similar to: How to use JavaScript in link_to_remote?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "How to use JavaScript in link_to_remote?"

2005 May 29
Ruby presentation
Cheers, I uploaded my Ruby presentation that I held in March for some colleagues to my blog. The presentation is an introduction and overview to Ruby in German. There is also a small part about Ruby on Rails but the focus is on the features on Ruby. Maybe it''s of use for somebody. You can find it here: Jonathan --
2006 May 28
Drag''n''Drop out of overflow:auto containers
Cheers, I have some elements inside a div with overflow:auto. When I trie to drag them outside of the div, the div starts to scroll. Is there a way to stop this behaviour for drag and drop? I thought of maybe using callback to disable the overflow and restoring it againg after the drop. Did someone implemented something like this? Thanks, Jonathan -- Jonathan Weiss
2008 Apr 29
Webistrano recipes association (was: [Capistrano] Webistrano 1.3 released)
I see at some point recipes were changed from project-associated to stage-associated, is there some explanation or examples of that use-case? Could I request we have both? In my current cap scripts, we don''t have any stage-specific recipes, but maybe I''m just not understanding this completely. On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 1:04 PM, Jonathan Weiss
2007 Sep 28
Why PeriodicalUpdater doesn't work on Internet Explorer?
I have the following code: <script type="text/javascript"> Event.observe(window, ''load'', function() { var updater = new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater(''chatbox'', ''chat.php'', {method: ''get'', asynchronous: true, frequency: 0.55, decay: 2, onSuccess: function(){$(''chatbox'').scrollTop=$
2006 Apr 28
Calling Javascript function using observe_field
I''m trying to call a simple javascript function from within an observe_field. It is possible to replace the :url with :function to call a function. But since there are no examples, and I''ve tried a bunch of iterations, can someone show me sample syntax? I''d like to do something like: <%= observe_field :FormOptions1, :frequency => 0.25,
2005 Nov 02
Trouble with Umlauts
I am developing an application in German. This means I have umlauts. When I was using rails version 0.13.1 there seemed to be no further configuration needed for umlauts to be shown correctly. Now I have upgraded to 0.14.2 and the umlauts are being displayed at ''?''s. I changed the encoding of the page and it is UTF-8. I have also tried the steps listed at
2016 Apr 07
slowdown in notmuch perf suite with xapian 1.3.5
I hadn't noticed any interactive slowdown, but when I got around to running the notmuch performance suite, there seems to be some noticable slowdown with the glass backend (default in Xapian 1.3.5) compared to chert (using xapian 1.2.22) These tests are on an older i7 with 12G of RAM and an SSD. I'm reasonable confident they are CPU bound. One curious thing is the increase in system time
2012 Jan 17
sorry, choosed wrong recipient....
Hi Michal, Am 17.01.2012 09:19, schrieb Michal Privoznik: On 16.01.2012 23:04, Marko Weber wrote: Hi Michal, i cant say the USEFLAGS, cause i removed at end the package, heres a cut of logfile /var/log/libvirt/libvirt.log 2012-01-15 19:48:11.960+0000: 21586: error : virCommandWait:2192 : Interner Fehler Child process (/sbin/iptables --table mangle --insert POSTROUTING --out-interface virbr0
2006 Apr 21
Scaling Rails with Apache 2.2, mod_proxy_balancer and Mongrel
Cheers, I''ve just published a blog post about scaling Rails with Apache 2.2, mod_proxy_balancer and Mongrel. This way you do not need another proxy server or load balancer for Mongrel. Just use Apache 2.2 and mod_proxy balancer. Jonathan -- Jonathan Weiss
2006 Mar 01
Accessing AJAX''ed elements via javascript
Is there a way to get access (via javascript) the page elements that were populated with AJAX (observe_field)? If you look at my source I have: <select name="resource[sub_focus_id]" id="resource_sub_focus_id"></select> But the actual select menu is filled with options because I used the observe_field to fill in the options. Now I want to be able to access
2006 Feb 03
JavaScript Prototype Help?
I have a form with a text area. I want to have an observer watch the text area and update a div with the running count of characters in the text area. I tried "onchange" but that doesn''t update until you leave the text area. I was able to get it working using AJAX, but it''s silly to make a needless round trip to the server, when the page already knows
2006 Jul 12
Can''t get observe_field to take a variable for a field name
The subject pretty much says it all: I can''t?get observe_field to take a variable for a field name I''ve tried: <%= observe_field(var_name, ... <%= observe_field("#{var_name}", ... <%= observe_field(:"#{var_name}", ... No luck. Am I missing something? Thanks, : ) Jason -- Posted via
2010 Feb 08
can use use observe_field with a 3rd party server?
Hi- I''m trying to implement an auto-complete using Yahoo''s autocomplete server, which basically suggests search completions:{your searchterms}'' if you want to see the results in your browser, use xml instead:{your searchterms}'' So, I can
2006 Oct 18
observe_field, GET method and RESTful controllers
Hi all. I am trying to work with restful rails and have come across a quandry with observe_field. I basically want the observe field to call a show action on a restful controller. However I am unable to do so because I cannot get the damn thing to use the get request properly. If I use the following: <%= observe_field("project_selector", :update =>
2005 Dec 31
observe_field with dynamic forms
I have a form where I dynamically add form elements based on user input. An example is that when a user selects a "server" from a select box I add (via AJAX calls back to server) a "type" select box pre-populated with valid choices for that server. I do this by using observe_field on the "server" field and update a div on the page with the new "type"
2006 Apr 04
Does observe_field work with date_select?
I can''t get observe_field to do anything with my date_select. Here''s the rhtml code: <%= date_select ''course'', ''lab_start_date'' %> <%= observe_field(:course_lab_start_date, :frequency => 0.5, :update => :course_lab_start_date_div, :url => { :action => ''preview_text''}) %> My
2006 Apr 24
observe_field inside of a form?
Hi I''ve just started experimenting with AJAX in Rails and have come across this issue. I''m trying to set up some ajax form validation on a login form. I set up an observe_field method for the username field but the action for the containing form is being called and rendered instead of the action I specify in the observe_field method. All of the observe_field examples
2007 Sep 17
observe_field and :function
Hi, I m using the observe_field helper with the :function attribute. If I do the following everything it works without any issue: <%= observe_field ''select_gender'', {:function => "(value == ''2'') ? $(''record_ohrmarke'').value = ''a boy'': $(''record_ohrmarke'').value = ''a
2008 Dec 22
how to use the observe_field to get more than one field?
Hi, I have two selctdropdown boxes name like "resolution" and "codecname". Now i am able to get the single field value either from resolution or codecformat select box. ex: observe_field ''resolution'' or observe_field ''codecforamt'' is there any way to get the two fields in to the observe_field method ? Can anyone give me suggestionfs or
2006 Jul 20
Ajax and observe_field not updating specified DIV
I have a page that has a dropdown which i''m using observe_field on to make an ajax call back to my controller. The page initially displays fine. The method is invoked in my controller when i select a choice in the dropdown and I have an rjs file which is then invoked. The rjs file looks like this: page.replace_html ''embed_calendar'', :partial =>