similar to: Package vignettes share the same environment?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "Package vignettes share the same environment?"

2012 Mar 13
Error " subscript out of bounds"
Hello, R-users,   I have a datafile with 37313 records and each record has 5 different measurements on the same variables. The format looks like this: treeID, VIG0, VIG1, VIG2, VIG3, VIG4 I was trying to convert the one row record to 5 rows record with format like this (treeID, MEASUREMENT, VIGOR). My code like this:   treeMeas<-matrix(data=0,nrow=(length(tree1$indivTree)*5), ncol=3)
2024 May 23
No RID Set found for this server. Can't self-allocate
The Samba ports are not filtered. The firewall is between STG-DC and SAMBADC (both of them sync correctly). The sync problems happen in VIG-DC3, which is behind the same firewall of STG-DC. Here's nmap output (SAMBADC is root at vig-dc3:~# nmap -Pn Starting Nmap 7.93 ( ) at 2024-05-23 08:22 UTC Nmap scan report for SAMBADC.ugt.ldap (
2002 Jun 21
Rgui 1.5.1 crashes constantly with the following script
I am not sure if something is wrong with my programming or is a bug of chron or something else. In the following script, db is a large dataframe (dim(db)=c(60698,14)), then I select a very small part for a specific date and compute some basic statistics. date.base is a chron object foo<-function(db,date.base){ date.base<-as.numeric(date.base) #convert to number
2014 Aug 25
vignette index going AWOL
I?m preparing a package (fastR) for submission to CRAN, but the vignette index keeps going AWOL, or at least R CMD check ?as-cran thinks so. I?ve tried several things and gave myself the weekend to think of other things, but I can?t figure it out. Perhaps someone on the list can lend a hand. Here?s one example situation, where I build the index.html file myself and put it in inst/doc/index.html
2013 Apr 01
missing exported methods when compiling vignettes in R 3.0.0 RC
A new problem has cropped up with compiling vignettes for my package BayesFactor. I'm not sure when it started, but I can tell you it didn't occur on R 2.15.3, and it does on 3.0.0 RC (2013-03-31 r62463) (session info is at the bottom of this message). I have defined methods for which.min and which.max for a class (I've defined both S3 and S4 methods for the class
2017 Jan 19
read.table con .csv separado por "|"
Tenía la versión data.table 1.9.6.- Actualicé a la data.table 1.10.0 y funcionó tal cual lo indicás. Muchas gracias. ?Para eliminar las " adicionales estoy usando: library(stringr) library(plyr) datos$d_nomenclador <- str_replace(datos$d_nomenclador, pattern='\\","', replacement="") datos$nomenclador_descripcion<- str_replace(datos$nomenclador_descripcion,
2004 Oct 29
R-exts.texi: suggestion for small change to Vignette section (PR#7323)
I recently wrote a vignette, with the following at the top of the .Rnw file: %%\VignetteIndexEntry{How to use look up tables for h() functions} %%\VignetteDepends{sjedmin, spatstat} Using vExplorer() on this function, I got an error from this part of getVigInfo(): lines <- grep("^%[[:space:]]*\\\\Vignette", file) if (length(lines) == 0) stop("File ", vig,
2017 Feb 21
R CMD build error during vignettes build
Hello, I'm trying to rebuild a package (using R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)) that has not seen any changes since it was last built without problems in previous R versions. It fails during vignette building with: ---<--------------------cut here---------------start------------------->--- $ R CMD build diveMove * checking for file ?diveMove/DESCRIPTION? ... OK * preparing ?diveMove?: *
2003 Jun 02
Exim as default MTA?
Yes, I've been reading /. :) But this isn't the first time this has occured to me. With all the security vulnerbilties, would it be unreasonable to either change the default MTA from sendmail to Exim/Qmail/Postfix, or give people the option of installing something instead of Sendmail at install time? -- Avleen Vig "Say no to cheese-eating surrender-monkeys"
2013 Aug 28
Error when using buildVignettes()
Dear all, When running function 'testQAReport()', which uses function 'buildVignettes()' to create a pdf-file I get the following error: > source("testQAReport.R") > testQAReport() Error in .get_package_metadata(pkgdir) : Files 'DESCRIPTION' and '' are missing. Since I did not get this error in earlier versions of R, could you
2003 May 30
IPFW logging brokeness?
I don't think I'm trying to do anything amazing, but IPFW's logging features are giving me a real headache. I can't find much in the archives either, but I find it hard to believe others havne't found this too. My rule: add 100 allow log tcp from any to <my IP> <ports> limit src-addr 2 I want connecting parties to be able to form no more than 2 connection. This
2005 Jan 19
* creating vignettes ... ERROR
Hi, I have the following error when building a package * creating vignettes ... ERROR Error: chunk 3 Error in pmatch(x, table, duplicates.ok) : argument is not of mode character Error in buildVignettes(dir = ".") : Error: chunk 3 Error in pmatch(x, table, duplicates.ok) : argument is not of mode character Execution halted I use R-2.0.1 under debian linux 2.6.9
2007 May 14
RFC: allow packages to advertise vignettes on Windows
Hello, The vignette concept, which started in Bioconductor, seems to be catching on. They are supported by R CMD build/check and documented in the Writing R Extensions manual. I think vignettes are a fantastic way to introduce new users to a package. However, getting new users to realize that a vignette is available can be challenging. For some time now, we have had a function in Biobase that
2008 Apr 07
How to include a vignette with my package?
I want to include a vignette with a package I wrote. I did follow the "Writting R extentions" document step by step, but went I run "Rcmd build", an error occurs. It goes like this: " * creating vignettes ... ERROR . . . . :7: Emergency stop L7L ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!texify: pdflatex failed for some reason <see log file>.
2011 Feb 21
Error in tools::build Vignettes (dir = ".")
Dear List, Recently i changed my environment switching from 32bit XP to 64bit W7. I'm trying to rebuild my package with R 2.12.1 (2010-12-16) R CMD check --> everything ok, no warning, error nothing BUT R CMD build --> Error in tools::build Vignettes (dir = ".") : Execution of make failed (translated output) However, if i take the commands from the makefile, they all
2003 Oct 23
texi2dvi and buildVignettes() on Windows
I am currently writing a (private) package in which I produce pdf files from within R using LaTeX. To do so I mainly copied some lines from the buildVignettes() function in the tools package. This uses the texi2dvi which is included in R's bin directory: system(paste(file.path(R.home(), "bin", "texi2dvi"), "--quiet --pdf", bft)) This runs
2013 Sep 15
FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false
Dear All, I have been checking the metafor package against R-devel. R CMD check --as-cran metafor yields one note: FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false Yes, I have 'BuildVignettes: FALSE' in my DESCRIPTION file. I see at Tue, 25 Jun 2013 CHANGES IN R-devel UTILITIES 'R CMD check --as-cran' warns about a false
2013 May 03
untar() error
Dear List, I have a list of 600+ *.gz files that I would like to extract and read the geotiffs contained within them. I tried using the untar() function to simplify this task but I am stumped by an error. I've combed the Internet for a solution without luck. The details are below, and any help in solving this matter is appreciated. > files = list.files(path = "J:/GIMMS/NDVI",
2013 Jul 17
SweaveParseOptions, quoted commas, and knitr vignettes
I haven't figured it out entirely, but it looks like there are a couple of small glitches with knitr-based vignettes and SweaveParseOptions. I posted the tarball of a package with a knitr vignette with (as far as I can tell) everything properly coded in the DESCRIPTION file (VignetteBuilder: knitr, Suggests: knitr) and the vignette itself (%\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr}). When Windows
2011 Mar 30
R CMD build processes inst/doc/Makefile only if there are vignette files?
Hi, in Section 'Writing package vignettes' of 'Writing R Extensions' it says: "Whenever a Makefile is found, then R CMD build will try to run make after the Sweave runs, so PDF manuals can be created from arbitrary source formats (plain LaTeX files, ...). [...] Note that the make step is executed even if there are no files in Sweave format, [...]". In my package,