similar to: extending prototype''s classes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "extending prototype''s classes"

2006 Jun 21
sortable tree problem
Hello, I''m having a problem when I set the tree option to true on Sortable. If I set the option to false my remote call works fine, but once I set it to true, I get some weird log errors from Webrick... undefined method `update'' for "11":String /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.12.1/lib/action_controller/cgi_ext/cgi_methods.rb:214:in `build_deep_hash''
2008 Mar 21
Prototype.js event.stop(event) FF2 not working
stop: function(event) { if (event.preventDefault) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } else { event.returnValue = false; event.cancelBubble = true; } } /* br original stop: function(event) { Event.extend(event); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopped = true; } */ };
2006 Jun 15
Drag and Drop Sortable Tree
I''ve gone through Chad Fowler''s recipe for creating a drag and drop sortable list, and have been trying to extend this to a sortable tree. Has anyone come up with or seen code which allows drag and drop sorting (altering the position and parent_id variables of the relevant objects) but for data in a nested tree rather than a list form? - Justin
2006 Jun 16
Drag and Drop work in IE?
Please, I''m build an drag and drop tree using scriptaculous and it is perfect in FF but when I test in IE don''t work, I drag the element and when I free the button the element don''t go to the place, stay in the mouse pointer... What can do it happen? I''m using last version of scriptaculous. Thank you, Pedro
2006 Feb 13
8 / Scriptaculous
Hi list, Is it possible to create a "dashboard" type application, like, w/ _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2005 Aug 05
disable Sortable
Can a Sortable be disabled/deactivated/destroyed once it''s been created? I''ve tried a few different things with no success. Here''s what I''m doing: I have an ordered list. When a particular event happens, I created a Sortable from the list. I clone the list prior to creating the Sortable so I can revert to the original list if sorting is canceled. If, however,
2005 Aug 04
Sortable table
Hi guys, I have a question that I haven''t been able to find an answer to yet. I''m hoping I can find an answer here. I would like to be able to allow a user to visibly sort the order of rows of a table. I have a table that is used to display tabular data. It allows users to dynamically add rows of tabular data to an existing table. I would like to enable the user to be
2007 Nov 02
3 onUpdate in Sortable.create
Can''t seem to get the onUpdate to work in for a sortable list. I am following the documentation and the included functional tests but nothing is firing for me. Any idea why? Sortable.create(''list1'', { tree:true , onUpdate:function(sortable){ alert(''onUpdate'') } , handle: ''handle'' , scroll:window ,
2006 Jan 23
question about Sortables
So, is there any way to specify a sortable to only do a callback when the dragged item is dropped? As it is, the onChange is called whenever you move the draggable to a new element (even if you don''t drop it), but I''d rather only call my function after they drop it to avoid unnecessary additional server calls. It looks like Droppable supports an ''onDrop'', but
2006 Jan 29
Questions about Sortable javascript
Hi, I''ve been playing with sortable, the demos on and reading the javascript. I hope I''m not just missing the documentation somewhere but I can''t find it. I want to do something like Sortable for the admin side of an open source ecommerce project I''m working on [1]. I''m relatively new to DHTML but understand the basic ideas. If someone
2006 May 19
Multiple dynamic Sortables
I''m writing an appliation that contains several dynamically created lists. I had hoped that the following method for using the Sortable library from scriptaculous would work: 1) create the list 2) create a Sortable for it 3) create another list 4) create a Sortable for it and so on. Unfortunately this doesn''t work. I can''t find any info in the documentation for
2006 Jan 28
Unspecified error in prototype.js
Hi, 1. I have 2 panes, each having approximately 45-50 slides, all the slide images are 110x82 pixels in size, enclosed in their respective div''s. 2. These divs are further enclosed in a parent div, which is defined as a Sortable on page load. 3. There is a destination div on the RHS also. Sortable.create("div_leftDiv", {ghosting:true, revert: true, dropOnEmpty:true,
2005 Aug 18
Sortable > how to know wich elementID was dropped ?
Maybe a newb question, maybe not. It''s not well documented, and I want to know how to know the id of my newly dropped item. The usage, would be to attach the newly dropped id to its *new* parent in a DB. Thanks. ????????????????????????
2005 Sep 14
table sorting/manipulation library?
I have a library I''ve developed that I believe is the most flexible and useful table sorting/striping/row-selecting library around. Big features: Single and multiple-level sort Arbitrary sort criteria (IP address, date, etc.) Works with table headers that are > 1 row or column large Stripe tables and/or enable row selecting Row selecting supports drag-select and SHIFT-click No extra
2005 Oct 17
a better question
I''m trying to call a click() event on an <a href> that has an Observable registered for it. Something like: <a href="#" id="toggle_1929">show</a> ... Event.observe("toggle_1929", ''click'', function(event){ Element.toggle ("group_1929"); return false; }); ... $("toggle_1929").click(); //this throws
2006 May 29
Re-orderable column DataGrid + Patches for Sortable.delay and Sortable.ignorePositionXY
I would love to get some feedback and test a patch to rev. 4380. First, the money shot - check out this demo of a scriptaculous DataGrid: I''m using the <tr> as a sortable with the <th>''s as the sortable elements. The Patch file: The patch
2006 Nov 24
sortable - after complete dropping element want to send ajax reqeust with id of elements: draggable and droppable
Hi all. I have specific situations - I use sortable on html list, and after I move elements I want to do ajax reqeust to serwer with the id of dragging element and id of the element that was droppable. How to do it? which function in Sortable class i have to overrider or modify? i try to modife onhover method in sortable and put a ajaxRequest call before methods dropon.parentNode.insertBefore
2006 Mar 28
Simple question about sortables...
Hi, I''m new to the prototype and scriptaculous (v1.5.1) libraries. I''m creating a sortable list using the code below, and I''m finding that while a list element is being dragged in IE, the element text is transformed to appear bolder than the original. In Firefox, the text becomes opaque. Is there anyway to stop this from happening, ie don''t change any
2006 Mar 31
RE: drag and drop sorting with an empty lis
I ran into this issue too. My solution was to add an "onUpdate" function to the sortable that tests the container to see if it''s got any children or not: function is_empty(container) { if ($(container).hasChildNodes()) { Element.removeClassName($(container),''empty''); } else if (!$(container).hasChildNodes()) {
2005 Aug 02
Scriptaculous: Sortable (dragdrop.js) onUpdate
Hi all, In the following code, it doesn''t look like the onUpdate() event is firing. Am I doing something wrong? <ul id="testSort"> <li id="item1">item 1</li> <li id="item2">item 2</li> <li id="item3">item 3</li> <li id="item4">item 4</li> <li id="item5">item