similar to: bounce effect

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "bounce effect"

2005 Sep 18
Attaching effects during onload
I''m trying to attach effects to elements in my onload handler and my lack of Javascript-fu is showing... I want to call the effect from the onclick handler of an anchor inside the div I want the effect to apply to. Here''s what I''m trying to do: function doOnLoad() { var filters = document.getElementsByName(''filter''); for
2005 Sep 14
Effects.Scale and form input elements
is it possible to use Effects.Scale to make a set of form input elements appear in a ''slide out'' effect? I''m trying to build a control with a button which, when clicked, will cause a row of form inputs to appear. I can do this with Effects.Appear, but what I really wanted was for the inputs to appear to ''slide out'' from the button. What I
2005 Aug 24
scriptaculous: Draggable and table rows
I''m trying to add drag/drop for moving rows between two tables, and not having much luck... I can get images to be drag-able OK so I know all the script files are in the right place ;-) But no joy with table rows. Is this a Draggable and/or Javascript/HTML limitation? Here''s what I''m trying: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"
2005 Oct 18
Ajax.Request / XmlHttpRequest details
Does anyone know a good reference for the various statuses that XmlHttpRequest''s readyState property can have? I mean, I know what the states are, but I''m unclear on the circumstances under which each occurs... In a simple test I wrote, I''m seeing the loaded, interactive and complete states (i.e. my Ajax.Request instance calls its onLoaded, onInteractive and
2005 Sep 20
Tabular structure where you can use keyboard to navigate up and down
Need some help in creating a table structure such that I can use the keyboard up/down keys to move through the rows. Can anyone give me a pointer to this? So, if I have 5 row in the table, I want to be able to use my keyboard to go up and down and select every row (without using the mouse). Thanks, Mandy. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2005 Oct 17
a better question
I''m trying to call a click() event on an <a href> that has an Observable registered for it. Something like: <a href="#" id="toggle_1929">show</a> ... Event.observe("toggle_1929", ''click'', function(event){ Element.toggle ("group_1929"); return false; }); ... $("toggle_1929").click(); //this throws
2005 Sep 15
Ajax to sockets.
Hello, I am trying to find a way to implement ajax with a given socket server. Basically I have a support system that is fully integrated, but I can not stand the "JAVA" chat client because of the security warning and load time. So I figured I would look towards ajax especially since it has XML capabilites. I have the whitepaper on the socket server, this socket server is on the same
2005 Nov 19
Looking to develop for scriptaculous
Hello All, I have just joined rails-spinoffs mailing lists and I would like to introduce myself. My name is Casey and I am a professional Web and J2EE developer currently working out of New York. I am very interested in contributing to the Scriptaculous javascript library. For the past few months I have been using certain functions in the library and I have to say that it has taken my
2005 Sep 24
Load latency, file count, and a proposal
Hey All, So now that we''re up to 7 files, and hopefully more coming as the project grows, minimizing load latency seems much more important. Maybe it''s time to consider creating a single file distribution, much like what prototype.js is (a concatination of 6 or so other files)? re: packaging suggestions *) scriptaculous_only.js - all of the scriptaculous components w/o
2006 Mar 01
validations without AR - going crazy trying to find link
Hi, in the past few months someone posted an entry on their blog about how to do validations in non-AR classes and I cant find it any more. Anyone have a link? Thanks, Trevor -- Trevor Squires
2007 Sep 21
TextMate Bundle and exception when switching to alternate file.
Hey, sorry if this is something better suited to another list. I''ve encountered a strange problem with the RSpec.tmbundle in trunk - namely that it was raising an exception when pressing ctrl-shift-downarrow (switch between spec and source - "Alternate File"). I tracked down the issue to be handling of the file_type in switch_command.rb#content_for() - the code expected the
2006 May 24
Best practices: a little pop-quiz on my blog
Hey, I just put up a little rails pop-quiz on my blog (more fun than just writing a post saying "hey did you know..."). Seeing as it''s probably of interest to more than just the three people (including my wife) that actually read my blog I figured it would be okay to announce it here. I''ll post my answers in a followup tomorrow
2005 Sep 19
Rails compatible JS datepicker -- beta
hi all, I''ve built a simple javascript datepicker for use with Rails. I''m sure others exist, but think this one is quite decent without being overengineered. At present there''s no Rails HTML generator method for it; later I will package it in a script/generator, but for now it is quite easy to use with Rails and
2007 Mar 22
Enumerable sum oddity
Hi. In this setup "account has_many :consultations". Can anyone explain the following behaviour to me? Rails 1.2.2. The "sum" method should return 0 for an empty array. >> a = Account.find(1) => #<Account:0x39c80a8 @attributes={...} >> a.consultations => [] >> a.consultations.sum(&:foo) ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
2005 Aug 29
can a class find out it''s instance name?
Hi friends - a javascript question.... Does the prototype object add some way for a class to find out the variable name of its instance variable? Or does javascript have some built in way to do this? This is confusing to describe - but if I define a variable as some object: var myVariable= new Widget(''fdfa''); can some built-in method inside the Widget class be
2005 Oct 26
Draggable option elements
Hi, I''m trying to make options in a multi-select draggable so I can let the user drag options between two lists. The lists need to be HTML ''select''s rather than, for example, ''ul''s to support the functionality of the form when Javascript isn''t available. The problem is, while dragging, the options are clipped to the bounds of the
2004 Nov 26
Grandstream BT102 Busy signal on hangup
Hey everybody, I've been playing around with Asterisk (Current CVS Stable dated: Asterisk CVS-v1-0-11/23/04). I've purchased 2 GS BT102 SIP phones. Both have been upgraded to firmware I've also have installed on my desktop and laptop, X-Lite. I've been using these to learn how to setup Asterisk. I've got a Wildcat X100P on order and will be here next week. My
1999 Nov 01
samba and SMP
I've now tried 2.0.6pre2 with a SuperMicro P6DNF dual PPro as well as the Everex StepDP/Pro dual PPro MB; same result, large (more than 1 MB) file copies usually crash with only a message about oplock errors in the logfile. Running a single CPU kernel works fine (pre2 seems much faster, but I haven't done any testing). 2.0.5a does the same. NFS and mars_nwe with the same hardware and
2006 Apr 11
I can''t get rails to see my plugin. How can I this?
I''m trying to produce a plugin to help me with my page caching woes. I can''t seem to get rails to see my method within the plugin. This is my first attempt at a plugin so I''m sure I''m missing something. I''ve created a directory /vendor/lib/plugins/broom_stick/. I then created an init.rb file with: require ''broom_stick'' I then
1999 Nov 03
2.0.6pre3 and FreeBSD 3.3-RELEASE
2.0.6pre3 compiles and installs under FreeBSD 3.2-RELEASE; however, throughput from an NT 4 SP6 workstation with domain security and only TCP_NODELAY as a socket option is clocking around 200K/sec for large files (65MB). Hardware is PPro200, single CPU kernel (never have gotten 2.0.5 or later to work SMP), Adaptec 2944UW/3 Quantum 9GB Atlas II wide diff drives (clock 9MB/sec using bonnie), Intel