similar to: diff to splat the password field in blog.rb

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "diff to splat the password field in blog.rb"

2006 Sep 24
+ evan weaver''s blog
Hey, if you''re into Camping hacks, you might enjoy Evan''s blog. He''s been doing a whole pile of articles on bringing bits of Rails into Camping. * using simply_helpful and resource_feeder in Camping. * camping + mysql tips
2006 Jul 24
problem running Blog using CSS
I am not using latest camping (sudo gem install camping --source and I''m getting this error executing (eval):14:in `initialize'': private method `sub'' called for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from (eval):44:in `run'' from /home/mathieu/mv/rf/public/blog.rb:303 -- gcc -O0 -DRUBY_EXPORT -rdynamic
2006 Nov 14
[UHH] any blogs sprung from camping?
Hello, I just joined the camping list. I was trolling the archives when I saw this: -- The biggest problem in Camping is authentication. This is a problem I propose to solve by providing an extension. That little bit of code uses the path to allow/disallow urls. That way it is unobstrusive. In the future I would also like to make an OpenID client and server for Camping. -- I was wondering if
2006 Nov 04
A New App, and A Question
Here''s my first live Camping app, on the undergroun.d! http://peep.d I often need to come up with a color scheme that is made from an existing color. This little app takes a hex color and shows all the combinations of those colors. An observation and a question: At first it was including dispatch.fcgi into generated urls (http:// peep.d/dispatch.fcgi/colors). I renamed it to
2010 Aug 19
Camping 2.1 - ERB, Haml, 1.9, bug fixes, new website!
{} || || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <= _whycake ~ Camping 2.1 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I''m pleased to announce another release of Camping, the microframework. This time we''ve focused on improving the 1.9 support, adding (builtin) support for more template engines, refreshing the homepage and just general bug fixes. gem install camping Home:
2006 Jul 25
[UHH] any blogs sprung from camping?
Hal Fulton has been e-mailing me about putting together a simple blogging package for Camping. Perhaps start with the blog in the examples and add a few things. Does anyone here want to collaborate with him? Or do any of you have your own works to offer? He''s mentioned he wants something with its own template syntax, but I think he could hack that in. _why
2007 Mar 28
Pimpin'' a patch: moving the bin/camping logic to classes
Hello, Zimbatm suggested the best way to push a patch into camping was to take my case to the people. So here it is. If you want to jump straight to the patch: Goal: Move the logic in the camping command line launcher into several classes Why? In the next version of parasite ( I''d like to take over
2006 Jul 12
+ camping 1.4.123
And now: gem install camping --source I hope this will be the last development release before 1.5. * ActiveRecord no longer required or installed. * If you refer to Models::Base, however, ActiveRecord will be loaded with autoload. (see lib/camping/db.rb) * new Camping::FastCGI.serve which will serve a whole directory of apps (see TheCampingServer[1]) *
2006 May 16
! camping
I''m just about ready to release 1.4.2. Here''s the pre-release: gem install camping --source The biggest recent change is that the Camping commandline tool now allows mounting of several apps. I''ve eliminated examples/serve and am encouraging use of the camping tool. Instead, use: camping examples/blog/blog.rb examples/tepee/tepee.rb
2006 May 18
+ Camping::FastCGI
Getting Camping to work with FastCGI is a little clunky, since FastCGI doesn''t really understand mounting apps and sometimes the environment vars are a little whack. To keep the postambles easy to read, I''ve moved the handy stuff into lib/camping/fastcgi.rb. == Mounting a Single App Assuming: Camping.goes :Blog ... this goes in your postamble ... require
2007 Feb 18
FastCGI without ScriptAlias
Hi, I made some experiments with the sample blog application, my index.fcgi file contains the following: require ''camping/fastcgi'' Camping::Models::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => ''sqlite3'', :database => ''database/camping.db'' ) Camping::FastCGI.serve(''blog.rb'') Without ScriptAlias the application works fine,
2006 Jul 06
+ camping 1.4.120
Okay, let''s see. gem install camping --source A bunch of great stuff. * Camping::Apps stores constants for all loaded apps. * bin/camping can be given a directory. [1] Like: camping examples/ * Console mode -- thank zimbatm. Use: camping -C yourapp.rb * Call controllers with Camping.method_missing. Tepee.get(:Index) #=> (Response)
2006 Aug 15
Camping with Dr. Nic
Campers. Dr. Nic. The new migrations in Camping''s trunk are very nice. They also open the door (just an inch) to using Dr. Nic''s Magic Models with Camping. Here''s my stab at ''er: Run that against Camping trunk. Don''t forget to `sudo gem install dr_nic_magic_models`. The hackery is in
2012 Apr 06
lighttpd + fastcgi + camping
Hello all, I am running in some little stumbling blocks with passenger as a multi user environment (the most problematic feature is that, once you setup a sub-domain passenger wants you to declare on nginx every app running on that nginx server which is not ideal to add apps on the fly and / or if a user wants to run 2 apps from his space) so I was thinking about a more drag a drop / one line
2008 May 23
Camping on Dreamhost
I spent a few hours tonight getting Camping working with FastCGI on Dreamhost. I pieced together information from a blog post, an email thread, and the SiteFive page on the Camping wiki, and posted my working results in two places: Camping wiki - Dreamhost wiki - Hopefully this helps somebody! --
2010 Jul 27
[GitHub] Camping Ruby 1.9.1
Anyone see this, submitted as an issue on GitHub? - Dave E. ---- skylerrichter reported an issue: Is camping compatible with ruby 1.9.1? I just upgraded my server to 1.9.1 and now I am getting this: NoMethodError at /register undefined method `scan'' for :Register:Symbol Ruby (eval): in block (2 levels) in M, line 30 If I reload the camping app I then get a standard camping 404
2007 Jul 07
[patch] no crumbs
in the spirit of minimal-impact ''leave no trace'' principles, this patch adds a missing feature, the ability to remove cookies. usage: @cookies.redbean = nil a side note, the trunk seems to be broken when using Markaby. i''ve tested this out using ngrep and firefox and opera w/ controllers that just return strings in any case.. -------------- next part --------------
2008 Jul 10
AR Sessions
Hi all, I have a little camping micro-blog that''s working well with the cookie session store, but falls over when I try to use the AR session store. The changes I made were: require ''camping/session'' becomes require ''camping/ar/session'' module Blog; include Camping::Session; end becomes module Blog; include Camping::ARSession; end and I did the
2007 Oct 15
Something is wrong with Camping::H in the svn version
Dear All, I got az error message with the svn version of Camping under FastCGI NoMethodError undefined method `user_id'' for {"user_id"=>2}:HashWithIndifferentAccess: The call was a simple "User.find @state.user_id" in my login controller... The following libraries are loaded manually: action_controller, action_view, mime/types, camping, camping/mab,
2007 Jul 30
Camping Apache2 & FCGI - Internal Use
Hey Folks, I''m deploying a camping app on an internal Apache2 + FastCGI server at my office. Of course, on my Mac it works great, but I can''t get things to work with Apache and FCGI. I''ve followed the directions on why''s page documenting how to do this, but I''m getting the following error in my Apache error.log file: FastCGI: (dynamic) server