similar to: RE: Re: form elements in sortable lists

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "RE: Re: form elements in sortable lists"

2006 Nov 24
sortable - after complete dropping element want to send ajax reqeust with id of elements: draggable and droppable
Hi all. I have specific situations - I use sortable on html list, and after I move elements I want to do ajax reqeust to serwer with the id of dragging element and id of the element that was droppable. How to do it? which function in Sortable class i have to overrider or modify? i try to modife onhover method in sortable and put a ajaxRequest call before methods dropon.parentNode.insertBefore
2006 Jan 30
RE: sortable list question
Assuming that $(ids[i]) is the hidden input field, wouldn''t the following line need to reference it as a form element? > $(ids[i]).innerHTML = i; I would assume it should be (the "'''' + " makes it a string, not sure if you can set a form element value to an int, maybe you can): $(ids[i]).value = '''' + i; Or maybe I''m not
2008 Feb 15
Sortable limit number of elements
Hello, Well, i need to limit the number of elements in a sortable. I new to scriptaculo but i have lots of experiencie with javascript. Since limit the number of elements is not supported by Sortable i would like to implement, i already took a look at the Sortable class in dragdrop.js and it looks like that onHover and onEmptyHover deal with the update of the UI, however I''m not unable
2006 Jun 15
Drag and Drop Sortable Tree
I''ve gone through Chad Fowler''s recipe for creating a drag and drop sortable list, and have been trying to extend this to a sortable tree. Has anyone come up with or seen code which allows drag and drop sorting (altering the position and parent_id variables of the relevant objects) but for data in a nested tree rather than a list form? - Justin
2006 May 24
Sortable: Ajax not firing?
Using Rails to generate a sortable list, I get the draggable/sortable page elements, but Ajax never fires back the post-sorted list. (I''ve checked with IE & Firefox, the "save this order to the DB" controller hasn''t been called.) The View: <p>Drag to sort.<span id="sort_info"></span></p> <ul id="sort1">
2006 May 28
Sortable.create containment:
hi i got a problem with a Sortable.create. i got an array containing the ID of the elements i want to make an sortable of, that is no problem, but i want to be able to drag between the sortables and that where my problem is. i dont know how to assign an array to containment: until now the script looks like this: for (i=0;i<id_gruppe.length;i++) { Sortable.create(id_gruppe[i]
2006 Apr 05
Nuby Sortable Question? How do you pass multiple lists back to the server
I have multiple drag and drop lists. If you sort within one list, you can pass the list back to the server using: <%= sortable_element ''task-list'' << , :url => { :action => "noop", :id => @user }, ... %> Which causes this to be included in the javascript: onUpdate:function(){new
2007 Jul 19
Storing order of sortable objects in RoR
I have two sortable lists that you can drag and drop to and from. Each object in the lists have a position field in the object''s table. I want to be able to update the position in the database automagically once a user has sorted the list. I can drag and drop just fine but I am not able to store the new positions in the database. I am trying to use Ajax.request in the onUpdate callback
2007 Nov 02
3 onUpdate in Sortable.create
Can''t seem to get the onUpdate to work in for a sortable list. I am following the documentation and the included functional tests but nothing is firing for me. Any idea why? Sortable.create(''list1'', { tree:true , onUpdate:function(sortable){ alert(''onUpdate'') } , handle: ''handle'' , scroll:window ,
2007 Aug 27
Sortable + Table = Ouch!
I have an HTML table I am trying to "retro-fit" with a sortable such that a cell in one column/row and be moved to another. What I have tried in tyerms of formatting looks akin to: <div id="schedule"> <table> <tr> <td><div id="one">Some Text</div></td> <td><div
2006 Feb 25
Re: Strange behaviour with sortable
Hi, I''m having strange problem with Sortable. I''m trying to do something like google homepage, netvibes and others with 3 sortable lists, just to prouve someone it''s really easy with scriptaculous. But maybe it''s not so easy :) I''ve attached what I did, the code looks good to me but when I drag the upper left widget to another column, the widget under
2006 Feb 14
problem with sortable lists and IE
* I sent this message previously from the wrong address so it didn''t go through so, I apologize in advance if a duplicate shows up * Hello, I am very new to and prototype but was trying to implement some of the cool ajax functionality with Webwork. I have been having a little trouble with the sortable element demo. I have the following code below: <html>
2006 Dec 28
Sortable.create format
Hi I have a simple question. Default format in sortable.create is: /^[^_\-](?:[A-Za-z0-9\-\_]*)[_](.*)$/ and sortable.serialize returns "key[]=value&key[]=value&key[]=value... " What format should I use in sortable.create, if i want to have something like that (after serialize): "value,value,value" Thanks, Sever --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
2008 Jul 02
Stop sortable dop event
Hi! I have a sortable list Every item in this list has a droppable area In this area I could drop some elements of the same list Everything is ok except I need to stop the sortable event when I drop an item in the droppable area Is this possible? Thanks! --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby
2008 Jul 01
Sortable, stop event on drop
I''ve got a "Sortable" list that is sorting just fine. But in the list items, there is a link. If you mousedown on the link, drag it to a new location and mouseup, the list gets reordered appropriately, but then the link is followed (you did - after all - click it). Is there a way to either stop the mouseup/click event before activating the link after you''ve dragged
2007 Nov 30
make sortable divs and innerHTML
My problem is that elements that were included in my site with innerHTML can´t be sortable because the DOM doesn´t know that these elements are there. Has anybody a solution or an idea to this problem? ToM --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group,
2005 Dec 28
Sortable - can we make one or more elements in a list sticky?
In a sortable list, is there a way to say, pass a className whereby some of the elements in the sortable element would not become draggables/droppables? If not, it seems like it could be implemented similarly to the handle option.. Any interest? Also - I submitted a patch that adds the option "delay" so that draggables in a Sortable won''t truly become activated until after the
2007 Apr 13
Sortable - Droppable interaction
Hi there, I''m started to use scriptaculous yesterday and it''s really great. Hovever, there is one problem that I cannot solve: I have a page with a sortable list and a droppable "trash can". I would like to drag and drop items between the list and the trash can, but it don''t work. Which options should I set to make it works correctly? Thanks!
2005 Dec 04
Adding sortables dynamically
Hi all, is there a way to define the containment option for a sortable so that it is a class name instead of an id list? I have a case very similar to the sortable lists demo, the only difference is that I'm adding new list containers dinamically, so either I need to redo the Sortable.create calls for all new elements to include the newly added container, or having someway to have them
2006 Aug 03
creating a recycle-bin
Hi all, I''m trying to create a recycle bin for elements from a Sortable. To do that I created an <img> (image of a recycle-bin ofcourse) and made it a Droppable. However what should I do with the element in the onDrop function of the Droppable to stop it from going back into the Sortable? How do I remove it altogether from the page? thanks and regards, Jeroen