similar to: CRAN rejects package because of write statement in Fortran

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "CRAN rejects package because of write statement in Fortran"

2005 Oct 20
problème d'import de fichier
hello! je veux importer un fichier de donnees excel que j'ai au prealable converti en fichier txt avec separateurs tab, fichier de la forme entree simple (suite de colonnes contenant des variables). Voila ma ligne de commande : > poussins <- read.table("poussins.txt", header=T, sep="\t") et sa reponse Erreur dans scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote =
2009 Jan 06
DT race
Hi all, The space between the T and the r is not a typo. The problem is the following. I want to dtrace a process by means of its pid. When the process exits the dtrace must also exit. The problem is that by the time the dtrace probes fire, the process could already have gone, and hence the exit probe will never fire. Is there a way of checking if the process with a certain pid does still exist?
2013 Feb 13
An extended Hodgkin-Huxley model that doesn't want to work.
Hi All I have been struggling with this model for some time now and I just can't get it to work correctly. The messages I get when running the code is: DLSODA- Warning..Internal T (=R1) and H (=R2) are such that in the machine, T + H = T on the next step (H = step size). Solver will continue anyway. In above message, R = [1] 0 0 DINTDY- T (=R1) illegal In above message, R = [1]
2006 Aug 30
Hi all, I'm getting confused by date handling. I wish to read a date from a file wich is a number of seconds since 1970 (POSIXct). Then i wish to convert this date to a human readable form (POSIXlt) By example : ctDate<-1132963200 #"Wed Aug 30 14:24:37 2006" is(ctDate) [1] "numeric" "vector" ctDate isn't a numeric vector, it is a
2023 Aug 08
Picking a non-.local domain
On 08/08/2023 01:43, Mark Foley via samba wrote: > First off, thanks to Rowland Penny for his patience in working through my thread > "Joining a new Samba AD DC". > > I first attempted to upgrade my old Samba 4.8.2 AD/DC to a more recent version, > but that effort failed due to too many differences with the Samba version and > the latest Slackware OS version. Next I
2023 Aug 08
Picking a non-.local domain
First off, thanks to Rowland Penny for his patience in working through my thread "Joining a new Samba AD DC". I first attempted to upgrade my old Samba 4.8.2 AD/DC to a more recent version, but that effort failed due to too many differences with the Samba version and the latest Slackware OS version. Next I tried to join a 2nd Samba DC to the existing domain with the intent of promoting
2006 Feb 24
Read SAS .sd2 file into R?
Does anyone know how to import a SAS .sd2 file into R? I can't see anything in library(foreign). Thank you. Mark
2023 Aug 08
Picking a non-.local domain
Hello, i am facing the same problem right now. I start from scratch for an Samba AD. One question about this: I have registered a domain e.g. "" extra/unique for AD, to have an placeholder and there are no other external Services resolved over this, can i have an fqdn like "" or that also not recommended? The Domain is registred on a Nameserver from the
2005 Jun 14
Calling C from Fortran
I would like to call C routines from Fortran under linux as suggested in section 5.6 of the "Writing R extensions" documentation. I'm familiar with Fortran but not with C. I understand the example provided in Fortran: subroutine testit() double precision normrnd, x call rndstart() x = normrnd() call dblepr("X was", 5, x, 1) call rndend() end but I don't understand
2005 Nov 30
R binomial RNG stuck at 1 via Fortran call
Hi, I have some trouble with the result of a fortran function calling the R binomial RNG: The C function rbinom is wrapped as in the file attached. My main fortran program starts as call rndstart() and ends as call rndend() I happen to call the binomial RNG within a loop as b = ggrbinom(1.d0,0.5d0) write(*,*) 'b=',b In certain cases, after a few iterations in the loop, b get
2005 Nov 30
RNG stuck via Fortran call
Having not much success with my previous question I try to reformulate it: I'm simulating a Markow chain in Fortran interfaced with R. Each loop of my Fortran calls various functions of the R RNG through the wrapper given below. In a run of 100 iterations of the Markov kernel, after 20 iterations, the RNG seems like frozen. For example, the first call to the RNG in my loop is:
2017 May 09
registering Fortran routines in R packages
Dear list, I?m trying to register Fortran routines in randtoolbox (in srt/init.c file), see Reading and looking at what is done in stats package, I first thought that the following code will do the job:
2005 Jun 14
Calling C from Fortran
I would like to call C routines from Fortran as suggested in section 5.6 of the "Writing R extensions" documentation. I'm familiar with Fortran but not with C. I understand the example provided in Fortran: subroutine testit() double precision normrnd, x call rndstart() x = normrnd() call dblepr("X was", 5, x, 1) call rndend() end but I don't understand the purpose
2009 Feb 13
Generate random numbers in Fortran
Hi!!! It would like to know if it exists a form to use the functions to generate variates in FORTRAN with the same easiness I use that them in C? Or not? If yes. They would have some example? I would like to use the functions rbeta, rlnorm and others! Sorry my english..rsrsrs Thanks!!!              Fábio Mathias Corrêa    University Federal of the Lavras - Brazil Veja quais são os
2009 Dec 29
how can I use R functions in Fortran 90
Hi all, Is there a way that I can import R functions into Fortran? Especially, I want to generate random numbers from some not-so-common distributions (e.g. inverted chi square) but did not find any routines written in Fortran that deal with distributions other than uniform and normal. Thanks. Anny [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jun 30
Matrix with random number
Hello! I have a program in Fortran and would like to build a matrix with random numbers, I have a function in C. However, I have problems with the use of function in R. Code to compile: R CMD SHLIB mat.f myrbeta.c -o Code in C. #include <R.h> #include <Rmath.h> void F77_SUB(fseedi)(void){   GetRNGstate(); } void F77_SUB(fseedo)(void){   PutRNGstate(); } void
2008 Nov 19
Buggy trellis.focus() with xyplot ?
Hi: (Tried to find a bug report about this issue, but was unable to find it, let me know if this is a known issue) I have been working on an interface to highlight xyplot panels on mouse overs in JavaGD but I have stumbled with what seems to be a bug in trellis.focus. I am using R 2.8 with lattice 0.17-15 *** To replicate the bug: 1.- display an xyplot. For example, from the xyplot help page:
2017 May 10
registering Fortran routines in R packages
Thanks for your email. I try to change the name in lowercase but it conflicts with a C implementation also named halton. So I rename the C function halton2() and sobol2() while the Fortran function are HALTON() and SOBOL() (I also try lower case in the Fortran code). Unfortunately, it does not help since I get init.c:97:25: error: use of undeclared identifier 'halton_'; did you mean
2009 Nov 16
(Parallel) Random number seed question...
Hi All, I have k identical parallel pieces of code running, each using n.rand random numbers.? I would like to use the same RNG (for now), and set the seeds so that I can guarantee that there are no overlaps in the random numbers sampled by the k pieces of code.? Another side goal is to have reproducibility of my results.? In?the past I have used C with SPRNG for this task, but I'm hoping
2003 Feb 04
Totally SNAT confused :)
Hi ! I have setup a complete shorewall now with DMZ, and Private zones and masq, rules, port-forwarding etc. worx like expected. BUT I have a wish to use a couple of more public IP''s and relate those to inernal servers on the DMZ zone and i am now so confused about it. I have searched this archive for SNAT port allow Setup: 3 public adresses on the WAN nic. lets call them -