Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "BIND.named failed to start"
2008 Dec 17
ERROR: Could not find an installable distribuition the install location
I install centOS 5.1 with xen and now I am trying paravirtualize the same centOS 5.1.
So, I put the install cd in cd-drive and then in a terminal I did:
mount –rbind /media/CentOS_5.1/ /media/disk/
and it works.
then I configured one server of NFS. In a terminal I did:
mount –t nfs root/Desktop/example/
and it works.
Then when I was creating the
2007 Sep 21
named & rndc
I've done something a while back that has messed with my named.conf and
prevents me from restarting named service normally...
My problem...
# service named restart
Stopping named: [FAILED]
Starting named: named: already running [FAILED]
nothing gets logged in /var/log/messages
obviously, I can do this to restart it...
[root at
2007 Oct 30
upgrade bind to version 9.3.4-P1 in centos 5.0 box
i want to setup DNS server on centos 5.0, and find the preinstalled
version is
bind.x86_64 30:9.3.3-7.el5 , and bind.x86_64 30:9.3.3-9.0.1.el5 in the
updates repository.
but i need to upgrade bind to version 9.3.4-P1 to prevent from any known
security bugs
is there any way i can do ?
2004 Oct 11
Samba 3.0.7, SuSE 8.2 and Heimdal Compile Problem
Trying to follow Chapter 9.3.3 of S3BE to create a SuSE 8.2 Active Directory
domain member server.
9.3.3 says heimdal >= .6 is required. I installed the Sernet packages and saw
0.6.2 source is included. Running ./configure after unpacking the heimdal
source completes OK, but running make results in the following errors:
creating libss.la
/usr/bin/sed: can't read
2007 Oct 22
bind-9.3.3-9.0.1 RPM BUILD error
Centos 4.4 comes with bind 9.2.x. I want to upgrade it to bind
bind-9.3.3-9.x as bind 9.2.x had a security hole. So I downloaded
bind-9.3.3-9.0.1.el5.src.rpm from Centos5 repo and tried to built RPM out of
it. But, I failed to do it.
I got bellow errors.
./dbus_service.c: In function `dbus_svc_send_va':
./dbus_service.c:296: warning: implicit declaration of function
2004 Oct 13
Samba3 By Example - Suggested Update (Correction?) And Two Winbind Defects
We were trying to build a SuSE 9.1 box in a lab as a Domain Member server in a
Windows Active Directory domain where the AD server was running Windows 2000
We found that the instructions in Chapter 9.3.3 were, at least in our case,
The AD server was managing a private domain, so following the Windows
Configure My Server wizard the domain was setup as
2008 Jun 26
is centos update safe
Dear All,
I am curently running a CENTOS server with the following setup
CentOS release 5 (Final)
Kernel 2.6.18-8.1.8.el5xen on an i686
apache httpd-2.2.3-11.el5_1.centos.3
MailScanner ver 4.66.5
ClamAV 0.92
SpamAssassin version 3.2.4
SquirrelMail ver 1.4.13
Now all this have been workin perfectly fine for a long time.
now if i do a yum upgrade i see the
2007 Jun 25
bind on centos 5
I am trying to setup bind on centOS 5. But there are no files coming by
default. But I found some files @ /usr/share/doc/bind-9.3.3/sample
Now, could you pls tell me what r the files I need to set it up?
Is there are a good doc on How to setup dns on CentOS 5 ?
Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya
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2004 Oct 01
Heimdal Version Question
We would like to build a SuSE Professional 8.2 box as a Domain Member Server
in a Windows 2000 Active Directory domain, and we are referencing Chapter
9.3.3 of Samba3-By-Example.
The version of heimdal supplied with SuSE 8.2 is 0.4e. S3BE references
heimdal version 0.6 plus patches.
Since SuSE often backports fixes from later versions of products into older
versions, the question is: will
2007 Jul 25
CESA-2007:0740 Moderate CentOS 5 x86_64 bind - security update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2007:0740
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors:
2007 Aug 01
centOS query
Dear All
I have jus migrated to centos 5 and jus wondering why n where this problem
could be
server A which is running for the past 2 years used as my primary dns and
mail server
redhat linux 8
sendmail ver-8.12.5-7
bind ver -9.2.1-9
since the server is old and is prone to all security problems i have a new
machine which i have installed the following and will replace my existing
redhat dns +
2007 Aug 03
where the problem
Dear All
I have jus migrated to centos 5 and jus wondering why n where this problem
could be
server A which is running for the past 2 years used as my primary dns and
mail server
redhat linux 8
sendmail ver-8.12.5-7
bind ver -9.2.1-9
since the server is old and is prone to all security problems i have a new
machine which i have installed the following and will replace my existing
2007 Jul 25
Waiting for BIND security announcement
[freebsd-security@ CC'ed to avoid answering the same there again
shorly :) - if following up, please drop either freebsd-questions or
freebsd-securiy to avoid "spamming" both lists]
On 2007.07.24 18:15:43 -0500, Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:
> As I'm sure many people know there is a newly discovered BIND vulnerability
> allowing cache injection (pharming). See
2007 Jul 25
CESA-2007:0740 Moderate CentOS 5 i386 bind - security update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2007:0740
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors:
2007 Jul 25
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 29, Issue 12
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2011 Feb 05
Questions about Chapter 9: Sign in, Sign out of RoR Tutorial | Learn Rails by Example
Finished reading chapter 9 and im a little bit confused.
1. In the tutorial, Modules are used instead of creating a Model and
working in a class inside a module , like in authenticating passwords.
Wouldn''t that be possible? Or is it unnecessary since we''re not
messing with a database in terms of storing data?
2. what is the difference between session[:remember_token] =
2004 Dec 02
Can RH AS3 be a ADS member with winbind+nss+krb5?
Samba is trying to be a member server in an AD in native mode, using
winbind, nss, and kerberose. There are 3 kdc's (2 are Win2003, 1 is
Win2000), samba server is RH-AS3 + Samba version 3.0.9 (from samba.org)
+ krb5 1.3.1-6 (from Fedora Core). I thought I had things working (join
succeeded, could access shares, modify files), and then it stopped
working. After clearing out the host account
2007 Oct 03
External view in sample BIND named.conf
I just want to confirm that this is a "bug" before reporting it to Bugzilla.
I started with the sample named.conf included in the distribution and found
that I couldn't query my server from outside my LAN. I finally traced it
down to the match expressions in the sample's external view.
The view has these
2008 Jan 24
Problem installing the 53.1.6 kernel
On top of my previously (just now) difficulties with yum, now I find that
the 53.1.6 kernel is not installing properly.
When I run "yum update" to install it, the install hangs here:
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository Size
2007 Aug 16
SELinux questions, upon restarting BIND
Hi all,
On my newly up-and-running nameserver (CentOS 5), I noticed the
following alerts in /var/log/messages after restarting BIND. (lines
inserted to aid in reading).
As I'm new to SELinux, I'm hoping for some pointers on 1) if this is an
issue which simply *must* be addressed, or if it's something I should
live with, and 2) how to eliminate the warming messages without