similar to: How to cancel Ajax.Request?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "How to cancel Ajax.Request?"

2006 May 26
stopping effects, help me again please
Hi * and thanks for you responses some body help me stop effect, just last effect. Thanks! to somebody help me with: Pulsator = Class.create(); Pulsator.prototype = {initialize: function(element) { this.stopped = false; new Effect.Pulsate(element, { afterFinish: this.action.bind(this) }); },action: function(element){if(!this.stopped) new Effect.Pulsate(element, { afterFinish:
2006 Jun 24
Correct syntax for using the Effects Queue ?
this works: onclick=''new Effect.Scale(this,50);'' but this does not: onclick=''new Effect.Scale(this,50,{queue:front}); new Effect.Scale (this,200,{queue:end});'' what is the correct syntax for using queue ? many thanks as I have just started wrapping my head around scriptaculous g
2006 May 18
more that 5 time beats for effect.pulsate
hi again How can i extend 5 times for effect.pulsate beats? I need that continue beat until other event client happened about my other mail, is there other solution more elegant that this? : new Effect.Pulsate(leccion[i_leccion],{duration: 5,from: 1}); thanks again rag
2006 Jul 10
prototype hash method
var v1 = { a: ''value for a'', b:''value for b'' } var v2 = { c: ''value for c'', d: function(){some code...} }; var v3 = v2.merge(v1); I''m getting an error doing this... what is wrong?
2006 Mar 21
Autocomplete and WIKI
Two Questions: 1. Is the WIKI down? I can''t access it. 2. With the auto complete is there a way to have it display something but have a value of something else, the way a select box works. Thanks, <> Jon Whitcraft Indianapolis Motor Speedway jwhitcraft-1LwPDYEpVrH2eFz/ Phone: (317) 492-8623 ::
2006 Mar 22
Serialized form... problems with accents
Hi, I''m working on a french website and I use the Form.serialize method to send the info through AJAX. The thing is that the accentuated letters (é,ê,à, etc.) don''t get replaced by their HTML entities and they get corrupted when retrieving the data. How could I fix that? thanks a lot, Blaise Bernie
2006 Feb 02
this pointer in Event.observe function
Hello, please consider the following code example. It applies the onclick handler to all image tags, and through window.event it ensures that it works in IE too: -------------------------------------------------- var imgs = $(''foo'').getElementsByTagName(''img''); for(var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) { // Apply onclick handler imgs[i].onclick=function() {
2006 Apr 07
ajax loading message
Hello, I''m looking for some help - I''m having problems in getting the loading message to disappear - sometimes it disappears, sometimes it doesn''t. This is the javascript I have: ajaxContent: function(iTabPos) { if (isNaN(iTabPos)) return false; var iTabIndex = this._posToIndex(iTabPos);
2006 Apr 27
cleanWhitespace and parentNode
Hey cats, I seem to have ran into a problem in IE trying to use parentNode with the cleanWhitespace method. doing something like: var div = $(''mydiv''); Element.cleanWhitespace(div); works really great, but try doing: var div = $(''mydiv''); Element.cleanWhitespace(div.parentNode); or var div = $(''mydiv''); div = div.parentNode;
2006 Jan 31
resizing multiple images using getElementsByClassName
I am building a iPhoto like (Read rip-off) interface for thumbnails and I am having a couple problems that I thought some one on the list might be able to assist me on ... first off here is the page: I am no Javascript whizz and I am sure there is a FAR more efficient way to do what I am trying. Having said that, the 2 things I was looking for
2006 Apr 24
merging one array into another
Is there no better way to merge one array into another than iterating over the array you wish to append with each() and push()ing the elements on to the other array? Here''s what I mean: var arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; var arr2 = [''a'', ''b'', ''c'']; $A(arr2).each(function(el) { arr1.push(el) }); Is there no better way to do it than this?
2006 Mar 09
[Prototype] Ajax.Request include form fields?
Hi, Is it possible to submit my form (or part of my form) with an ajax request? I had been using dojo to do this, but having just read up on the prototype library, I think I''d rather use prototype. The one thing I don''t see (maybe I''m just missing it) is the ability to submit my form (actually just parse through an element and include all inputs as request parameters)
2006 Mar 31
Property not supported error with newest prototype.
I''m getting an error from IE on the following line in the newest prototype... element._extended = true; IE is saying that ''Object doesn''t support this property or method''. I''m using IE6. Has anybody else had similiar issues?
2006 Feb 01
Sortable onUpdate problem
Hi, I have two sortables with different options (but same tags. just ''li''). When I drag an item from sortable1 to sortable2 I want it to gain the options that the sortable2 items have. I''ve tried all day to understand how Draggables and their observers are destroyed but I keep gettting buggy behavior. Part of the problem is the draggable and the draggableObserver are
2006 Feb 14
Yahoo! User Interface Libraries
Yahoo! recently unveiled their UI Libraries which appear to provide a lot of the functionality that and prototype does. I''ve tried some of the demos and the effects run quite smooth/fast. Could be an opportunity for us to adapt some ideas/approaches to improve.
2006 Jan 28
Unspecified error in prototype.js
Hi, 1. I have 2 panes, each having approximately 45-50 slides, all the slide images are 110x82 pixels in size, enclosed in their respective div''s. 2. These divs are further enclosed in a parent div, which is defined as a Sortable on page load. 3. There is a destination div on the RHS also. Sortable.create("div_leftDiv", {ghosting:true, revert: true, dropOnEmpty:true,
2006 Jun 29
Autocompleter without a default choice
Hi, I have an ajax auto completer for a text field in a form. All''s good. Unfortunately, I also want the form to be submitted when the user hits ''return'' in the text field. This combination of circumstances means that if the user is typing his entry and then hits return to submit it is possible that dang auto completer will pop up and complete his entry for even if he
2006 Jun 25
JavaScript Compression
Is there a good windows-based JavaScript compressor which will reliably compress script aculo and prototype? Sam _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Mar 28
prototype $A()
Thank you Ryah! With your answer I have been able to integrate Behaviour into a Prototype class. Thank you again!! Now I have a question related to prototype. It doesn´t transform single elements to an array? I have this code: var element = $("idDiv"); var array = $A(element); alert(array.length); the output is 0; with this one: var elements = $("idDiv", "idDiv2");
2006 Mar 07
Sortable trouble
Hi everybody, Could somebody have a look at a little sortable example at It implements two Sortables and a Draggable. You can drag elements from the "source" Sortable to the main Sortable, sort them (surprise) and drag them to a trash. Whenever you drag from the "source", a new element is created (by cloning an invisible