similar to: Including my plugin specs into rake spec

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Including my plugin specs into rake spec"

2008 Mar 04
textmate bundle
Hi, I''m just getting e set up on my machine, and I was wondering if someone could point me to the current rspec bundle for textmate? I googled and found a million of them, I think. Thanks. -Corey -- The Internet''s Premiere source of information about Corey Haines -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Mar 05
Testing that a model helper method is called
So, I have a plugin that adds a method to ActiveRecord::Base, let''s call the method is_encrypted. class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base is_encrypted end So, my question is, how do I write a spec to show that is_encrypted is called here? I would rather not write specs that say that the behavior is there, since I have tested the behavior already in my plugin. Thanks. -Corey --
2008 Jan 15
Okay, I''m finally asking for help
Hi, all! I would love if someone could help me figure this out. I can''t seem to see why the following fails: Here''s the spec: it "should redirect back to the index page" do Coupon.should_receive (:new).with({"name"=>@expectedName,"amount"=>@expectedAmount}).and_return(@coupon) @coupon.should_receive(:save) response.should
2008 Jan 20
Which taggable library do people use?
I''d like to add taggability to a model in the site I''m working on, and I wanted to get an idea of what people are using. I keep seeing that acts_as_taggable is deprecated, so I tried the acts_as_taggable_on_steroids. I also tried be_taggable. In any case, I figured I''d see what people use. thanks. -corey -- The Internet''s Premiere
2007 Dec 27
ExampleGroup and SharedExampleGroup relationship(?)
I''m working on a series going over the source code for rspec, and I ran into something interesting with ExampleGroup and SharedExampleGroup. I was wondering if anyone could shed light on it. [NOTE: I''m working through the code for my own edification in learning Ruby. Ruby has some features that I think are incredibly cool, so I''m using a concrete implementation (RSpec)
2008 Jan 13
.html.erb files and autotest
When I work with a .html.erb file, the autotest rspec on rails stuff doesn''t understand the file to map it to the right test. I wanted to submit a patch for this, but I''m unsure where the specs would be to update. I found the necessary mapping in rspec_autotest.rb, but I can''t find any specs anywhere. Help? I just need to have /app/views/coupon/index.html.erb to map to
2008 Mar 11
Story testing views in isolation
Hi, I''ve been investigating plain text stories, and I had a quick question. How would I go about creating story tests for views in isolation, instead of the full stack? I had hoped to be able to do a straight render ''/'', but it says it can''t find the method. The reason that I want to do this is that I want to give our designer/business people a way to write
2008 Jan 23
Not seeing the failure
All, I''m missing something simple, I think. I am writing a spec to say that my CouponController should create a new coupon from the form parameters, then set the current user. Here''s the spec: describe CouponController, "When posting to save_coupon" do before(:each) do @expectedName = "pepper''s" @expectedAmount = 5 coupon =
2008 Jan 27
OT local version control?
Hi, all, This isn''t about rspec, but this list has people whose opinions I respect. So, I''m looking for a new version control system for my local development. I was going to install subversion, but I''ve heard rumors of people using some newer ones. Thoughts? I''d like to be able to run it either locally or on a home server. If I run it off a home server, then
2008 Jan 31
loading fixtures?
How do you load fixtures from specs as you would test? eg. rake db:fixtures:load RAILS_ENV=development -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Mar 19
When working with views, I use instance methods of ApplicationHelper: # app/helpers/application_helper.rb: module ApplicationHelper def distribute(total, min, cutof, list) [1,2,3] end end # app/views/planner/_mta_colors.rhtml: <td> <% ... dist = distribute(total_v_px, 4, 0, colors.collect{|color| color[1]}) ... %> So to test the distribute method in ApplicationHelper, I have
2008 Jan 29
I thought the RSPec community might be interested
in my latest blog posting : -- Rick DeNatale My blog on Ruby
2008 Jan 13
View spec''ing style
I''ve been getting my head around view spec''ing lately for a fairly complex project that makes heavy use of partials in views and I have hit up against a style puzzle. I see two strategies for spec''ing views: First: Develop detailed specs for each partial and then make sure that the final view expects that the appropriate partials are included and used. Pros:
2008 Mar 14
Multiple should_receive(:render).with
I''m trying to specify that a particular view must render two different partials. My spec looks like: describe AClass do it do template.should_receive(:render).with(:partial => ''foo'', :locals => { ... }) ... end describe ''some conditional case'' do it do template.should_receive(:render).with(:partial =>
2007 May 01
release 0.9 ''modifies'' specs at each rake invocation?
Hello, I am getting some odd behaviour. If I execute rake spec, and then try to modify a spec file that I have open in vi, and then go to save this file, vi warns me that the file has been modified outside of vi. However, if I execute only this file via script/spec, this modification does not take place. I file doesn''t appear to be getting substantively modified, so I''m
2007 Oct 18
rake spec:models failing
Hi there, I''m having trouble with `rake spec:models`. It''s failing on: - 1 old rspec/rails project - all new rspec/rails projects But, it *is* working fine on my other (older) rspec/rails projects. All projects are on rspec & rails 1.0.8, Rails 1.2.3, os X ppc Here''s a fresh rspec/rails project with failing rake task $ rails test_app -d postgresql $ cd
2008 Mar 04
rspec vs. test::more
Hey all, you HAVE to read this blog post: My favorite parts are: 1) ... some rspec code ... > For the sake of comparison lets translate this directly into perl: ... some perl code ... 2) >First, notice that the rspec-version isn''t actually ruby code. It''s not any real language. For the sake of
2007 Mar 15
rake spec:views no transaction error
Hello, I have recently upgraded to the 0.8.2 release of rSpec, and I am receiving the following message with each view spec execution: WARNING: there is no transaction in progress I have upgraded the rspec_on_rails plugin as well, and both the model and controller tests are working flawlessly. Is there some simple step I missed? thanks for the input. -Chris -------------- next part
2008 Mar 08
ridding away with do_request
I''m heading out of town, but had a quick thought I wanted to share. Rather then using ambiguous named request helpers in controller specs like "do_request", I''ve been using more readable helpers like "post_create". For example... describe ProjectController do def post_create post :create, ... end before do end it "creates a new
2006 Dec 07
Newbie Error Running specs
I''m new to rspec. I just installed these: rspec (0.7.4) RSpec-0.7.4 (r1201) (rspec gem) rspec_on_rails .3 plugin (on vendor/plugin) I''ve set up a simple spec - spec/library/test_spec.rb: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../spec_helper'' context "test context" do setup do #nothing end specify "nothing to specify" do