similar to: forking a CRAN project

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "forking a CRAN project"

2013 Jan 10
transparency in segments()
Dear all, i would like to plot each value from my datasets as segment with defined transparency However, I didnt find out how to set the transparency. definition by "col=" in par() or segments() doesnt seem to work any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Kind regards, Robert Pazur example code: xx2 <-read.table("", sep=";",
2023 Oct 31
weights vs. offset (negative binomial regression)
[Please keep r-help in the cc: list] I don't quite know how to interpret the difference between specifying effort as an offset vs. as weights; I would have to spend more time thinking about it/working through it than I have available at the moment. I don't know that specifying effort as weights is *wrong*, but I don't know that it's right or what it is doing: if I were
2004 Dec 03
Difficulty implementing "scales" in a lattice plot
Hello all, I am rather new to lattice and have a simple question regarding formatting text labels on the axes. I have looked through my own archive on lattice notes, searched and examined 30 or so hits on Dr. Baron's search site, looked through my MASS book, my Data Analysis and Graphics Using R book, R news articles, and I have in my hand the lattice package instructions and have read and
2013 Jan 31
CRAN task views: markdown? better .CSS?
CRAN task views are useful, but they seem difficult to write and maintain because the XML format is rather limited (no sectioning) and the <packagelist> must be maintained manually. They are also difficult to read because the generated html and .css used are extremely basic, giving an overly dense page. Are there any markdown-like tools for writing a CTV? Is it possible to apply a
2012 Mar 18
Converting expression to a function
Previously, I've posted queries about this, and thanks to postings and messages in response have recently had some success, to the extent that there is now a package called nlmrt on the R-forge project for solving nonlinear least squares problems that include small or zero residual problems via a Marquardt method using a call that mirrors the nls()
2011 Nov 17
Vectorizing for weighted distance
Hi All, I am trying to convert the following piece of matlab code to R: XX1 = sum(w(:,ones(1,N1)).*X1.*X1,1); #square the elements of X1, weight it and repeat this vector N1 times XX2 = sum(w(:,ones(1,N2)).*X2.*X2,1); #square the elements of X2, weigh and repeat this vector N2 times X1X2 = (w(:,ones(1,N1)).*X1)'*X2; #get the weighted 'covariance'
2017 Oct 09
example of geom_contour() with function argument
library(mvtnorm) # you were misusing "require"... only use require if you plan to library(ggplot2) # test the return value and fail gracefully when the package is missing set.seed( 1234 ) xx <- data.frame( rmvt( 100, df = c( 13, 13 ) ) ) xx2 <- expand.grid( X1 = seq( -5, 5, 0.1 ) # all combinations... could be used to fill a matrix , X2 = seq( -5, 5, 0.1 )
1999 Feb 16
Missing tick marks bug on alpha solved
On some systems (alpha), tick marks don't appear on plots. The easiest way to see the problem is something like: > plot(0:1,axes=FALSE) > axis(1,1:2) The problem is in X11_Line(...) from .../src/unix/devX11.c, which is so short I've included the whole function below: static void X11_Line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int coords, DevDesc *dd) {
2009 Mar 28
Error in R??
Can someone explain why I am getting the following error: in the r code below? Error in solve.default(diag(2) + ((1/currvar) * (XX1 %*% t(XX1)))) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 0 In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) The R code is part of a bigger program. ##sample from full conditional
2003 Jul 08
Can anybody help me on this?
Hi there: I have this configuration: |-----[Server 2] | [Internet]--------[Router]----------[Switch]------------ [Server 1] | |-----[PC1] | |-----[PC2] | |-----[PC3] Server 1 has IP 216.251.XXX.XX1 Server 2 has IP 216.251.XXX.XX2 PC1 has IP 216.251.XXX.XX3 PC2 has IP 192.168.XXX.1 PC3 has IP 192.168.XXX.2 How do I configure shorewall in SERVER 2 to block to/from the Internet Port 22
2010 Aug 17
predict.lm, matrix in formula and newdata
Dear all, I am stumped at what should be a painfully easy task: predicting from an lm object. A toy example would be this: XX <- matrix(runif(8),ncol=2) yy <- runif(4) model <- lm(yy~XX) XX.pred <- data.frame(matrix(runif(6),ncol=2)) colnames(XX.pred) <- c("XX1","XX2") predict(model,newdata=XX.pred) I would have expected the last line to give me the
2007 Oct 14
iPhone 1.1.1 problems.
I'm having problems with the iPhone client in the 1.1.1 version of the iPhone software. Things with other clients work fine, and the iPhone worked fine before it was upgraded to 1.1.1. Other phones on 1.1.1 failed. I'm still working on testing against the client with the iPhone 1.0.2 software on it. The problem is that the client simply doesn't connect to dovecot. I can see the
2011 Aug 22
CRAN packages maintained by you
It is A Good Thing to regularize Authors and Maintainers of packages, particularly for citation() and toBibTex(). Could I add a suggested TODO item for the maintainer of package.skeleton and friends to help reinforce this for new packages: - Please add appropriate templates for Author at R in the skeleton DESCRIPTION file generated, indicating the proper format as well as the use of role= to
2014 Mar 06
version numbers for CRAN submissions that give warnings/notes
It often happens that I submit a new revision of a package, say mypkg-1.0-10, from R-Forge to CRAN after running R CMD check locally and looking at the log files on R-Forge. But R-Forge has the devel checks disabled, and I get an email from CRAN pointing out some new warning or note I'm asked to correct. OK, I correct this and commit a new rev to R-Forge. But, is it still required to
2008 Nov 19
F-Tests in generalized linear mixed models (GLMM)
Hi! I would like to perform an F-Test over more than one variable within a generalized mixed model with Gamma-distribution and log-link function. For this purpose, I use the package mgcv. Similar tests may be done using the function "anova", as for example in the case of a normal distributed response. However, if I do so, the error message "error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) :
2014 May 07
historical significance of Pr(>Chisq) < 2.2e-16
Where does the value 2.2e-16 come from in p-values for chisq tests such as those reported below? > Anova(cm.mod2) Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests) Response: Freq LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq) B 11026.2 1 < 2.2e-16 *** W 7037.5 1 < 2.2e-16 *** Age 886.6 8 < 2.2e-16 *** B:W 3025.2 1 < 2.2e-16 *** B:Age 1130.4 8 < 2.2e-16 *** W:Age 332.9 8 < 2.2e-16 *** --- Signif.
2010 Jul 29
[R-pkgs] heplots 0.9-3 and candisc 0.5-18 released to CRAN
I've just released the latest R-Forge versions of heplots 0.9-3 and candisc 0.5-18 to CRAN. They should appear there within a day or two. == heplots The heplots package provides functions for visualizing hypothesis tests in multivariate linear models (MANOVA, multivariate multiple regression, MANCOVA, etc.). They represent sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for linear hypotheses and for
2011 Nov 08
NAMESPACES for data only packages
the NEWS file for R-devel says * Even data-only packages without *R* code need a namespace and so may need to be installed under *R* 2.14.0 or later. but what should this contain? Can it simply be an empty NAMESPACE file? I assume that data does not have to be exported. -Michael -- Michael Friendly Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca Professor, Psychology Dept. York University
2013 Mar 08
ggplot2: modifying line width and background fill color for stat_smooth()
In the example below, from I'd like to make (a) the fitted line thicker and (b) change the background fill color for the confidence envelope around each fitted line to a low-alpha transparent version of the same color used for the separate fitted lines for GENDER, rather than grey for both. How can I do this?
2020 Jan 08
re-submission of package after CRAN-pretest notes
It used to be the case that when I submitted a package and it gave notes or warnings in the CRAN checks, I was required to bump the package version before re-submission. I hope this is no longer the case.? I recently submitted a package that gave one fairly trivial NOTE, fixed that, and would like to re-submit. -Michael -- Michael Friendly Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca Professor,