similar to: tincd gives kernel general protection ip error.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "tincd gives kernel general protection ip error."

2008 May 21
this.initialize has no properties error in Prototype Code
Hi All, I''m a super newbie with Prototype and am trying to implement my first solution using it. This is my code: var span = ''totalViews'' + video_id; var params = ''video_id='' + video_id; Ajax.Response(''trackVideo.php'', { method: ''post'', parameters: params, onSuccess: function(transport) {
2005 Oct 17
fax - conversion problem
I am having a strange problem. On one * box I setup the fax recive, via spandsp -app_rxfax I have no problem here. On a second box I did the same. The resulting PDF appear "corrupt". If I transmit the same fax to both * box, the tiff files received are the same. A deeper analysis shows the only problem is the width and heigth of the document In the first PDF, I see
2006 Jul 10
Unexpected difference in Bounding Box of PDF graphics between (PR#9072)
huber at wrote: > Full_Name: Wolfgang Huber > Version: R version 2.4.0 Under development (unstable) (2006-07-09 r38523) > OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu > Submission from: (NULL) ( > > > There appears to be unintentional behaviour in the size of the bounding box for > PDF graphics produced with the current R2.4, compared to 2.3.1. I posted two PDF >
2020 May 30
Current thinking on backups ?
I run a pair of dovecot servers for personal small domains with several layers of backup in place ... - The two dovecot servers replicate to each via a Tinc vpn mesh. That gives email resiliency. - All mail is replicated via offlineimap to a 3rd server over that Tinc vpn. It's on the mesh, it has space, so why not ? - All mail is replicated as well as via mbsync to a zfs dataset on my
2007 Mar 09
pdf device bounding box?
dear R wizards: I have a very simple suggestion/question. Would it be easy to change the pdf device so that it adds a BoundingBox around its output? (Under R 2.4.1, this seems not to be the case, because epstopdf under linux complains. Fortunately, it still works correctly.) This is not a big deal, but it would be nice if R did so, if only to help some pdf programs that are less adept at
2011 Oct 17
Portrait and Lanscape PDF in the one document
People, I want to create a multi-page PDF doc and the pdf command works fine if I only use Portrait OR Landscape but how do I create a document that contains BOTH sorts of pages? Is it possible? - I couldn't find info about it. Thanks, Phil. -- Philip Rhoades GPO Box 3411 Sydney NSW 2001 Australia E-mail: phil at
2007 Oct 13
swfdec patch, adds letterSpacing support
Hello, here is a first small patch that adds support to Flash 8 letterSpacing property as described here :
2004 Aug 06
OT: whats your opinion of ODDSOCK streamTranscoder?
I'm sorry...I haven't been doind this for too long. What does a solid stream mean? --- >8 ---- List archives: icecast project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is needed. Unsubscribe messages sent to
2002 Nov 08
pdf() and pdflatex
I am having good success in using pdf() to produce pdf graphics files for inclusion in documents processed by pdflatex [I'm using R 1.6.0 on Linux]. I am having one small problem consistently though, which I believe I also had with S-Plus's pdf.graph(): wasted space at the top of the graph which causes pdflatex to put the graph on a later page, when the current page has plenty of space.
2006 Feb 28
Bounding Box in pdf files
This is probably a faq but I have not been able to find a solution. I create a pdf file in R but latex complains that it can't find the bounding box. Here is an example: > pdf(file="test.pdf", onefile=FALSE, width=8,height=8) > plot(1:10) > X11 2 > sessionInfo() R version 2.2.1, 2005-12-20, sparc-sun-solaris2.9 attached base packages: [1]
2020 May 24
Current thinking on backups ?
Hi, What are people doing for backups ? My current process is LVM snapshot and backup from that to NFS share. But there seems to be hints around the internet that people use/abuse "doveadm backup" for backup purposes even though it seems its original intention was for transferring mailboxes between dovecot instances. Assuming its ok to "doveadm backup" to an NFS share, is it
2015 Jan 26
Windows service tincd behaves different from command line tincd
Providing logs will greatly increase your chances of people helping you. Do 'tincd -n VPNname -D -d2' or -d3 or -d4 until you see error messages, do this on both sides. My common mistake is forgetting to copy the public cert to the other side. -Cobin On Jan 26, 2015 5:53 AM, "Henk van der Meer" <hvdmeer at> wrote: > Hello, > > > > I have 4
2016 Oct 06
Dev: new option to mark all tincd socket of a tincd process
On Wed, Oct 05, 2016 at 07:27:54PM +0200, Olivier Tirat wrote: > I'd like to mark all sockets established by a tincd process with a mark > passed as an argument in the command line. [...] > Do you think its something interesting? > Do you think its a hard work to do? > If not i could probably try to do it and propose a patch for that if you > think it is interesting. I
2015 Jan 26
Windows service tincd behaves different from command line tincd
Hello, I have 4 VM's running in Microsoft Azure. They all should have similar configurations except from their tinc ip addresses of course. They run tinc 1.0.24. I have a 5th machine, my development machine. I am able to ping all 4 VM's from my computer when I start tinc from the commandline (tincd -n innomeer -D -d 2). 3 of the computers also work ok when running tinc as a service
2007 Jan 02
how to build complete standalone "tincd"
I'm new to tinc. I have built tincd for Linux FC5. I also have an embedded Linux platform to deal with. I'm unable to build tincd directly on embedded linux, due to compiler missing/incompatible etc. issues. So I wish to build a standalone tincd on Linux FC5, and just ftp this single executable over to embedded linux and use it. How to do that? Right now when I ftp tincd to embedded and
2010 Oct 14
tincd does not compile with openssl-1.0.0a-r3 if LDFLAGS=-static
On my Gentoo box I updated openssl to openssl-1.0.0a-r3 I'm not able to compile with openssl-1.0.0a-r3 if I want a static binary ./configure LDFLAGS=-static the configure scripts complains like this: checking for RAND_pseudo_bytes... no configure: error: Missing OpenSSL functionality, make sure you have installed the latest version. this was working with previous version of OpenSSL.
2000 Jul 08
Problems starting up tincd with startupscript 1.0pre2-1.i386.rpm
Hello, I'm trying to set up a vpn using tinc, so I installed tinc with the rpm version on my firewall as a listener. Setting up the tap device is no problem. The file /etc/tinc/tinc.conf looks like: TapDevice = /dev/tap0 MyVirtualIP = Vpnmask = When I start the script /etc/rc.d/init.d/tinc start it says something about missing /etc/tinc/nets.boot
2004 Jan 07
WinXP Home tincd problem
TincList, I have set up tinc on many windows boxes, and never with this problem before. The machine is running tinc-1.0.2, with all of the proper files set up. We are using the tap-win32 adapter, and it is installed correctly. I even uninstalled and reinstalled the adapter when I saw this problem. No affect. The user running the tincd demon is the administrator, and no personal firewalls are
2004 Jan 07
XP Home tincd error
Tinc list, I am working to install tinc-1.0.2 on an XP Home machine. The program has been installed, and all files and keys are in the proper places. I know this is true because I've installed it on quite a few machines, and they all work properly. (Good work Guus!) The question comes down to this output. When I attempt to run tincd for the first time, I get this error: C:\>cd
2004 May 03
tincd.exe -K (sorry if present twice)
Hello, can one specify the priv/pub key filepath without the -c switch. I need some more controll over where the keys get stored. tincd.exe, without the -n switch stores it's keys in a static path. Relativ pathes would help. thx, Axel