Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Revised 2005 proposal for meta-data"
2007 Jan 02
Revised - Revised 2005 proposal for meta-data
Happy new year!
This is the revised revised proposal:
I wait for comments.
Andrea Censi
"Life is too important to be taken seriously" (Oscar Wilde)
Web: http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~censi
2006 Dec 27
Maruku: a better Markdown interpreter for Ruby.
Hello to all!
Maruku is a Markdown interpreter written in Ruby. It is released under the GPL.
Maruku implements the original Markdown syntax and all the
improvements in PHP Markdown Extra. Moreover, it implements some ideas
from MultiMarkdown, and adds a syntax for specifying metadata for
block elements.
Unlike Bluecloth, Maruku creates an in-memory representation of the
document tree, and this
2007 Mar 04
Maruku + webgen - access to meta-information from content converter
I am the author of Maruku (http://maruku.rubyforge.org/), a
Markdown-superset interpreter.
At the moment I am
1) learning webgen
2) integrating Maruku+webgen
3) converting my website to webgen,
so I have many questions (one question, one message).
First one: I wrote the straightforward maruku.rb converter (see attachment).
In a content converter, how can I access the meta-information of
2007 Jan 10
Proposal for meta-data (third revision)
Hello again!
This is the revised revised revised proposal:
The main change was to use an opening string of brace+colon "{:" to
not lock-up the precious "{" forever, so that in the future one could
think of using the braces also for other purposes.
2006 Dec 30
Escaping inside code blocks?
I am doing unit-tests for Maruku and every once in a while I run into
some doubts.
I am posting a lot to the list, but all of these messages should be
in-topic (tell me if not).
Consider the input:
`There is a literal backtick (\`) here.`
`There is a literal backtick (\\`) here.`
``There is a literal backtick (`) here.``
The documentation says that line 2 and 3 are equivalent.
2007 Mar 09
Transformation order
I see that the well-defined order for transforming a page to HTML is:
- Transform the content using the content converter
- Replace tags
I think it should be the other way around.
I wrote this plugin that transform
{flickr: <url of the photo>}
into something like:
<div> Foto, caption, etc. </div>
Now, because of the order of transformations, the
2007 Mar 04
Questions about tags
Two questions about tags:
1) How can I disable tags execution? In my webpage I use a lot of "{"
"}" (LaTeX / Bibtex); also Maruku uses the brackets for uses; plus, I
don''t need tags.
2) Is it possible to change the magic characters "{" and "}"? Ok, not
really a question -- the answer is no, I looked at the source code.
If it was possible to
2006 Dec 29
Doubt about standard syntax
I have a doubt about the standard syntax (actually, it's the only test
that maruku doesn't pass yet).
Lists MUST be preceded by an empty line?
So the following are only 4 paragraphs, without list items, right?
Paragraph and no space:
* ciao
Paragraph and 1 space:
* ciao
Paragraph and 3 spaces:
* ciao
Paragraph and 4 spaces:
* ciao
In other words, a
2008 Jan 02
anchor tags?
Is there a cool webgen way to do anchor tags? I''ve just been doing this:
<span id="anchor_name"/>
...but is there a better way?
2007 Mar 30
Current status of webgen 0.4.3 and 0.5.0 (new plugin system)
Hi everybody!
As the easter holidays have now finally arrived and all the exams are
over, I will have more time for webgen again!
* Changes included in the upcoming 0.4.3 release
* webgen repository
* Status on 0.5.0
* Detailed information on the new 0.5.0 plugin system
Changes for 0.4.3
I have collected all mails/forum entries/ML postings in which bugs
2006 Jan 12
Finding by association
I have two objects that are associated in the following way:
class Class1 < ApplicationController
has_and_belongs_to_many :class2s
has_and_belongs_to_many :otherClasses
class Class2 < ApplicationController
has_and_belongs_to_many :class1s
has_and_bleongs_to_many :otherClasses
Now, when I run the following query,
@objects = Class1.find(:all, :conditions
2004 Aug 14
Private methods
I'm trying to understand R's object oriented abilities.
I have read (in a very recent email to r-help) that R's methods package
does not support private methods. However, I also looked at the source
for the function "is":
> is
function (object, class2)
cl <- .class1(object)
if (missing(class2))
if (.identC(cl, class2)
2011 Oct 10
Type of Graph to use
Please advice on what type of graph can be used to display the following
data set.
I have the following:
Name Class
a Class 1
a Class4
b Class2
b Class1
d Class3
d Class5
e Class4
e Class2
So each entry in name can belong to more than one class. I want to represent
the data as to see where
2007 Feb 02
Quick Element.getElementsBySelector() question
Does this code should works ?
elm.getElementsBySelector(''UL.class1 > LI.class2'');
I have an error caused by "UL.class1 > LI.class2"
- Does CSS Selector ">" works ?
- What is the exact ? may be "UL.class1>LI.class2"
Jean-Philippe Encausse - R&D Jalios SA
Jp [at] encausse.net - http://www.encausse.com -
2001 Feb 26
"untable" function
Dear R-users!
I am using R1.2.0 under Windows NT4.0, and have data of the following form:
> #simple example of data structure:
> x <- data.frame(group=LETTERS[1:3], class1=1:3, class2=4:6)
> x
group class1 class2
1 A 1 4
2 B 2 5
3 C 3 6
I would like to convert this to a data.frame y of the following form:
> y
group class counts
2006 Apr 04
Added method to ActiveRecord Class
Let''s say:
class Class2 << ActiveRecord
belongs_to: class1
class Class1 << ActiveRecord
has_many :class2s
def get_max_class2
?how to get the max of class2 list ?
I would like to know how I have to write the get_max_class2 method
in order to have the max value of the class2 list ?
I would like to call this method this way:
2004 Oct 14
I have a question concerning "setClassUnion".
I'm working with R 2.0.0 Patched (2004-10-06) on windows 2000.
I tried to use "setClassUnion" in a package I am currently working on. The
situation is similar to the following example:
The DESCRIPTION file has entries:
Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), methods
Imports: methods
LazyLoad: yes
The NAMESPACE file has
2004 Oct 14
I have a question concerning "setClassUnion".
I'm working with R 2.0.0 Patched (2004-10-06) on windows 2000.
I tried to use "setClassUnion" in a package I am currently working on. The
situation is similar to the following example:
The DESCRIPTION file has entries:
Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), methods
Imports: methods
LazyLoad: yes
The NAMESPACE file has
2011 Sep 23
Newbie question: Converting Table
I'm new to R, and I have searched helpfiles and this forum on my 2
questions. Hope you guys can help me out! :-)
Many thanks in advance!
Q1: I imported a csv file with columnames subject and class. There are about
1000 different classes...
It looks like this:
subject1, class1
subject1, class2
subject2, class1
subject2, class3
subject999, class1
subject999, class2
2009 Aug 10
how use cat() function?
i want to print in the console and to have an excel file like this
no_GWP NbOfPolicyClass1[0-1000] NbOfPolicyClass2[1000-3000] NbOfPolicyClass3[> 3000]
No_GWPMax=8 NbpolicyClass1=5 NbpolicyClass2=4 NbpolicyClass3 =3
i have do it like this:!!!
data1 <-