similar to: SELECT instead of INPUT in InPlaceEditor ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "SELECT instead of INPUT in InPlaceEditor ?"

2006 Mar 07
Minor fix for Ajax.InPlaceEditor
controls.js line 471: Where it says: new Effect.Highlight(element, {startcolor: this.options.highlightcolor}); can we change it to: new Effect.Highlight(element, {startcolor: this.options.highlightcolor, endcolor: this.options.highlightendcolor}); . Otherwise, it''ll use the default #FFFFFF to finish the highlight which doesn''t look right when #FFFFFF doesn''t match
2006 Aug 02
Passing Ajax.InPlaceEditor options
I''ve followed the instructions in the Rails Recipe #1 and have the in_place_editor_field working but now I want to tweak how it looks and behaves. I''d like to be able to override the default yellow highlight color, which is done using the highlightcolor param according to the scriptaculous documentation (unless I''m missing something). I''m new to Ruby and Rails
2005 Oct 05
InPlaceEditor crash on Safari
Quick question.. I often crash my Safari when using ''Enter'' on InPlaceEditor''s for submitting. Works fine on firefox(win & Mac) - no javascript errors. Anyone else seen this behavior? (Maybe it is just my alterings of InPlaceEditor :-) Best Regards Michael Krog
2006 Mar 03
Ajax.InPlaceEditor - disabling the yellow highlight?
Is there a way to disable Ajax.InPlaceEditor''s yellow rollover highlight?
2005 Dec 07
InPlaceEditor update of page contents ?
Hi all ! InPlaceEditor refreshes only the element that was updated. Is there any way to make it update tons of other stuff ? I have a table where changing a value in it causes changes in most other cells (weight to percentage to money). Thanks for any help ! -- François Beausoleil _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2006 Feb 21
Help with Script.aculo inPlaceEditor
Well, I start recently with Scriptacolus and inPlaceEditor. I have two doubts about use it. 1) When I specify URL for save changes or not it doesn''t work. See example below: <script type="text/javascript"> new Ajax.InPlaceEditor(''aNombre'', ''productos.php?a=actualizar&f=aNombre''); </script> In productos.php file I have
2006 Sep 25
In place editing an empty field
I am trying to use the Scriptaculous InPlaceEditor and in some cases the field will be empty. That is, the field currently has no value but the user wants to enter a value. The InPlaceEditor appears to not work in this case. Other identical fields (except wit different ids and some value) do work. I have tried using a nonbreaking space (&nbsp;), and this does cause the editor to appear,
2005 Nov 20
Deleting InPlaceEditor
Howdy, I have created several InPlaceEditor''s for each of my menu items. This way i can easily rename them, however when i rename a menu item, it renames several id''s in the document. I then need to adjust an InPlaceEditor to point to the new id. It seems an inplaceeditor cannot be changed, so i have been tryiny to delete it, then create a new one. How do i delete an
2006 Feb 27
InPlaceEditor on an empty div
Hi, I am wondering what the trick is to use InPlaceEditor on an emtpy div. I have a set up where one div contains a question, and next to it is an emtpy div which should be used for InPlaceEditor. The user clicks on a button "answer" and that activates the InPlaceEditor in the appropriate div. This doesn''t work, however. The div which should use InPlaceEditor must
2005 Nov 11
InPlaceEditor trouble
Hi all this is my first post to this list. Im am trying to use the InPlaceEditor, but I only manage to make it work in very simple case as in teh demo on the wiki. In my case I have a list of records ("books") with different fields and each field has an InPlaceEditor. My problem is how to pass teh id of the record to the update action at the controller, I tried to define the
2007 Sep 28
Ajax.InplaceEditor ( / Prototype)
I am new to and prototype and I am having problem using it. It only has problem in IE. There is no problem in Firefox and it works fine. I am using InPlaceEditor and it always returns object expected as an exception. What I could debug so far is I could see element and url which are the parameters. I could see object in Ajax.InPlaceEditor after creating class but
2005 Nov 21
Ajax.InPlaceEditor questions / suggestions
I just spent some time writing my own InPlaceEditor before discovering that it exists already! I like the simplicity of InPlaceEditor, but there were a couple of scenarios that my own home grown solution handled, but I can''t figure out how to make InPlaceEditor do the same thing: 1) I have a scenario where I''d like to start out in edit mode. In my case you double click on
2006 Feb 27
update a second div with Ajax.Updater, when Ajax.InPlaceEditor has just finished to modify another first div
Hi, I''m a newbees in javascripting with scriptaculous, but I wonder someone to help me on that simple (not for me of course !) case : I''d like to update a second div with Ajax.Updater, when Ajax.InPlaceEditor has just finished to modify another first div ? How could I do this in this kind of code : <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
2007 Apr 09
Unobtrusive IPE -- comments, please
I just coded an unobtrusive In Place Editor and wanted to get some review and comments for it. Anyone spot anything obvious that I could do to streamline this? Thanks, Walter <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> var rightClick = function(e){ Event.stop(e); var editListing = new Ajax.InPlaceEditor("listing_body",
2005 Sep 02
Hello, I have just subscribed to the list. I am having problems with the Ajax.InPlaceEditor. I am getting different results when I use Firefox and IE. The problem is: On IE, when I click submit in the InPlaceEditor form, the form posts to itself (my InPlaceEditor code is on /test/index.html, and the form posts to /test/index.html) and passes a paramater of ''value''
2005 Oct 07
Hi all, I was wondering if I could get some help with using Ajax.InPlaceEditor. I want to use loadTextURL to get the text, as it says on the bottom of the documents ''How to edit server side formatted text (formatted with eg. textile)''. My question is how do I know which inplaceedit I''ve clicked? So that I know which id I need to get the text from in the mysql
2006 Jul 22
InPlaceEditor with Autocompletion
Hi Rails AJAX controls are very handy, and the InPlaceEditor is probably one of the easiest and most neat of them all. But, it doesn''t do autocompletion. I''ve rectified that situation. The plugin provides a few new helpers and a new JavaScript-file that extends the Ajax.InPlaceEditor with local and remote Autocompletion features. So, just install the plugin, include the
2006 Feb 18
inPlaceEditor formatted XML
Hi List! I was just wondering. I''m cooking up a all-in-one-publishing system based on XML/XSL-translations. Without going into that in detail; i''d like to ask; is there any way that the InPlaceEditor is able to display XSL-translated XML on the fly? If not, where to start to build such ? Is the inPlaceEditor a good place to start from? I''m thinking of the way the
2006 Jan 19
inPlaceEditor -how to capture values just before it is edited
Hi All. I have problem i''m using inplaceEditor in my webb apps and i have situation like that: Iwanna send to serwer not only changed value by inplaceEditor but also the old value that i just change how to do it. I must do it because i just need to know what values i have to change in database. Grzesiek ---------------------------------------------------- Wybierz Książkę Roku, wygraj
2006 Jan 22
Bug in Scriptaculous 1.5.1 (InPlaceEditor)?
Hello guys, I''m experiencing a bug in 1.5.1, confirmed by me in IE and others on the Rails general list in Safari. It does not manifest itself in Firefox. In IE and Safari, clicking an Ajax.InPlaceEditor causes two form elements to be created, rather than the one expected. I''ve examined the code in controls.js and determined that the event handler "enterEditMode" is