similar to: Maruku: a better Markdown interpreter for Ruby.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Maruku: a better Markdown interpreter for Ruby."

2006 Dec 30
Escaping inside code blocks?
I am doing unit-tests for Maruku and every once in a while I run into some doubts. I am posting a lot to the list, but all of these messages should be in-topic (tell me if not). Consider the input: --- `There is a literal backtick (\`) here.` `There is a literal backtick (\\`) here.` ``There is a literal backtick (`) here.`` --- The documentation says that line 2 and 3 are equivalent.
2006 Dec 29
Doubt about standard syntax
I have a doubt about the standard syntax (actually, it's the only test that maruku doesn't pass yet). Lists MUST be preceded by an empty line? So the following are only 4 paragraphs, without list items, right? ----------- Paragraph and no space: * ciao Paragraph and 1 space: * ciao Paragraph and 3 spaces: * ciao Paragraph and 4 spaces: * ciao ----------- In other words, a
2006 Dec 29
Revised 2005 proposal for meta-data
Hello to all! This is the revised 2005 proposal for meta-data, much more in detail: I wait for comments. At the end of the document, there are some open issues. And I need a regexp wizard to look over the "grammar" section. Cheers, -- Andrea Censi
2007 Jan 02
Revised - Revised 2005 proposal for meta-data
Happy new year! This is the revised revised proposal: I wait for comments. -- Andrea Censi "Life is too important to be taken seriously" (Oscar Wilde) Web:
2007 Mar 04
Maruku + webgen - access to meta-information from content converter
Hi! I am the author of Maruku (, a Markdown-superset interpreter. At the moment I am 1) learning webgen 2) integrating Maruku+webgen 3) converting my website to webgen, so I have many questions (one question, one message). First one: I wrote the straightforward maruku.rb converter (see attachment). In a content converter, how can I access the meta-information of
2006 Dec 29
Leading blank lines in codeblocks ignored?
(In the following I write <tab> because my MUA strips tabs) Consider the code: ---- Paragraph <tab> <tab> Line <tab> ---- or even: ---- Paragraph <tab><space> <tab> Line <tab> ---- ignores the leading blank line in the code block. Is this intended behaviour? -- Andrea Censi "Life is too important to be taken
2007 Mar 09
Transformation order
I see that the well-defined order for transforming a page to HTML is: - Transform the content using the content converter ... - Replace tags I think it should be the other way around. I wrote this plugin that transform {flickr: <url of the photo>} into something like: <div> Foto, caption, etc. </div> Now, because of the order of transformations, the
2007 Mar 04
div & span support
> [John Fraser:] Being able to wrap Markdown text in divs and spans ... I find div and span tags quite useful. Here is an example of the syntax I'm presently using. [[ {#orchard} Contents of div here. And ~this{.plum}~ is how I do spans. ]] becomes <div id="orchard"> <p>Contents of div here. And <span class="plum">this</span> is how I do
2008 Sep 17
bug in maruku with single-element nested unordered list?
This does not produce the expected output, yet does work on the dingus [1]: * asdf * asdf >> require ''maruku'' => true >> doc ="* asdf\n * asdf\n") => md_el(:document,[ md_el(:ul,[md_el(:li_span,["asdf * asdf"],{:want_my_paragraph=>false},[])],{},[]) ],{},[]) >> doc.to_html => "<ul>\n<li>asdf *
2008 Mar 22
I'm currently attempting to write a spec for parsing Markdown Extra, and since one goal is to minimize the differences in output between implementations, I've made a tool allowing me to compare who does what for any given input. I hope this can also facilitate future discussions about the syntax. So here's Babelmark, a testbed for various Markdown implementations were you
2008 Feb 18
Markdown RFC?
Hello, Has anyone considered writing a formal specification for Markdown? "Why specs matter" Thoughts? Cheers, -- PA.
2007 Jan 10
Proposal for meta-data (third revision)
Hello again! This is the revised revised revised proposal: The main change was to use an opening string of brace+colon "{:" to not lock-up the precious "{" forever, so that in the future one could think of using the braces also for other purposes.
2007 Mar 04
Questions about tags
Two questions about tags: 1) How can I disable tags execution? In my webpage I use a lot of "{" "}" (LaTeX / Bibtex); also Maruku uses the brackets for uses; plus, I don''t need tags. 2) Is it possible to change the magic characters "{" and "}"? Ok, not really a question -- the answer is no, I looked at the source code. If it was possible to
2007 Aug 27
Benchmarks with TextMate's manual
The following benchmarks have been obtained using the TextMate manual as the input source: <> Using PHP Markdown, parsing the 24 files separately (with the reference file appended to each of them), I get this (on an iBook G4 1.2 Ghz): Total Avg. Min. Q1. Med. Q3. Max. Parse Time (ms):
2006 Dec 30
best way to use emphasis within code?
I want to use fixed font like a code block but also use italics and bold at same time. For example in HTML: <tt>$ <b>mail -u <i>user</i></b></tt> What is the best way to do this in markdown, especially if I have several lines of content that needs to be spaced out correctly? Thanks Jeremy C. Reed
2008 Sep 08
list corner case
I'm curious how people think the following *should* be interpreted: - one 2. two As you can see, implementations split into three groups here: (a) treat as an unordered list, Python markdown, MultiMarkdown, BlueCloth, MarkdownJ, Showdown (b) treat as an unordered list with an ordered
2007 Jun 14
Revisiting mime-types and file extensions
Hi, I'm in the process of adding support for Markdown to a minimal CMS in Rails, [Railfrog][railfrog], which uses mime types to select appropriate processing. I have had a look through the archives but have not been able to see that a consensus has emerged as to what such a mime type for Markdown should look like. My reading of the RFCs suggests that it should be within the "text/*"
2007 Feb 02
S5 slide show system
S5 - - is an html-based slide-show system. It produces professional-looking slideshows from text with a little xml markup. Has anyone tried using Markdown to generate S5 slide-shows? I think this would be a pretty neat system. I'm thinking a level-1 header could be the slideshow title, and level-2 headers could define individual slides. Any thoughts? - Dan
2007 Mar 30
Current status of webgen 0.4.3 and 0.5.0 (new plugin system)
Hi everybody! As the easter holidays have now finally arrived and all the exams are over, I will have more time for webgen again! Summary ======= * Changes included in the upcoming 0.4.3 release * webgen repository * Status on 0.5.0 * Detailed information on the new 0.5.0 plugin system Changes for 0.4.3 ----------------- I have collected all mails/forum entries/ML postings in which bugs
2008 Jun 07
2 writing HTML documents in Markdown
[Note to markdown-discuss readers: for context see <>] * Kragen Javier Sitaker <kragen at> [2008-06-07 09:40]: > Stylesheeting comes naturally. I just put a `<style>` element > at the top with a few lines inside of it to format nicely. Note that Markdown ends up wrapping `<link>` and