Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Problem with build and check"
2015 May 15
Installation error with R-devel
I have a local library with functions that interrogates an institution-specific web API,
so is not of interest to anyone outside of Mayo. For some reason the R CMD INSTALL
command fails. See below:
Build the library, then install it.
tmt-local2127% R CMD build dart
* checking for file ?dart/DESCRIPTION? ... OK
* preparing ?dart?:
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* installing
2015 May 15
Installation error with R-devel
It's hard to diagnose this without your package sources / a
reproducible example.
Shot in the dark: one thing worth checking is that you don't have an
entry in your `.Rbuildignore` that's removing files you don't expect
it to (maybe that's causing R to strip out the 'doc/index.html' file)
On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 12:54 PM, Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D.
2015 Jul 09
R CMD build failure
I have a local library 'dart' that imports "httr". It has routines that access central
patient data such as birth date, so it is heavily used locally but of no interest to
anyone else.
The httr library (and 300 others) are in a shared directory, referenced by everyone in the
biostatistics group via adding this location to the .libPaths in their default .Rprofile.
2009 Sep 27
Count number of zeros in a collumn
I have a matrix 700x2000 which is sampled in each cycle from another matrix
788x2000 with the numbers 0,1 and 9
There is one specific collumn of this matrix, dart[,1977], that usually,
after the samplimg procedure has only 1 and 9 (because the zero frequency in
this collumn is low).
However, when this happens, I want to include an IF conditional in my code.
so basically what i wanted to do was to
2019 Sep 30
Proposal for llvm.experimental.gc intrinsics for inttoptr and ptrtoint
Hi All,
I'm working on a project converting Dart to llvm. Dart uses a relocating GC
but additionally uses pointer tagging. The first bit of a pointer is a tag.
For integers a '0' bit is used and for pointers to objects a '1' bit is
used. V8 apparently uses a similar technique. Generated code may need to
check which bit is used when this information isn't statically known.
2008 Aug 27
RCurl: using netrc with curlPerform
I am having trouble getting the curlPerform function to authenticate
using the .netrc file. From the documentation I've read it
certainly seems as though this function should be able to authenticate
via the .netrc file.
The example I am using here comes from the "R as a Web Client- the RCurl
package" paper and demonstrates using the .netrc file to access the
2001 Feb 27
rsa_public_encrypt() exponent too small or not odd
I am attempting to deploy OpenSSH.
The trouble is I keep getting the rsa_public_encrypt() exponent too small or
not odd with the SSH 1 or 1.5 protocols. I can't get OpenSSH to communicate
with itself with any protocal other than SSH 2.
Platform notes:
HP-UX 11.00 Dart 51 64bit
OpenSSL 0.9.6
Zlib 1.1.3
I have tried with and without optimizations. I noticed that this problem
2007 Jun 09
Example module for central git repository via http (sort of like a subversion repo) [a bit RFC]
Hi all,
I''ve been looking for a good example for how one would build a module,
but I couldn''t really find something that I liked, so I went ahead and
tried to do it myself.
The result is this: a git module (see attachment).
Please have a look and comment on it, before I add it to the wiki. I
especially want comments on the setup of the module itself, not so
much on the git
2009 Oct 04
Row to Column help
Dear R Community,
I am attempting to transpose a dataset from rows to columns but am stuck. I
have tried using reshape() with little luck, possibly due to the categorical
nature of the data. For example:
2008 Aug 28
RCurl: authentication when posting forms
Has anyone successfully used RCurl for posting data to a
password-protected site? I
have tired using option netrc=1 with both postForm and curlPerform (with
postfields option) but can't authenticate.
I would happily provide more details if some one has had some experience
with this.
Thanks very much.
2008 Sep 08
nested ANOVA with fixed and random variables missing data
I have a nested ANOVA, with a fixed factor "tmt" nested within "site" (random).
There are missing values in the data set.
aeucs, tmt and site have been defined as objects
I have tried:
I get the following error message
Error in na.fail.default(list(aeucs = c(0.833333333, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.666666667, :
missing values in object
2009 Oct 21
Question on mixed effect models with LME
Good afternoon
Using R 2.9.2 on a machine running Windows XP
I have a longitudinal data set, with data on schools and their test scores over a four year period. I have centered year, and run the following
m1.mod1 <- lme(fixed = math_1 ~ I(year-2007.5)*TFC_,
data = long,
random = ~I(year-2007.5)|schoolnum,
na.action = "na.omit")
2011 Oct 27
Proc Mixed to R
Hi All,
I'm working with some SAS code to analyze an experiment set up as follows:
66 subjects (colonies) treated with a random treatment (1-8) and measured at
three time points.
The data structure looks like:
input colony tmt y1 y2 y3;
y=y1; date=*1*; output;
y=y2; date=*2*; output;
y=y3; date=*3*; output;
2017 Feb 08
R CMD check error
I have a local library which depends on the expm library. The expm library is loaded into
my personal space and I have the environment variable R_LIBS_USER set appropriately. The
command "library(expm)" works just fine from the command line, and in fact the package
works if I do the source() and dyn.load() commands by hand.
The following sequence works:
tmt% R CMD build
2009 Oct 21
Missing data and LME models and diagnostic plots
Running R2.9.2 on Windows XP
I am puzzled by the performance of LME in situations where there are missing data. As I understand it, one of the strengths of this sort of model is how well it deals with missing data, yet lme requires nonmissing data.
m1.mod1 <- lme(fixed = math_1 ~ I(year-2007.5)*TFC_,
data = long,
random =
2009 Feb 04
Target Plot?
I've done a little snooping around the R Gallery Site (http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/) and the "Statistics with R" site (http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/all.html), but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for.
Here is the type of plot I would like to draw:
(1) 2-D three axis plot where each axis is separated by 120-degrees (would be great if the number of axis
2019 Oct 01
Proposal for llvm.experimental.gc intrinsics for inttoptr and ptrtoint
For a datapoint, Julia uses the following function description to implement
approximately the capability of those functions. We then also verify that
there's no direct inttoptr/ptrtoint into our gc-tracked AddressSpace with a
custom verifier pass (among other sanity checks). I can provide additional
details and pointers to our gc-root tracking algorithm implementation if
desired (I also plan
2020 Jan 22
Hi all,
Anyone know how to specify for fetchmail in .netrc the "folder" to read ?
If tried folder XYZ
and it says unknown token folder.
Man page says that should work.
2017 Feb 09
R CMD check error
I am aware of --vanilla; I use it myself for some testing. In this case R_LIBS_USER was
set externally (part of my login) and does not involve any of the R scripts. That means
it is inherited by any subprocess. For example:
tmt1495% R --vanilla --no-environ
R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
2019 Jun 04
Offer zip builds
On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 8:04 PM Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> I don't recall anyone asking for the zip in the 17 years after that
> change, until now (though I haven't been paying attention lately, since
> I retired from building the binaries a couple of years ago).
> If you think it's worthwhile to do it, then I don't think anyone would
> object if you went ahead and