similar to: Markdown use by newspapers?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Markdown use by newspapers?"

2011 Nov 10
Rails nested Routing
Hi there! I experienced an issue with routing. Basically, I''m trying to follow step-by-step the Rails'' official guides process for what concerns the nested routing. So, I have Newspapers that has_many :ads , and :ads belongs to :newspaper . What I did was simply trying to obtain an URL like this: http://localhost/newspapers/1/ads/1 but when I set routes.rb in this way:
2009 Feb 26
Desktop app for viewing Markdown files
Is there a file/document browser that render and display Markdown files? (for the Mac) jem
2007 Aug 10
How to include an external file with Markdown?
I'm building a website that has a common header across lots of pages and I want to source in that header. How do I do this with markdown? Matt -- I'm starting a blog. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2010 Dec 30
Sorting data.frame datewise in a descending order
Dear 'HTH' R friends I have a small dataframe as given below. I need to sort this database based on date in a decending order. I am not sure whether I have defined the date column in a proper format. mydat<-data.frame(date = (c("1/31/2010", "2/28/2010", "3/31/2010", "4/30/2010", "5/31/2010", "6/30/2010",
2012 Feb 01
Mac markdown editor that saves as .txt
Hi all, I'm a newer user of markdown & MultiMarkdown, and I'm looking for the perfect setup of software for my Mac and my Android phone. I'd like to have my drafts editable from both. What I want is an attractive Mac app for writing (primarily blog posts and emails) that saves its files as .txt . Most of them save as .md or .markdown instead, and since there doesn't seem to
2007 Sep 07
puppetmasterd memory usage
Hi, We have dedicated puppet master boxes, which basically only run a mongrel/puppetmasterd (6 instances), an apache proxy for mongrel and puppetd. Recently puppetmasterds seemed to have leaked almost all of the RAM, and the thrashing made the box painfully slow. We restarted the puppetmasterd processes, and started collecting some statistics. Attached is a graph of memory usage on one of the
2007 Feb 07
tzdata - extra info.
Sorry for the extra info required, but I had digest mode turned on and wouldn't have received the mailing till tomorrow. I have since updated the data manually, but after 'yum update tzdata' was run, the zdump -v for EST5EDT and America/New_York all still showed a date of April 1, instead of March 11. After manually fixing, it is correct. This was mostly a question about why yum
2010 Oct 18
questions on unstack()
Folks, I have the following dataframe: > x <- structure(list(name = c("EU B", "EU B", "EU B", "EU B", "EU B", "EU B", "AU A", "AU A", "AU A", "AU A", "AU A", "AU A"), date = c("2010-10-11", "2010-10-12", "2010-10-13",
2005 Jul 02
interrupted Y axis
I did not find an answer to my question after a quick search using the R search engine so thought I'd ask away: Does any know if there's a function exists to create an interrupted Y axis? What I mean by interrupted Y axis is that part of the Y axis has been removed or excised to permit one to see parts of the data in more detail. Perhaps an example will make this clear. Please go to
2011 Jan 26
ReMarkdown.css makes HTML look like Markdown text
Hello everyone on the list, I?m borrowing a bit of your time in order to present a little CSS experiment I?ve been working on: a stylesheet which gives a Markdown-like aspect to HTML elements, especially those elements that the Markdown syntax generates in the first place. This means > signs for blockquotes, # signs or underlines for titles, etc. I wrote a mini-website for it:
2008 Apr 16
Newbie Question
Installed the current Wine release under Ubuntu 7.10 32 Bit. I cannot see how to actually install a Windows application correctly. Sorry, I just can't find out how to do it - I want to run the .exe installation file for a program called ConvertXtoDVD. I also (through mucking about and not asking first) totally messed up the Wine application, removed it 'completely' via the Package
2013 Jan 08
tm: custom reader for readPlain
Hello: I have a series of newspaper articles from a Canadian newspaper database (Canadian Newsstand) that look just like below. I've read through this vignette ( about creating a custom reader to extract meta-data, but I can't understand how to apply this in the context of a text document, rather than in the tabular format
2007 Jul 25
Signing certificates with mongrel+apache puppetmaster
Hi, Is there a way to have puppetmaster sign new clients'' certificates when using apache+mongrel for serving, without having a separate puppetmaster instance running webrick on a different port/IP? I guess this does not work out of the box because apache is told to do the verification very early in the connection process, at which point it does not yet know that the client is going to
2006 May 31
Login screen changes
I tested moving a box from Tao 1.0 to CentOS 3.7. All went well, as far as I can tell, with the OS upgrades, but I needed to rpm -ivh --force the desktop-* stuff. This was a minor thing to fix for no real purpose other than to just be doing it. I still get, though, the Tao screens when the graphic login screen appears. I have changed the Application->Settings->Login Screen->
2002 Sep 22
installing a win software
Hi ! I've been trying hard to install a windows software with WINE. The name of the software is Distrinet. It's made by AMP (The company that distribute newspapers in belgium) and that's the only piece of software I'm forced to use at work under windows. It would be a joy for me to make it work under linux and be able to delete windows for good. This software runs fine under
2008 Mar 20
New install on Mac server start error
Hi, I have installed a Macports Ruby on Rails with MySQL and Mongrel following the instructions from: The server did start fine but now exits with the following Terminal printout. radarjem:~/newrailsapp jem$ script/server => Booting Mongrel (use ''script/server webrick'' to force WEBrick) => Rails application starting on
2007 Jun 06
"not authorized" when testing mongrel support
Hi, We''re trying to follow the instructions at (Just using a single puppetmaster/mongrel instance and plain mod_proxy for now, instead of balancer one) We got past the "Server is not a class" error by modifying mongrel.rb We also kind-of got past the: /opt/bin/puppetmasterd:293: undefined method `daemonize'' for
2010 Dec 10
45 Degree labels on barplot? Help understanding code previously posted.
Dear colleagues, i found a line or two of code in the help archives from Uwe Ligges about creating slanted x-labels for a barplot and it works well for my purposes (code below). However, I was hoping someone could explain to me precisely what the code is doing. I'm aware it's invoking the text command, and I know the first ttwo arguments to text are x and y co-ordinates. I'm also
2007 Mar 01
DVD rom questions
I'm running CentOS 3 and have just installed a Liteon lightscribe DVD/CD unit. I firstly realized I didn't know exactly how to mount it, as /dev/dvd didn't exist, I didn't want to generate anything if it already existed, and I didn't want to mess up my cdrom unit that works just fine. I mounted the device though the X window just to see how it might mount, and find that it
2007 Jun 07
Puppet/webrick benchmark
We haven''t been able to use mongrel for testing yet, but in order not to waste time, we did some performance testing with 1, 2 and 4 puppetmasterd/webrick processes. Attached is an HTML page (ripped from our wiki - not pretty, but reasonably readable) which describes the method and results. If someone feels like making some nice graphs, that would be great. If not, I''ll try to