similar to: MentaOnRuby

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "MentaOnRuby"

2008 Feb 18
Calling a controller inside a module
I tryied everything: :controller => ''MyModule::Core::Controller'' require ''MyModule/core/controller'' include MyModule::Core But nothing works !!! Question is very simple: How to call a controller that belongs to a Module inside the router.rb file? This cannot be that difficult! Thanks! -Sergio -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment
2008 Mar 13
Reloading lib files
Hi, I have some Ruby modules inside my merb application /lib directory. Problem is: Every time I make a change in these files I have to restart Merb. This becomes impossible after 1000 restarts in 10 minutes. Can anybody say some magic words to save me? Thanks, -Sergio -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Jan 16
Application generation
Hi All, Is anyone seeing this? $ merb merb_paste /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/merb-0.5.2/lib/merb/config.rb:69:in `parse_args'': uninitialized constant Merb::RELEASE (NameError) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/optparse.rb:785:in `initialize'' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/merb-0.5.2/lib/merb/config.rb:67:in `new'' from
2007 Sep 21
RESTful route gives a 500 error when Content-Type is set
I have encountered a problem with a RESTful route, I have the simple route; r.resources :people With a corresponding controller, when I tried to access it using ActiveResource I get a server error, I have tracked this down to a problem where if the header ''Content-Type: application/xml'' is sent it errors out: > curl -H ''Accept: */*''
2008 Mar 10
Vancouver.rb Q&A with Brock Whitten on Rails, Getting Off Rails (Merb), PmpknPi (Blog in Merb) and More (Part I)
Hello, I''ve published a Q&A in the Vancouver.rb series with Brock Whitten. Questions include: * How did you get started with Ruby on Rails? What makes Ruby on Rails a great choice for developing web applications/sites? * Can you tell us some challenges you''ve faced developing using Ruby on Rails? * Off the Rails - Can you tell us a little bit about Merb? How
2007 Mar 28
[recipe] How to get on Merb Edge
Hello, My name is Olle, and I am new here. I''d like to add some detail to Ez''s explanation in a previous email [1]. These are the steps I took to get Merb running Merb Edge (is that what you call it?). Start in the merb-root not in the dist-root. # Create dist/framework, plus script/merb stub rake merb:freeze cd dist rm -rf framework # Replace dist/framework with trunk
2007 Dec 19
Trapping custom exceptions in merb 0.5.0
Hi, I have the following setup: class Fred < Application class InvalidKey < Merb::ControllerExceptions::Unauthorized; end def blee raise InvalidKey unless key end end I have added a view exception template in views/exceptions/invalid_key.html.erb but I am not seeing the exception page being rendered ?? The request seems to correctly go to
2007 Oct 24
Status of Merb on JRuby
I''ve submitted a few patches on Trac to help get Merb running under JRuby [0][1][2][3][4]. It''d be cool if any of you committers could find the time to look them over and apply/reject them. They''re mostly tiny, so it shouldn''t be too onerous. With all of these patches applied, there are still 3 spec failures. One is in the spec ''a merb mailer
2007 Sep 11
Merb & Monit
greetings, i have been trying to get merb and monit to play well. but monit won''t restart merb. neither will monit stop merb if it is still running but not responding. below is the monit config for the merb app. anyone know what i am doing wrong or have good strategies for using monit and merb? thank you - john weir check process manwith-4000 with pidfile
2008 Mar 16
Merb Init Problems
Hi All, I''ve come across the following problem with merb 0.5.3 (ruby 1.8.6 / Mac OS X Leopard). Basically, when I type ''merb'' or ''merb -i'' from within the app''s root, It starts, compiles the routes and then exits. Any ideas??? This is a brand spanking new merb app: josh at JDS-MacBook:~/Projects/schmerb$ merb Merb started with these
2007 Feb 15
wrong startup information in production environment
Hi, I check out the last codes from merb repository. And the startup information for production environment just like that: ====================================================== dev:/var/www/apps/upload_merb/current/log# /etc/init.d/merb_init start Merb started with these options: --- :template_ext: :html: :herb :js: :jerb :xml: :xerb :config: dist/conf/upload.conf :drb_server_port:
2007 Nov 07
merb/sequel mutex on or off? proxy_balancer or no?
Just a quick question to those of you using merb and sequel or datamapper. How do you setup your merb app? For example: merb -X off -c 5, then run mod_proxy_balancer or nginx to load balance between the 5 (or whatever #) of merb nodes? merb -X off -d, then simply use something like proxypass merb -c 5, keep the mutex lock and cluster it haproxy, swiftiply, evented mongrel...... What
2007 Jul 31
Deploying with Merb
After a half day''s work I''ve created a Merb app to handle file uploads for a Rails app. In my dev environment, I changed the views in the Rails app to point to Merb on port 4000. But now I''m stuck trying to figure out how to deploy my new Merb app on a production server. Looks like originally this was handled with a rewrite rule
2007 Sep 26
Fwd: error with schema_info when doing multiple migrations
Posting to merb list in case it is a merb problem. (?!??) The error still happens with sequel 0.2.1. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Kevin Williams <kevwil at> Date: Sep 23, 2007 10:26 AM Subject: error with schema_info when doing multiple migrations To: sequel-talk at I tried to post an issue to the project site but it kept giving me 500 server
2008 Mar 18
rake tasks
Hi All, New to merb, I was wondering if there are any similar rake tasks to that of the rails rake stats? Im using merb version 0.5.3 Tried the aok task and am getting the following: eoghan-js-Computer:test_app eoghanj$ rake aok (in /project/merb/test_app) /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/merb-0.5.3/lib/merb/version.rb:45: warning: already initialized constant RELEASE rake rcov (in
2007 Aug 31
Bootstrapping from SVN
Is there a simple way to bootstrap merb directly from the Subversion repository, rather than first installing it as a gem? I can do the following if I already have an old gem lying around: merb -g testapp # using an old gem cd testapp rake merb:freeze_from_svn Unfortunately, that means I''m using an old version of the generator. So for example, when I just tried this,
2007 Nov 07
merb 0.4.0 session issue
Not sure if anyone else has had this problem. I was running on merb edge fine a few days ago. Last night I went to merb 0.4.0 via gem install and now any call to session[:foo] causes an error >> undefined method ''[]'' for nil:NilClass I have uninstalled and reinstalled merb with no luck. dependencies.rb use_orm :activerecord merb.yml :session_store: active_record Gems
2007 Sep 04
Couple of questions for Merb 0.4
All, I have just updated to the latest release of merb 0.4 and I am wondering how I can get my controller changes to reload without bouncing the server ? I am running in dev mode but my changes to my merb controller don''t seem to get picked up on new requests. Also say I have a controller that needs to render an alternate xml format ie something like:
2007 Aug 13
Problems running merb from trunk
I have no problems loading any static requests, but any that are routed to a controller blow up. I''m getting a ''Bad controller'' error. The reason I''m a bit flummoxed is because the stack trace makes no sense. It terminates on this line: resolve_controller 68 /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/merb-0.3.7/ lib/merb/merb_dispatcher.rb As you can see,
2007 Mar 09
Merb + attachment_fu
Merbists, I saw a note in the attachment_fu source code regarding supporting Merb[1] as well as a post on the Caboose forum[2]. Has anyone gotten Merb working with Rick Olson''s attachment_fu to handle uploads for a Rails app? I''ve hacked together something, but it''s not pretty. Besides fixing the TODO mentioned in the attachment_fu source code to support Merb