similar to: [ANNOUNCE] cmarkdown-0.3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "[ANNOUNCE] cmarkdown-0.3"

2011 Jun 22
Queries regarding Lustre Throughput Numbers with mdtest benchmark
Hi, I have a query regarding Lustre Throughput Numbers with mdtest benchmark.I am running mdtest benhmark with following options :- /home/meshram/mpich2-new/mpich2-1.4/mpich2-install/bin/mpirun -np 256 -hostfile ./hostfile ./mdtest -z 3 -b 10 -I 5 -v -d /tmp/l66 where , mdtest - is the standard benchmark to test metadata operations. [
2011 Jun 22
Queries regarding Lustre Throughput Numbers with mdtest benchmark
Hi, I have a query regarding Lustre Throughput Numbers with mdtest benchmark.I am running mdtest benhmark with following options :- /home/meshram/mpich2-new/mpich2-1.4/mpich2-install/bin/mpirun -np 256 -hostfile ./hostfile ./mdtest -z 3 -b 10 -I 5 -v -d /tmp/l66 where , mdtest - is the standard benchmark to test metadata operations. [
2023 Mar 09
CIFS client mounts meta ops 30 times slow than server
Hi Samba users, We would like to use samba for re-exporting our other distributed file system (BeeGFS). However, we found that the meta data operations are very slow (dir stat, removal etc.). On SMB client the performance is more than 30x slow than on the SMB server. We would expect some slowness but this is too big a drop. This is the result on CIFS client $ sudo mdtest -b 10 -I 10 -L -z 2
2010 Dec 15
my scala markdown implementation
Hi, I have written my own implementation of markdown in Scala. I only later realized there is already one ( <> ), but I put quite some work into mine and I think it is never bad to have alternatives, so I wanted to release it anyway. I want to use the same BSD License as the original markdown, but before I put it out into the wild I wanted to ask
2009 Feb 28
What is the most recent offical test suite ?
I just recently became aware of MarkdownTest_1.0.3 (which discount fails, due to the behavior of code blocks changing from "leave whitespace alone except on the first line" to "leave whitespace alone", and the addition of a new kind of magic link that doesn't seem to be documented); is this the most recent version of the test suite, or is there a newer one out there?
2007 Jul 03
MDTest 1.0
I'm announcing today a new testsuite application for Markdown called MDTest. I've been using it as a replacement for John's Markdown Test for some time now I think it's ready for release. First, I want to say Markdown Test has been very useful in developing PHP Markdown. The testsuite covers many cases, however I still found the need to add other tests for PHP Markdown, to
2010 May 03
New parser-based Markdown implementation for Java
Markdowners, just a short heads-up to a newly released Markdown implementation: "pegdown" ( implements a Java Markdown-to-HTML processor based on a PEG parser with the grammar being based on John MacFarlanes C implementation "peg-markdown". pegdown uses "parboiled" ( for the actual parsing work and, as
2009 Feb 25
Cpp-Markdown 1.00
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I'm happy to announce that the Cpp-Markdown project is now available. Cpp-Markdown is a Markdown-to-HTML translator written in C++, and meant for use within C++ programs (rather than web applications). The code is still a little rough around the edges, but the results are pretty good: it passes all 23 tests in the Markdown test suite, and 12 of
2007 Sep 02
[Bug] PHP Markdown (Extra) generates invalid HTML for code blocks
PHP Markdown v 1.0.1i and PHP Markdown Extra v 1.1.5 generate invalid HTML for code blocks Take this input: paragraph codeblock Markdown will generate: <p>paragraph</p> <pre><code>codeblock </pre></code> Notice the wrong position of the closing code tag. -- Milian Wolff
2006 Nov 02
What will be the future of Theora?
I have take a look at SVN and i don't see activity into Theora since June when alpha7 was released , is Theora development stopped?. Also ffmpeg2theora the last version 0.16 is from February and the last version of Theora was released in June , will be a ffmpeg2theora new version soon? Other question , in SOC there was a project to make Theora hardware decoder , which was the result?
2009 Sep 17
rsync deletes target files after source drive failure
Hi, I'm making backups using rsnapshot via cron jobs. Recently the source drive died. rsync wasn't able to read the source data and subsequently deleted the target directory. Here is part from the log: . . . /usr/bin/rsync -avi --delete --numeric-ids --relative --delete-excluded \ --stats --exclude-from=/redgum-backup/emiddel/rsync-excludes \ --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh xxx at yyy:/srcdir
2004 Jun 11
smbldap tool
I have a Fedora Core 1 machine and I am trying to install "smbldap-tools-0.8.4-1.1.fc2.dag.i386.rpm" However, I am having the following problem: [root@jesus root]# rpm -i smbldap*.rpm warning: smbldap-tools-0.8.4-1.1.fc2.dag.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 6b8d79e6 error: Failed dependencies: perl(Net::LDAP) is needed by smbldap-tools-0.8.4-1.1.fc2.dag
2008 Jan 23
Problem with UL followed by OL
I got a problem with UL followed by by OL when I using perl module "Text-Markdown-1.0.5". I wrote the following markdown code. - a - b 1. 1 2. 2 I expected that Text-Markdown would produce the following HTML. <ul> <li>a</li> <li>b</li> </ul> <ol> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> </ol> However, "Text-Markdown-1.0.5"
2006 Dec 22
Relating Namespaced Models
I am dealing with a large project. I use a lot of STI and therfore have a lot of models. I''d like to use namespaces to help organize my models but am having trouble getting started. I have a base model Term::Base located in /app/models/term/base.rb: class Term::Base < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "terms" end I have a non-namespaced client model: class Client <
2007 Oct 29
[Bug] Codeblock in _second_ line
Take the following input and both `` and PHP Markdown will fail: ~~~Input~~~~~~ Codeblock ~~~End~~~~~~~ ~~~Expected~~~~ <pre><code> Codeblock</pre></code> ~~~End~~~~~~~ ~~~Actual Result~~ <p>Codeblock</p> ~~~End~~~~~~~~ There is already a testcase in MDTest for codeblocks in the first line, though the above is still not handled properly! --
2007 Aug 08
Backtick Hickup
I'm using Michel Fortin's MDTest cases to rewrite my html2text.php script. Just now I stumbled upon this bug (in PHP Markdown at least): # Input: Backtick: ``\``` # Output: <p>Backtick: ``&#96;``</p> # Should-Be Output: <p>Backtick: <code>`</code></p> If you (Michel) are already aware of this, just ignore me ;-) -- Milian Wolff
2001 Oct 11
no response received to oplock break request
Hi All, My problem started with new server hardware and software update, also I changed my network from 10 to 100Mb (New Cable and switches) I have a problem with oplocks. I run Samba 2.0.10 (also tried 2.2.1a) on Suse 7.1 Kernel 2.4. Several times a day I have an oplock error like this: (request_oplock_break: no response received to oplock break request to pid 5312 on port 32857 for dev = 803,
2007 Nov 03
ANN: python-markdown2 -- another Python implementation of Markdown
Hello all, I'm announcing python-markdown2 -- another Python implementation of Markdown. (MIT license.) It should be a drop-in replacement for []( It fixes some issues that I ran into with [^1]. I believe that it is faster than [^2] and on par or a little
2006 Apr 17
Hobbit install requirements
I'm attempting to install Hobbit 4.2.1 on CentOS 4.3. When attempting to "configure -server", I get: : : Checking for RRDtool ... RRDtool include- or library-files not found. These are REQUIRED for hobbitd RRDtool can be found at If you have RRDtool installed, use the "--rrdinclude DIR" and "--rrdlib DIR"
2006 Apr 01
libxml2 RPM via yum?
Hi All, I can't find anything via yum for libxml2. I also, for some reason, can't get to the source page for libxml2 here, Is there not an RPM via yum for this? Need it for a dependency for installing PHP from source, which I need to do, for certain reasons. Cheers. Mark.