similar to: InPlaceEditor update of page contents ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "InPlaceEditor update of page contents ?"

2005 Oct 05
InPlaceEditor crash on Safari
Quick question.. I often crash my Safari when using ''Enter'' on InPlaceEditor''s for submitting. Works fine on firefox(win & Mac) - no javascript errors. Anyone else seen this behavior? (Maybe it is just my alterings of InPlaceEditor :-) Best Regards Michael Krog
2006 Mar 07
Minor fix for Ajax.InPlaceEditor
controls.js line 471: Where it says: new Effect.Highlight(element, {startcolor: this.options.highlightcolor}); can we change it to: new Effect.Highlight(element, {startcolor: this.options.highlightcolor, endcolor: this.options.highlightendcolor}); . Otherwise, it''ll use the default #FFFFFF to finish the highlight which doesn''t look right when #FFFFFF doesn''t match
2006 Mar 03
Ajax.InPlaceEditor - disabling the yellow highlight?
Is there a way to disable Ajax.InPlaceEditor''s yellow rollover highlight?
2006 Aug 02
Passing Ajax.InPlaceEditor options
I''ve followed the instructions in the Rails Recipe #1 and have the in_place_editor_field working but now I want to tweak how it looks and behaves. I''d like to be able to override the default yellow highlight color, which is done using the highlightcolor param according to the scriptaculous documentation (unless I''m missing something). I''m new to Ruby and Rails
2006 Jan 25
Ajax.InPlaceEditor onSuccess: ???
I''m looking for onSuccess: in Ajax.InPlaceEditor, but it doesn''t appear to exist. onComplete isn''t what I need because I only want my callback on success. Is there a way to do this? Thanks, Jamie
2006 Dec 08
Windows Tempfile Fix Plugin
Hi all, Yesterday, I had some problems reading JPG files in my tests. Turns out the problem was that Windows Ruby doesn't set it's Tempfile to work in binary mode. Since I deploy on Linux, that has never been a big problem, but now I'm working on some software that works with binary files exclusively. Anyway, I am making this fix available as a Rails plugin. The details can be
2006 Dec 08
Windows Tempfile Fix Plugin
Hi all, Yesterday, I had some problems reading JPG files in my tests. Turns out the problem was that Windows Ruby doesn't set it's Tempfile to work in binary mode. Since I deploy on Linux, that has never been a big problem, but now I'm working on some software that works with binary files exclusively. Anyway, I am making this fix available as a Rails plugin. The details can be
2006 Jan 05
InPlaceEditor and textarea
Hi to all. First of all exchuse for my bad english I try to use Ajax.InPlaceEditor with a textarea: ################## new Ajax.InPlaceEditor($(''ipblock''), ''tools/admin_save.php'', { ajaxOptions: {method: ''get''}, rows:10, cols:20, callback: function(form, value) { return ''op=ipblock&value='' + value},
2005 Oct 27
Save output of Ajax.InPlaceEditor to a variable?
All, The Ajax.InPlaceEditor control is nice but I''d like the ability to read the changed value. Basically, I''m creating a form with editable elements but it''s only when I do the submit that the form elements are submitted. I''d still like to allow in-place editing but what I''d like to do is get the new value and throw that in a hidden form variable Is
2007 Feb 07
Running patched rails
Hi, Does anyone have any tips for running a patched version of rails? I am currently running rails 1.2.2 and would like to keep up to date with any future releases. I also want to run with the following patch: I am unsure how to manage this. Is this something SVN or rake can handle? Any tips/pointers would be very much appreciated. Thanks, GiantCranes
2005 Dec 28
Custom tooltip component?
I am looking to develop a custom tool tip component for a list of links. ...Which is kind of not that big a deal. But, and this seems to be the tricky part, I also want to be able to set/specify the interval threshold after which to display the tool tip. (and by nature of "tool tip", don''t display if the mouse moves out during that interval. etc) Any suggestions? Could
2007 Jan 24
Differences between assert_tag and assert_select
Hi all, I can't seem to make assert_select work for the more complex cases for me. Here's a sample: # View <%= link_to_remote 'Add new', :url => new_phone_url, :submit => 'phones_head' %> # Generated code: <a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Request('', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
2006 Mar 21
r3981 causes SystemStackError ?!? The changes are a rename of RailsInfoController to Rails::InfoController. That seems to be completely unrelated to this error: $ ruby script\server => Booting WEBrick... ./script/../config/../vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector.rb:121:in `underscore': stack level too deep (SystemStackError) from
2005 Nov 08
Scriptaculous insertion fails when XHTML Strict used in FireFox
Hi ! I'm getting an uncaught exception requiring the Scriptaculous libraries when everything says XHTML 1.0 Strict: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :set_content_type protected def set_content_type response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=ISO-8859-1' end end <?xml version="1.0"
2005 Oct 31
SELECT instead of INPUT in InPlaceEditor ?
Hi ! I'd like to know if it is possible to create a server-side generated SELECT object instead of an INPUT for the InPlaceEditor. I guess it is, because createEditField() seems to be devoted to that. Unfortunately, my JavaScript skills are lacking. Can someone direct me as to how to override a single method in a JavaScript object ? I have the following HTML code: <span
2007 Mar 27
Ticket #7124 I just attached a patch against 1.2 that cleanly applies to trunk too. This allows functional and integration tests to have the same interface to the xhr/xml_http_request method. The patch also includes a deprecation workaround when called without the appropriate parameters. If the patch could also be applied to the 1.2 branch, I would appreciate. The
2006 Sep 25
In place editing an empty field
I am trying to use the Scriptaculous InPlaceEditor and in some cases the field will be empty. That is, the field currently has no value but the user wants to enter a value. The InPlaceEditor appears to not work in this case. Other identical fields (except wit different ids and some value) do work. I have tried using a nonbreaking space (&nbsp;), and this does cause the editor to appear,
2006 Feb 21
Help with Script.aculo inPlaceEditor
Well, I start recently with Scriptacolus and inPlaceEditor. I have two doubts about use it. 1) When I specify URL for save changes or not it doesn''t work. See example below: <script type="text/javascript"> new Ajax.InPlaceEditor(''aNombre'', ''productos.php?a=actualizar&f=aNombre''); </script> In productos.php file I have
2005 Dec 06
How to set a default value?
Hello, I have a price field that I validate of numbers. How can I default a 0.0 value? Regards, Frank Rocco
2006 Feb 17
PayPal WSDL API on Rails anyone ?
Hi ! Has anyone connected to the Mass Pay API of PayPal using Rails ? I need to do this for a customer, and I wanted to know how easy/hard it was. I have no experience using SOAP, WSDL, etc. I saw soap4r[1] on the RAA[2]. This is probably what I''ll need to use. One question I haven''t answered yet is whether soap4r will accept PayPal''s certificates ? Thanks for any