but I still fail in creating a form with proper validation and stuff for foreign keys... So I''d really like to get some help here. I''m creating a booking site for DJ''s, and for every booking one can choose one of different countries: class Booking < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :country_id
2006 Jul 11
Ferret 0.9.4 C extensions and Macbook Pro
Hello, I am developing on a MacBook Pro. I had installed make and the gcc compiler in order to take advantage of the C extensions, and I installed the ferret 0.9.4 gem. When I installed the gem, it compiled the C extensions as part of the installation process for the gem, and I received this output: Attempting remote installation of ''ferret'' Building native extensions. This
2007 Feb 20
rails 1.2.1, locomotive and backgroundrb
Hi I just tried to move my project to rails 1.2.1 on my locomotive development setup. It seems that backgroundrb is not willing to start up anymore. If I switch locomotive back to 1.1.6, everthing is fine. This is the error I get while attempting to start backgroundrb: /Applications/Locomotive2/Bundles/standardRailsJan2007.locobundle/
2006 Dec 30
error of "no such file to load -- ferret_ext"
I''ve installed the latest version of Ferret (0.10.13) on Mac OS X 10.4.8 (Tiger) and I''m developing using Locomotive2. I installed with: $ gem install ferret I have a ferret_test.rb file: ----begin--------- require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret index = => ''/opt/search-index'')
2007 Nov 29
4 or collection.create gives "ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)"
I have a Project that has_many Tasks. Tasks belongs to a Project. When I try the following: project = I get: >> s = => #<Project:0x25f9e28 @attributes={"name"=>"", "end_at"=>nil, "updated_at"=>nil, "published_at"=>nil, "user_id"=>nil,
2008 Mar 31
ferret gem installation
Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError) ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. ruby extconf.rb install ferret creating Makefile make sh: line 1: make: command not found Gem files will remain installed in /Applications/Locomotive2/Bundles/
2007 Aug 25
Color gem
I''m using the ruby gem "Color" and I''m having some troubles with to_hex. I''ve installed the gem, and when I try and run the test program I get this error: >> red =''ff0000'') => #<Color:0x3685990 @saturation=1.0, @hue=0.0, @lightness=0.5> >> yellow =''ffff00'') =>
2009 Feb 09
mysql install problem
Hi, I got Mac OS X 15.6 installed, Locomotive 2.0.8 and MYSQL 5.0.67 running. I''m having this problem when I try to install mysql gem: Last login: Mon Feb 9 13:37:37 on ttys001 source /var/folders/be/bexGvm9pHdq0vcEmR8-WWk+++TM/-Tmp-//39E424DB-A260-4E41-AA2E-30B64FB46F3C-7395-00002254065EA712.environment.bash You have mail. MBPEduCirilo:~ eduardocirilo$ source
2008 Sep 14
rake spec:rcov => [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24) [i386-mswin32]
i have a rails app that tests fine with "rake spec" but gets a segmentation fault when "rake spec:rcov" is run. i am on windows xp, ruby 1.8.6, rails 2.1.1, mysql 5 my app is at so maybe someone can try to replicate my error so i know if the problem is with my code or something installed on my pc. here is a copy of my shell
2006 Nov 21
Observer + acts_as_taggable plugin = dead app
so i have found that if i try to place an observer on a model that is using the acts_as_taggable plugin, my app will not start up. this is what i get in the mongrel startup log /Applications/Locomotive2/Bundles/rmagickRailsSept2006_ppc.locobundle/framework/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.4/lib/active_record/base.rb:1129:in `method_missing'': undefined local variable or method
2006 Sep 05
can't use rake deploy with Capistrano
Hello, When I do rake deploy I have an error. As you can see, capistrano tryes to ln a dir that already removed (and I think that the directory is never created by capistrano). Before this command I made rake remote:exec ACTION="setup" that executed the following command: mkdir -p -m 775 /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/releases /home/ explicadores/apps/tutor/shared/system