similar to: How to set user read request while R install

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "How to set user read request while R install"

2014 Apr 02
Typeof for character vector in dataframe returns integer
Hi , I want to know is this behavior expected and why is that ? Need some help gender <- c("F", "M", "M", "F", "F", "M", "F", "F") > age <- c(23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37) > df<- data.frame(gender,age) > typeof(df[[1]]) [1] "integer"
2014 Feb 25
What this error means
Hi , I am running R from C using the interpreter . Now i execute detach("package:td", unload=TRUE) And I get the following error . Any idea what it means ? *** caught segfault *** address 0x102, cause 'memory not mapped' Traceback: 1: sys.parent() 2: sys.function(sys.parent()) 3: formals(sys.function(sys.parent())) 4: match.arg(event) 5: packageEvent(pkgname,
2014 Mar 31
C API to get numrow of data frame
Hi , Is there any C API to the R API nrow of dataframe ? x<- data.frame() n<- nrow(x) print(n) 0 Example : My C function which deals with data frame looks like and I don't to send the number of rows of data frame .I want to detect it from the function itself, my function take data frame as argument and do some on it. I want API equivalent to nrow. I tried Rf_nrows,Rf_ncols . No
2014 Jun 25
Need help on calling Head from C
Hi , I am trying to call head function from C . My doubt is with the parameter n,how to pass it . PROTECT(dfm=lang3(install("data.frame"),df,ScalarLogical(FALSE))); SET_TAG(CDDR(dfm), install("stringsAsFactors")) ; SEXP res = PROTECT(eval(dfm,R_GlobalEnv)); PROTECT(head=lang3(install("head"),res,ScalarInteger(1))); head = PROTECT(eval(head,R_GlobalEnv)); I tried
2014 Apr 03
question regarding lang2 command in C
Hi , I am asking too many questions , sorry for that . I am creating a data frame in C itself , reading a table . The data frame calling code looks like this ====================================== *PROTECT(dfm=lang2(install("data.frame"),df));* *SEXP res = PROTECT(eval(dfm,R_GlobalEnv));* UNPROTECT(2); return res; ================================== It works fine , now the problem
2014 Jun 26
using 2D array of SEXP for creating dataframe
Hi , For our production package i need to create a dataframein C . So I wrote the following code SEXP dfm ,head,df , dfint , dfStr,lsnm; *SEXP valueVector[2];* char *ab[3] = {"aa","vv","gy"}; int sn[3] ={99,89,12}; char *listnames[2] = {"int","string"}; int i,j; //============================= PROTECT(df = allocVector(VECSXP,2));
2014 Jan 21
Using unicode from C interface of R
Hi , I am using C interface of R . If a unicode string is read , in what format I could pass it back to R ? I was trying to use the following tpStr = ( char *)val; SET_STRING_ELT(innerList , 0, mkChar(tpStr)); It does not work . If I pass it back from as RAW format to R , what package is there to read it ? I mean package for interpreting RAW data . Thanks, Sandip [[alternative HTML
2014 Mar 06
Create dataframe in C from table and return to R
Hi , I am trying to create a dataframe in C and sebd it back to R. Can anyone point me to the part of the source code where it is doing , let me explain the problem I am having . -------------------------------------------------------------------- My simple implementation is like this SEXP formDF() { SEXP dfm ,df , dfint , dfStr,lsnm; char *ab[3] =
2009 Jul 13
.html/.html.erb/.rhtml to PDF
Hello All, I wanted to convert .html file into .pdf. is there any rails plugin ?? Thanks, Sandip R~ -- Ruby on Rails Developer --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this
2009 Jun 08
Will Pagination links getting not behaving as i wanted.
Hello All, I have will pagination links in index view which works fine. but when i performing some other action and replacing list view that time pagination links i am supposed to be for index action. but they are not......links goes to last performed action. You have any idea how to fix this problem ? NOTE: i am updating list after creation of resource record that time pagination links goes
2013 Dec 20
Fwd: How to check if R interpreter is initiated
Hi R-Developers , I am using R-3.1 , moved from R-2.15 . I am facing a problem which I have raised in R bug report with bug 15596 . My problem is how to check if R is initiated before initiating R I am embedding R in parallel environment and reusing process already running to reduce overhead . Each process is running infinitely. So when a process is reused,it finds R is already initialized
2009 Sep 29
rails 2.3.3 upgrade shows error
You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating nil.<< any ideas ? Application works fine with rails 2.1.0 Sandip -- Ruby on Rails Developer (Latest project released) --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
2009 Dec 28
Mysql::Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
Hello all I am using acts_as_ferret in user model. Error Message: -------------- ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction: UPDATE `users` SET `updated_at` = ''2009-12-28 14:31:50'', `active_till` = ''2009-12-28 14:31:50'' WHERE `id` = 21 Where: ------ calls#audit
2020 May 18
Menu rotation
Hi, FrameBuffer has the option "fbcon=rotate:1". Could a similar functionality be implemented in the video driver (VBE?) that is used by Syslinux? Is it legal to copy that code from the FBCon portion into the Syslinux video driver portion? If so, where should I start looking? Thanks for all your help. SS On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 7:15 AM Jane Todoroski <jane.todoroski at
2014 May 02
backtrace while trying to clear workspace
Hi , I tried to do the following . Before I execute the R script , i tried to clear the work space using rm(list = ls(all = TRUE)); . I get the following back trace . Its a huge backtrace , attached a part of it . Can anyone help why I get this ? #13 0x00002aaaaafd612f in Rf_eval (e=0x1448d68, rho=0x16c6780) at eval.c:399 #14 0x00002aaaaafdabf6 in Rf_applyClosure (call=0x1447108, op=0x1448f60,
2009 Jun 05
Rails Code Indentation
Hi All, Rails code must be readable, formatted and well indented. I wanted to do indent code in my previous projects. Is there any built in rails plugin/gem that can help me to indent my existing code. Any ideas will be really appreciated ! NOTE: Please don''t suggest editor plugins. Thanks & Regards, Sandip R~ -- Ruby on Rails Developer
2009 Jul 28
[PAPERCLIP] How to avoid image crop in paperclip styles
Hello All, I am using rails paperclip plugin for image upload. my image has different styles and the original image gets cropped while processing styled image. I dont want image to be cropped. Is there any way ???????? Thanks, Sandip R~ --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails:
2004 Oct 17
poor 2 node performance
Hi, I've been setting ocfs2 up on a two node 'cluster', using gnbd (network block device) to talk to a shared disk on a third node. build/install was very straightforward and I have the file system mounted on both nodes just fine. However, I've been rather disappointed by the performance: With just one node actively using the fs (but with the other mounted) I'm finding that
2009 Jun 05
rails 2.3.2
Hi all, I am using rails v.2.3.2 and if I put following line to my ApplicationController: include LoginSystem and I moved my login_system.rb to lib folder: module LoginSystem protected def is_logged_in? @logged_in_user = User.find(session[:user]) if session[:user] end def logged_in_user return @logged_in_user if is_logged_in? end def logged_in_user=(user) if
2008 Mar 07
training svm
What should I do if I need to train svm() with data having same value across all rows in some columns. These must be the important features of the class and we cant exclude these columns to build up models. The error I am getting is: Error in predict.svm(ret, xhold) : Model is empty! In addition: Warning message: In svm.default(datatrain, classtrain) : Variable(s) 'F112' and