similar to: sortables with revert

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "sortables with revert"

2006 Mar 22
problem with Ajax.Updater evalscript and firefox
Hello there people, im having a problem with the Ajax.Updater evalscripts, i fill and div with a form that i get with the Ajax.Updater, that form had a javascript validation, i put evalScripts true but when i get the form i had an unexpected close in the firefox, i had a long time looking the answer but nothing yet, somebody with the same problem? or the answer? greets -- // // Ing. Francisco
2006 Feb 16
javascript node with Ajax.Updater
Hi there, im having a problem with the Ajax.Updater, im using the Ajax.Updater to get an divider, inside the div i have a javascript node that i use to do javascript stuff, the problem is when i get the divider i get whole the html but not the javascript node, thats a bug? *anybody know what''s happening?* -- // // Ing. Francisco J. Calderón S. //
2006 May 18
Event.observe problem
Hello there, i have a textbox, i fill the textbox with a date from a javascript popup calendar, im using the like this Event.observe(''myTextBoxId'', ''change'', function(){ alert(''epale!'');}); and is not working, if i put the alert inside the input element in the onchange attribute it works, is that a prototype bug? -- // // Ing. Francisco
2005 Dec 28
Problem with IE
Hi there, let me introduce myself, i am a web developer from venezuela, my english is not the best, sorry by that... i am developing a form builder, is simple, just dragging form elements to a droppable container, all works well but im showing to my friends and... surprise!!! doesn''t work in Internet Exploiter, i am a linux user with firefox, im looking in internet how fix it but i dont
2006 Jan 11
divider id of container
Hi there, i need to drag an draggable element to an child div node inside an another div container, but i create the child node dynamicly with ids like '' div_ + i '' where ''i'' is a incremental variable, thats the problem because i need get the id of this child nodes to manipulate it, somebody knows how if i drag the element to that child node i can get the id of
2006 Mar 03
xml handling
Hello there, im having a problem with the xml handling, i want to get and xml node and put things in an input text but im a little lost, im using this code, but isn''t work, what am i doing wrong? --------------------- <a href="#" onclick="getXML()">Get XML</a> <input type="text" value="nothing here" id="respuesta" />
2006 Apr 06
problem with IE
hello there, im having a little problem with Internet Exploiter, im doing this: //// CODE //// var m = $(''XYZ'').cloneNode(false) m.setAttribute(''id'', ''XYZ_2''); m.value = ''''; var onblur = "alert(''hola'');"; m.setAttribute(''onblur'', onblur);
2006 Apr 27
radio buttons and $F function
Hello there, i working with prototype but i have a little doubt, I''ll always use the shortcut $F to get values in a form, that''s ok, but what happens if i need get the value of one of three radio buttons value? normally i get the radio button value with document.formName.radioName but the shortcuts on prototype works with the id, there is a prototype way to do this?? greets --
2006 Mar 16
help with each
can you please tell me why this is not working? i got the example for how to use each online and copied it to a t (except i added the if). its telling me items.each does not exist. var items = document.getElementsByClassName(''editView''); if (items.length > 0){ items.each(function (result){ thisid =; thiskey = thisid.replace(/se_item_/gi, '''');
2005 Sep 19
Sortables and not-Sortables
I have some drag and drop to do that is just a little different from the scriptaculous demos. My application has a shopping cart-like setup, where the user needs to drag an item from the main content area to a particular position in the cart. I don''t want to be able to sort items in the content area. That is, the target is a Sortable list, but the source is not. Problem one was that
2007 May 09
Scriptaculous Sortables: dragging between sortables and reordering them by javascript?
Hello, I wanted to drag elements from one sortable to another - not a problem. the hard thing is that i want to call a JS function to reorder the elements by certain criterias (ranking f.e.). So the two involved sortables are firering two onUpdate event. When I am changing the order of the LI-elements of the first Sortable (by removing them and adding them again), the second onUpdate event will
2006 Jun 24
Sortable with sortables? this.destroy not a function O_o
Hi all I am creating sortable list with the builder. Now i want these sortables to be a sortable aswell. So i wrap a div around them and run sortable create on the main-container. I have it like so (simplified): var myLists = new Array(); // start a empty array for push var mainDiv = ''main''; // some already present div to carry all stuff. function newList() { var sortlist
2014 Oct 19
Warnings en GLMM (lme4)
Hola, Soy nuevo manejando R y no tengo mucha experiencia. Estoy intentando modelar una función que me relacione el nº de cebas (nº de presas que los padres traen a los pollos) con el tamaño de parche de un bosque (factor categórico; 2 niveles= grande y pequeño). Al ser un conteo (nº de cebas) he pensado utilizar familia= poisson con link= logarítmico. He construido un GLMM con: Nº de cebas
2005 Nov 03
sortables w/ hoverclass
Good hello. I'm confused by the 'hoverclass' option that can be passed to Sortable.create It works with Droppables.add but (for me) it doesn't seem to do anything when used with Sortables. (afaik Sortable.create just calls Droppables.add and passes the hoverclass option through- or at least it's supposed to) Not sure if it's broken in the current svn but
2006 Jun 26
sortables and accept question
i did some searching through the archives and didn''t really find an answer to my question, so i''m going to just ask it. i have a situation where there are 3 sortable lists. list1, list2, and list3 i need list2 to accept divs from all 3 lists, but list1 and list3 to only accept divs from the list1 and list3 i''ve added two classes to the divs in my sortables: .rail
2016 Jan 24
test z de tres proporciones
El 24/01/16 a las 16:29, Fernando Sánchez Lasheras escribió: > Hola José, > > Efectivamente le mensaje me lo enviaste a mí, pero yo al contestar lo mandé > a la lista. > > Los grupos son tratamientos distintos. Es decir, se estudia a una serie de > personas a las que se les aplican tres tratamientos distintos (A, B y C) > durante el mismo tiempo y vemos el número de eventos
2007 May 01
Small Scriptaculous Sortables Jitter
Hey all I have a project that i''m working on where I''m making extensive use of sortables. I''ve noticed that when my sortable item height is approximately less than 30 pixels, when I try to reorder the sortable it jitters between 2 positions and causes a nasty effect. I expect it''s to do with the tolerance percentages and pixels- when you start to get that
2005 Jul 21
Question about sortables
Hi, I''m trying to use sortables to sort table rows and move them between different tables (yes, it''s actual tabular data ;). However, either I don''t know how to use the tag property of Sortable.create properly, or it''s only working for li''s. Since it''s probably the first option, could someone post an example of sorting tr tags and move them
2005 Jul 13
A small question about dragging effect on sortables
Hello, I''m implementing sortables in Rails and I can''t seem to get the lovely effect from the Sortable Floats Demo on Thomas'' wonderful site: Simply put, I can''t get the effect whereby you''re dragging the image. When I have a vertical or horizontal constraint on a list, the effect
2005 Oct 10
Sortables dropOnEmpty does not work inside tables
I would like to be able to move Sortables among table cells, including empty ones. However, dropOnEmpty does not seem to work inside tables. I can always emulate tables using CSS, but I was just wondering if something in the javascripts is preventing this. Thanks, Shane