similar to: [Bug 2255] New: tunneling with -W does not report non 0 exit codes on failure even with ExitOnForwardFailure=yes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "[Bug 2255] New: tunneling with -W does not report non 0 exit codes on failure even with ExitOnForwardFailure=yes"

2015 Aug 17
[Bug 2444] New: ExitOnForwardFailure=yes has no effect Bug ID: 2444 Summary: ExitOnForwardFailure=yes has no effect Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 6.9p1 Hardware: amd64 OS: Linux Status: NEW Severity: major Priority: P5 Component: ssh Assignee: unassigned-bugs at
2008 Aug 13
ProxyCommand and ExitOnForwardFailure = leftover process
Hi, I'm having a small problem when using ProxyCommand and ExitOnForwardFailure in combination with OpenSSH 5.1 under Ubuntu 8.04. In order to enable multihop scp and port forwarding, I have enabled automatic public key authenticated tunneling from hostA to hostC via hostB using ProxyCommand in my private .ssh/config file on hostA. <end of .ssh/config>: host hostB user X hostC
2019 May 31
[Bug 3017] New: ExitOnForwardFailure=yes doesn't work for local forwards (-L) Bug ID: 3017 Summary: ExitOnForwardFailure=yes doesn't work for local forwards (-L) Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 7.6p1 Hardware: Other OS: Linux Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P5 Component: ssh
2006 Sep 27
ExitOnForwardFailure and Protocol 2.0
I'm merging my "streamlocal" unix domain socket forwarding patch into 4.4p1 (or rather 20060926 SNAP) and I gather that the ExitOnForwardFailure capability only works for protocol 1.0. Am I misreading things? I was really looking forward to that feature. I noticed when I began fixing a merge reject in channel_request_remote_forwarding(). - Bill
2010 Nov 10
Exit Codes on Reverse Tunnel bug?
I ran the following command to create a reverse tunnel from another server back to my local host ssh -4xnT -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o BatchMode=yes -f \ -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -N -R myTargetHost:2525:myLocalHost:25 myUser at myTargetHost and on machine=myTargetHost, the port 2525 was already being utilized, so it gave me this error and exited: ? ?? Error:
2008 Jan 12
Factor Analysis
Good Morning, Is it possible to use the R program for a CFA with dichotomous data? Thank you, Kathleen Kathleen Kemp, M.A. Doctoral Clinical Psychology Student, Concentration: Forensic Psychology Drexel University Philadelphia, PA 19104 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Apr 21
How to do survival analysis with time-related IVs?
Hello folks, I am wondering how to do survival analysis with time-related IVs in R. For example, > > If we have time-related variables, such as the Overall Condition of 1990, 1991 etc., how can we include these variables in coxph model? > > > > If we can not use coxph model, do we need to rearrange the dataset to make it something like: > > ID time age
2011 Jul 26
[Bug 730] New: DHCP request (and other?) traffic bypasses iptables/netfilter Summary: DHCP request (and other?) traffic bypasses iptables/netfilter Product: netfilter/iptables Version: linux-2.6.x Platform: x86_64 OS/Version: Ubuntu Status: NEW Severity: major Priority: P5 Component: unknown AssignedTo:
2009 Dec 30
Bug query (PR#14173)
I'm seeing a probable error in the way R calculates certain confidence intervals. Not sure where to submit it. Should this go to the package maintainer? If so, how would I identify that person? =20 Thanks...Ed =20 Ed J. Gracely, Ph.D. Drexel University College of Medicine & Drexel University School of Public Health Mail to: Family, Community, and Preventive Medicine Drexel
2005 Oct 20
IPP2P version 0.8.0 released
Hi, The new version ipp2p 0.8.0 is released. Klaus --
2017 Mar 14
Relaiable ssh tunnel via systemd
We try to run a reliable ssh tunnel vis systemd. This is the unit configuration file: {{{ [Unit] Description=Tunnel For %i [Service] User=autossh ExecStart=/usr/bin/ssh -o "ExitOnForwardFailure yes" -o "ServerAliveInterval 60" -N -R 40443:installserver:40443 -R 8080:installserver:8080 ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/ssh tunnel@%i "for pid in $$(ps -u
2016 Jul 22
SSH crash on OpenBSD (pledge related?)
Hello, I just ran upon this problem and couldn't find it in bugzilla. SSH crashes (abort trap) if all of the following conditions are met: (a) option -f is used (crash happens when going to background), (b) reverse port forwarding is set up (option -R), (c) option ExitOnForwardFailure is enabled, (d) there are no actual port-forwarding failures. The problem can be reproduced by
2007 Feb 21
how much performance penalty does this incur, scalar as a vector of one element?
I have been comparing R with other languages and systems. One peculiar feature of R is there is no scalar. Instead, it is just a vector of length one. I wondered how much performance penalty this deign cause, particular in situations with many scalars in a program. Thanks. Jason Liao, Associate Professor of Biostatistics Drexel University School of Public
2008 Jun 29
[Bug 92] Feature: -f -f, like -f, but fork() after port/display/agent open --- Comment #2 from Damien Miller <djm at> 2008-06-29 18:57:03 --- Created an attachment (id=1536) --> ( delay fork when ExitOnForwardFailure set This is quite easy now that we have proper request callback queues, but I don't think we need a funny non-idempotent
2008 Jan 31
fastest way to compute the squared Euclidean distance between two vectors in R
I have a program which needs to compute squared Euclidean distance between two vectors million of times, which the Rprof shows is the bottleneck. I wondered if there is any faster way than my own simple function distance2 = function(x1, x2) { temp = x1-x2 sum(temp*temp) } I have searched the R-help archives and can not find anything except when the arguments are matrices. Thanks for any
2006 Nov 11
tunneling through stdin/stdout, source routing
Hi, quite often I find myself using commands like $ ssh foo nc bar 12345 to connect to another host behind a firewall, and I also have a lot of these commands in my ssh config file. Since this relies on the server having netcat available (which a lot don't, or in some really old version that will not shut down properly) it breaks often, and I wonder whether it would make sense to have an
2012 May 30
need assist with upstart config problem
I am trying, without success, to create an upstart config file to automatically start and restart an ssh proxy. The command sting that I use in the script has been checked and verified from the shell but it fails in the upstart file. The file contents are: . . . # proxy is used to authenticate smtp submissions # so start it before the postfix service starts start on starting postfix # Take
2008 Dec 24
Port forwarding using the client of a multiplexed connection.
I am trying to set up port forwarding using the client of a multiplexed connection, but the client is dying. The connection paramaters I am using are as follows: for the master: /usr/bin/ssh -T -n -N -o ControlMaster=yes -o ControlPath=/var/run/autossh/control-%r@%h-%p.sock -o ConnectionAttempts=3 -o BatchMode=yes -o EscapeChar=none -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -o ServerAliveInterval=15 -o
2008 Dec 09
Selective Compression/Encryption
Currently compression and I assume if encryption is implemented it is turned on or off during mount. There are however many times when a user may want to select which files/directories they want to compress or encrypt. This will also be helpful when implementing btrfs support in grub for example. We can say the disk can be compressed/encrypted except for /boot so compression/encryption
2016 Apr 03
[Bug 2562] New: CanonicalizeHostname causes duplicate LocalForward attempts Bug ID: 2562 Summary: CanonicalizeHostname causes duplicate LocalForward attempts Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 7.1p1 Hardware: ix86 OS: Mac OS X Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P5 Component: ssh