similar to: Benchmarks with TextMate's manual

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Benchmarks with TextMate's manual"

2008 May 09
Markdown Extra Spec: Parsing Section
Hello all, I've began writing the parsing section of the spec, and I though I'd let you know about where I'm heading with all this. Basically, parsing is defined as three consecutive passes: parsing document elements, parsing block elements and parsing span elements. Each pass is going to contain a set of rules the parser should attempt to match while parsing the input. Rules
2008 Mar 22
I'm currently attempting to write a spec for parsing Markdown Extra, and since one goal is to minimize the differences in output between implementations, I've made a tool allowing me to compare who does what for any given input. I hope this can also facilitate future discussions about the syntax. So here's Babelmark, a testbed for various Markdown implementations were you
2007 Aug 04
PHP Markdown 1.0.1h & Extra 1.1.4
This update to PHP Markdown fix a bug that slipped in the WordPress interface with the last update. It also introduce a new "feature": you can now instruct the parser to ignore HTML tags and/or entities in the input. You can do this by instantiating yourself the parser and setting the `no_markup` or `no_entities` properties to true: $parser = new Markdown_Parser;
2007 Jan 02
Revised - Revised 2005 proposal for meta-data
Happy new year! This is the revised revised proposal: I wait for comments. -- Andrea Censi "Life is too important to be taken seriously" (Oscar Wilde) Web:
2006 Dec 29
Revised 2005 proposal for meta-data
Hello to all! This is the revised 2005 proposal for meta-data, much more in detail: I wait for comments. At the end of the document, there are some open issues. And I need a regexp wizard to look over the "grammar" section. Cheers, -- Andrea Censi
2006 Dec 30
best way to use emphasis within code?
I want to use fixed font like a code block but also use italics and bold at same time. For example in HTML: <tt>$ <b>mail -u <i>user</i></b></tt> What is the best way to do this in markdown, especially if I have several lines of content that needs to be spaced out correctly? Thanks Jeremy C. Reed
2006 Dec 27
Maruku: a better Markdown interpreter for Ruby.
Hello to all! Maruku is a Markdown interpreter written in Ruby. It is released under the GPL. Maruku implements the original Markdown syntax and all the improvements in PHP Markdown Extra. Moreover, it implements some ideas from MultiMarkdown, and adds a syntax for specifying metadata for block elements. Unlike Bluecloth, Maruku creates an in-memory representation of the document tree, and this
2006 Dec 29
Doubt about standard syntax
I have a doubt about the standard syntax (actually, it's the only test that maruku doesn't pass yet). Lists MUST be preceded by an empty line? So the following are only 4 paragraphs, without list items, right? ----------- Paragraph and no space: * ciao Paragraph and 1 space: * ciao Paragraph and 3 spaces: * ciao Paragraph and 4 spaces: * ciao ----------- In other words, a
2010 May 03
New parser-based Markdown implementation for Java
Markdowners, just a short heads-up to a newly released Markdown implementation: "pegdown" ( implements a Java Markdown-to-HTML processor based on a PEG parser with the grammar being based on John MacFarlanes C implementation "peg-markdown". pegdown uses "parboiled" ( for the actual parsing work and, as
2008 May 11
PHP Markdown 1.0.1l & Extra 1.2
Time for an update to PHP Markdown and PHP Markdown Extra. <> This new version of PHP Markdown Extra adds support for "fenced" code blocks (which I was previously calling "flat"). Fenced code blocks overcome many limitations of Markdown's indented code blocks: they can can be put immediately following a list item, can
2006 Sep 16
PHP Markdown 1.0.2b7
This is a new release for PHP Markdown, following 1.0.2b7 from a few weeks ago. It fix the same bugs, and some more; it also introduce more radical backend changes. It can be downloaded here: <> and you can test it on the PHP Markdown Dingus: <> This
2010 Dec 15
my scala markdown implementation
Hi, I have written my own implementation of markdown in Scala. I only later realized there is already one ( <> ), but I put quite some work into mine and I think it is never bad to have alternatives, so I wanted to release it anyway. I want to use the same BSD License as the original markdown, but before I put it out into the wild I wanted to ask
2012 Aug 07
Footnote output not valid.
I just received a report [1] that the footnote output we use in Python-Markdown (an exact copy of PHP Markdown Extra [3]) is not valid HTML [3]. If you notice he's using HTML5. At least the footnote syntax does valid on XHTML1 or HTML4. Anyway, any suggestions on how the various footnote implementations want to move forward with this? [1]:
2007 Aug 08
Backtick Hickup
I'm using Michel Fortin's MDTest cases to rewrite my html2text.php script. Just now I stumbled upon this bug (in PHP Markdown at least): # Input: Backtick: ``\``` # Output: <p>Backtick: ``&#96;``</p> # Should-Be Output: <p>Backtick: <code>`</code></p> If you (Michel) are already aware of this, just ignore me ;-) -- Milian Wolff
2006 May 19
Object-Oriented PHP Markdown/SmartyPants
This is something that I've been asked for many times. So today I'm announcing that all future versions of PHP Markdown and PHP SmartyPants will be encapsulated in a parser class. This has two major benefits: 1. It should make extensions to the syntax easier to create and maintain as it is now possible to now extend the parser by replacing (overriding) only the relevant
2007 Jun 14
Revisiting mime-types and file extensions
Hi, I'm in the process of adding support for Markdown to a minimal CMS in Rails, [Railfrog][railfrog], which uses mime types to select appropriate processing. I have had a look through the archives but have not been able to see that a consensus has emerged as to what such a mime type for Markdown should look like. My reading of the RFCs suggests that it should be within the "text/*"
2007 Aug 31
PEAR Channel and Git Repository Mirror for PHP Markdown & Extra
Until today, the only way I offered PHP Markdown and PHP Markdown Extra was with packaged zip files available on my website. It turns out, unsurprisingly, that some people would prefer a simpler path for keeping their copy of PHP Markdown up-to-date. So today I announce two additional ways of grabbing PHP Markdown and PHP Markdown Extra. The first one is a PEAR channel which can be used
2013 Feb 08
<footer> and cie.
Question: what should be the output for this: > for me the point of having my blog as a static site is mainly easy deployment<br> > I don't have to worry about even configuring PHP<br> > I just put html on a web server and boom! instant win > > <footer>? [Igor Wiedler wins](</footer> The real question is how to treat
2007 Jan 17
reference-style/shortcut syntax
I also agree that single bracket reference-style syntax is not prudent. As Jacob suggested, it creates ambiguity for the reader (Is it an edit or a link?). It also creates a new problem of potential conflict, however rare that may be. It seems reasonable to prefix a marker colon (possibly followed by whitespace): [:ref link] or [: ref link] And perhaps the same for attributes: {:att ref} or {:
2008 May 12
Fenced-Code-Blocks in Python-Markdown
I'd like to announce a beta release of the Fenced-Code-Blocks Extension for Python-Markdown. <> The latest code for Python-Markdown and packaged extensions are now available on Gitorious. <> The same syntax is used as the just released PHP Markdown Extra 1.2. I