similar to: Code for onChange is missing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 60000 matches similar to: "Code for onChange is missing"

2006 Feb 07
onHover: can u explain me this function ?
In Sortables, we have a function onHover: onHover: function(element, dropon, overlap) { if(overlap>0.5) { Sortable.mark(dropon, ''before''); if(dropon.previousSibling != element) { var oldParentNode = element.parentNode; = "hidden"; // fix gecko rendering
2005 Jul 25
My try on nested sortables
Hello, please take a look at where I made some hacks to allow for nested sortables. I need a hierarchical, sortable list, so I hacked away. It generally works quite nicely, but: ( - The code needs my debug stuff and failed attempts removed ) - The code needs to be adapted to also work with vertical sortables. It probably breaks vertical sortables.
2007 May 25
Sortable onChange fires for every mouse movement
Anyone found that sometime between 1.6.4 and 1.7.1 beta releases of Scriptaculous that something has changed with the way that the onChange is fired? In 1.6.4 it fired once, now in 1.7.1 beta it fires everytime you move the mouse. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs"
2005 Jul 19
quick dragdrop question
Hi, I want to do some custom logic on items being dragged and dropped - I need an event callback that has a reference to both the element being dropped (the LI), and the target element that it''s being dropped onto (the UL). I''ve found the Sortables.create option for creating an onUpdate and onChange handler, and done the following: function selectItem(target){
2006 Jun 29
Sortables question
Hello, I am new to Scriptaculous, and was recently brought into a project using it to create an email Newsletter builder. The idea is that the user will have lists of elements that he can add to the email page by dragging the element he wants to add from an "available sections" container, to a "loaded sections" container. Dragging from the loaded to available will
2005 Oct 14
events after sort
hi, i''ve just started use prototype.js et al, i am currently creating a sortable list with: Sortable.create(''id'', { onChange: myFunc }); but what i really want is an event that occurs after the li''s have been reordered and settled into the new list order. how would i do that? i know i can do for exampe: Event.observe(''id'',
2006 Mar 24
Slider: passing the slider object to onChange and onSlide?
I''m working with a couple of slider objects on one page. I''m using onChange to do a couple of things. onChange passes the new value of the slider, but not the slider object itself. Has anybody found a way to get the object? More details: A simple example would be to do the following: Put multiple sliders on a page. Now, when a slider is moved, change it''s track
2005 Jul 20
examples of drag n drop
Sorry if this sounds cynical, ( i do love scripts ) , but I am wondering if people know of some good real world examples of uses of drag n drop and sortable lists. such a cute script will likely be *ab*used as much as it is used. obviously the point here is to use to improve the user interface rather than just have some k00l eFX. e.g. the drag n drop instantly
2008 Jun 05
Scriptaculous: Sortable not firing in IE7
I have a ul that is set to be Sortable. The id naming scheme for the underlying elements is the proper format "{name}_{number}". On FF 2 and IE 6, my onChange and onUpdate methods are fired. However only on IE7 (7.0.5730.13 to be exact), after I move the list item and mouse up the drop never seems to finish, the list items reverts. No events: onChange or onUpdate are ever fired. Has
2005 Oct 18
RE: Error: "onclick() is not a function"
I see what he is saying now. When you assign a click event with the Event.observe it does not allow you to call it with the $(''xxx'').onclick(); command as it''s looking for the onclick tag in the a tag. I''m stumped on a way to get this to work. Jon Whitcraft Web Application Developer Online Services - Indianapolis Motor Speedway (317) 492-8623
2006 Jun 14
Sortable Tree - Stoping Event dispatch ?
Hi, I''m trying to play with sortable tree and have two issues: I have an AJAX Tree looking like: <ul class=''TreeCat'' id=''work''> <li class=''open''> <img src=''s.gif'' class=''node'' onclick="Ajax.Tree.toggle(event,this);"/> <a
2006 Jun 14
sortables and onClick events firing
I have a page that I have been tasked with adding sortable support to, and the div elements that are being dragged have a <a href> in them with an onClick handler that opens a new window with a preview. Is there a way to keep that onCLick from firing when a sortable is dropped? Sam D _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2005 Oct 13
I''ve got a page I''ve implemented a bunch of observables and sortables. There are around 330 items in the list. The Observables (for hide/show of sublists) don''t seem to impact performance, but the Sortables take a very long time to load when the page is refreshed or submitted--even after accounting for the server-side processing and latency. I''ve
2006 Jul 20
Scriptaculous + Sortable: onUpdate Not Firing
Hello all, I''m using Scriptaculous 1.6.1 on a project I''m developing. My generated HTML (generated by PHP) looks something like this: <ul id="admin-list"> <li id="li-13">Singletary, Bob (President/CEO)</li> <li id="li-12">Chatman, Jim (Vice President of Finance/CFO)</li> ... </ul> <script
2006 Jan 23
question about Sortables
So, is there any way to specify a sortable to only do a callback when the dragged item is dropped? As it is, the onChange is called whenever you move the draggable to a new element (even if you don''t drop it), but I''d rather only call my function after they drop it to avoid unnecessary additional server calls. It looks like Droppable supports an ''onDrop'', but
2005 Jul 18
fix for scriptaculous dragdrop.js empty list problem
Hi Thomas, Here''s a fix for the problem that I raised this morning, turned out to be fairly simple in the end (after many false starts and thrashing about - thank goodness for Venkman!) First, in Sortable.create(), I register the parent element (the UL tag or whatever), and add an extra property to it to mark it as the parent of the list in question: for (var i = 0; i <
2006 Jun 21
Ajax.Autocompleter and onchange event
Hello, currently I''m working on a JavaScript-on-screen-keyboard for use with touch screens. To autocomplete inputs I want to use the Ajax.Autocompleter control. The problem is that Ajax.Autocompleter only responds to onkeypress events made with a real keyboard, but my on-screen-keyboard causes onchange events when a letter is clicked and appended to the input field. So, is there a way to
2006 Jan 19
Autocomplete field - onChange immediately after selection
Dear all, How can I trigger onChange event after a choice is selected and put to a field? Now this event is triggered as usual after exit from field (with tab or mouse) but it would be nice to do some custom onChange action immediately. Thanks! Janko
2005 Aug 15
Possible to scroll window when user drags a draggable?
It doesn''t seem to be possible, but perhaps somebody knows a trick. I have some lists that get too long and users can''t drag from list 10, for example, to list 1. Is there a way to get the browser window to scroll as they drag the item up? Thanks! Tom
2007 Nov 02
3 onUpdate in Sortable.create
Can''t seem to get the onUpdate to work in for a sortable list. I am following the documentation and the included functional tests but nothing is firing for me. Any idea why? Sortable.create(''list1'', { tree:true , onUpdate:function(sortable){ alert(''onUpdate'') } , handle: ''handle'' , scroll:window ,