similar to: A question about multiple(?) out of order ReleaseObject

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "A question about multiple(?) out of order ReleaseObject"

2014 Mar 07
Repost: (apologies for HTML post) A question about multiple(?) out of order ReleaseObject
Apologies, I am resending this because my emails seem to go in HTML form. Hello, This is a question that probably reveals my lack of understanding. In a C function (call it cfunc), i created a SEXP, called S, and then called R_PreserveObject on S. I returned the SEXP to the calling R function (call it rfunc). Note, I didn't call R_ReleaseObject on S. v <- .Call("cfunc") So,
2014 Mar 07
Many apologies: last post: A question about multiple(?) out of order ReleaseObject
Apologies, I am resending this because my emails seem to go in HTML form. (I haven't as yet figured gmail web interface) Hello, This is a question that probably reveals my lack of understanding. In a C function (call it cfunc), i created a SEXP, called S, and then called R_PreserveObject on S. I returned the SEXP to the calling R function (call it rfunc). Note, I didn't call
2008 Feb 22
Calling R_PreserveObject from embedded R
Hello. This is my first post to the list, so first I'd like to thank everybody for making and mantaining such a great product as R. I'm writting a native binding to R from Dolphin Smalltalk. I've followed up the examples of the documentation showing how to run R embedded, and I got it partially working. However, I have a problem with the reference handling of the R objects.
2010 Jan 02
R-devel Digest, Vol 83, Issue 2
[Disclaimer: what is below reflects my understanding from reading the R source, others will correct where deemed necessary] On 1/2/10 12:00 PM, r-devel-request at wrote: > > Hello, > > We are currently making lots of changes to Rcpp (see the open Rcpp > mailing list if interested [1] in the details). > > We are now using [2] R_PreserveObject and R_ReleaseObject
2017 Sep 21
calling R API functions after engine shutdown
Hi! We?ve recently come across an example where a package (minqa) creates an Rcpp Function object in a static variable. This causes R_ReleaseObject to be called by the destructor at a very late point in time - as part of the system exit function: static Function cf("c"); I?m wondering if that is considered to be ?safe?? Is the R engine supposed to stay in a state where calls to API
2010 Jan 02
R_PreserveObject, R_ReleaseObject : reference counting needed ?
Hello, We are currently making lots of changes to Rcpp (see the open Rcpp mailing list if interested [1] in the details). We are now using [2] R_PreserveObject and R_ReleaseObject to manage garbage collection instead of the PROTECT/UNPROTECT dance. This seems to work well, but I was wondering if there was documentation about it. In particular, if we preserve the same SEXP twice (or more),
2008 Jul 20
garbage collection, "preserved" variables, and different outcome depending on "--verbose" or not
Dear list, While trying to identify the root of a problem I am having with garbage collected variables, I have come across the following oddity: depending on whether --verbose is set or not, I obtain different results. I have made a small standalone example to demonstrate it. The example is very artificial, but I had a hard time reproducing reliably the problem. So when I do: (the content of
2005 Apr 12
How allocate STRSXP outside of gc
Hi, I am trying to figure a way to allocate a string SEXP so that gc() won't ever collect it. Here is a little bit of a background. Suppose I want to write a .Call-callable function that upon each call returns the same value, say mkChar("foo"): SEXP getFoo() { return mkChar("foo"); } The above implementation doesn't take advantage of the fact that
2024 Apr 25
Big speedup in install.packages() by re-using connections
I'd like to raise this again now that 4.4 is out. Below is a more complete patch which includes a function to properly cleanup libcurl when R quits. Implementing this is a little tricky because libcurl is a separate "module" in R, perhaps there is a better way, but this works: view: patch:
2009 Jul 07
rake db:create:all error
Hi, I am getting this error when i execute rake db:create:all /opt/gitorious/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/mysql_adapter.rb:569: [BUG] unknown type 0x22 (0xc given) any clues ? -Manish -- Posted via
2014 Mar 05
[PATCH] Code coverage support proof of concept
Hello, I submit a patch for review that implements code coverage tracing in the R interpreter. It records the lines that are actually executed and their associated frequency for which srcref information is available. I perfectly understands that this patch will not make its way inside R as it is, that they are many concerns of stability, compatibility, maintenance and so on. I would like to have
2010 Feb 14
Feature Request: Multiline Comments
Hello, Is it possible to extend the R lexer/parser to include multiline comments like /* acomment */ ? This way I can integrate emacs org-mode with my R code, so that I can have a table of contents, section folding, html-output of source etc. e.g /* * Display Code */ #+BEGIN_SRC R foo <- function(...){ stuff } #+end_src and so on . Thanks Saptarshi
2020 Aug 24
[PATCH v6 48/76] x86/entry/64: Add entry code for #VC handler
From: Joerg Roedel <jroedel at> The #VC handler needs special entry code because: 1. It runs on an IST stack 2. It needs to be able to handle nested #VC exceptions To make this work the entry code is implemented to pretend it doesn't use an IST stack. When entered from user-mode or early SYSCALL entry path it switches to the task stack, if entered from kernel-mode it tries
2009 Dec 01
Package is loaded but functions are not exported
Hello, I wrote a package, which in the NAMESPACE file exports functions like this: exportPattern("^\\rh") On R-2.8 (Linux, 64), upon loading the package I have the rh functions present. On R-2.10, Mac OS X, (32 bit), it builds, loads, but the functions are not loaded, i.e the only function is rhyper (which is not from my package). Is there something wrong with my package setup?
2008 Sep 19
Lines between panels in lattice
Hello, I have a multi-page display each consisting of two-panels above each other. I need to draw a line from the top panel to bottom panel. Using current.vpTree() i find that "plot1.panel.1.2.vp" and "plot1.panel.1.1.vp" are the top and bottom ones respectively. I am using the following code(inspired by Paul Murrell's R Graphics) to draw a line. (All the
2012 Mar 16
Y-axis label on the right hand side in lattice?
Hello, Is there a way to add ylab on the right hand side also (in lattice)? Different from the left hand side? Cheers Saptarshi [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jan 05
eval using a environment X but resultsin .GlobalEnv
Hello, Suppose I have an expression, E, which accesses some variables present in an environment V. I do this via eval(E,envir=V) however all assignments end up in V. I would like the results of assignments in E to end up in the .GlobalEnv ? Or at least the calling environment. Is there a quick way to this instead of iterating over all objects E and assigning into .GlobalEnv? Thank you Saptarshi
2011 Aug 30
Error in evalauating a function
Hi, ? I am very new to R. So, pardon my dumb question. I was trying to write my own function to run a different model (perform an ordered logistic regression) using the example in website But R returns a error `R Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 's' not found' when I run it. What am I doing wrong here? Here's
2011 Jun 20
[LLVMdev] C struct as function argument
I've been working on a wrapper for LLVM's C++ API to use from Objective-C for a scripting language I'm working on. I currently have an issue with passing arguments to a function that takes a struct argument. typedef struct _test_struct { int x; int y; } test_struct; id testLLVMStructFuncCall(test_struct x) { NSLog(@"%d %d",x.x,x.y); return N(x.x + x.y); }
2009 Sep 23
Crash due to extreme example
Hello, I was trying this bit of code (i know it is an extreme case) g=function(r){ if(r==1) return(list(x=1)) else return(list(x=g(r-1))) } For z=g(500), the code runs but when I print z i.e >> z I get <environment: R_GlobalEnv> *** caught bus error *** address 0x1, cause 'non-existent physical address' Possible actions: 1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)