similar to: cloneNode not draggable in IE

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "cloneNode not draggable in IE"

2008 Feb 01
render partial in div
I have this link which when clicked will loop and render more links and a form from a partial inside of "myDiv": <%= link_to_remote ''MyLink'' . . . ., :update =>"myDiv" %> <div id = myDiv> <div> <div> <div> What I am trying to do is have a form_remote_tag that re-renders the list of stuff in "myDiv" when
2006 May 05
Node wrapping, node replacement, magic buttons...
Hey all, I was wondering if any of you has done any thing allong the lines of node wrapping? For example, lets same I have a document containing: <span id="myElement">My element text</span> And I want to wrap myElement with another node like this: <div><span id="myElement">My element text</span></div> The only solution I found was
2006 Jan 11
AJAX: link_to_remote problem
I use: <%= link_to_remote("Update", :update => ''mydiv'', :url => { :action => :create, :host => ''rails'' }) %> which generates the following: <a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Updater(''mydiv'', ''/account/create'', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true}); return
2006 Apr 19
Initial load time when periodically_call_remote
When I do periodically_call_remote with e.g. :frequency => 30 after initial page load I have to wait 30 seconds until this partial renders first time. Does anybody know how to make ROR to render partial on web page load, and then start periodic calls every 30 seconds? I tried to put <div id=''mydiv''><%= render(:partial, :action=>''myaction'')
2006 Apr 25
How to manage one to many within application.
Hi, I have an application with a customer model, and an address model. A customer has a one to many relationship with an address. I currently have an add new customer page, that incorporates an "add address" button, which places a helper form within a div using the link_to_remote function. I can click the add address button multiple times, and it will add multiple address
2015 Oct 14
Strange indexing behavior on HTML emails ..
Hi, In continuation to the issue I had posted about long back: I did further testing today on a fresh new Debian & latest Dovecot and observed a undesired behavior. I am using fts_lucene & following sequence of commands on a empty test account me at doveadm expunge -u 'my at' mailbox
2006 Mar 20
AJAX in conjunction with partials
All, Trying to clear up some confusion on my part. If I make an Ajax call using Ajax.Request and in the controller method that I call, I do a render (:partial => ''whatever.rhtml''), should I expect that ''whatever.rhtml'' will be rendered in the browser or not? Put another way, is it in any way reasonable for me to think that Ajax.Request + partial render
2006 Apr 27
cleanWhitespace and parentNode
Hey cats, I seem to have ran into a problem in IE trying to use parentNode with the cleanWhitespace method. doing something like: var div = $(''mydiv''); Element.cleanWhitespace(div); works really great, but try doing: var div = $(''mydiv''); Element.cleanWhitespace(div.parentNode); or var div = $(''mydiv''); div = div.parentNode;
2006 Aug 03
link_to_remote() question from a newbie.
Hello, I am trying to utilize link_to_remote() in the following manner: <%= link_to_remote(, :update => ''mydiv'', :url => { :controller => ''attributes'', :action => :list_user_attributes, :class_id =>, :user_id => } ) %> And
2006 Apr 09
RJS across iframes
I have an inline iframe which has a form in it, when the form is updated, I would like to call an RJS template that will update the parent page. +-----------------------------------------------+ | | | <div id="mydiv"> Update with RJS </div> | | | |
2006 Feb 26
Ajax, MemoryStore and sessions
Have you ever worked with Ajax, memoryStore and sessions in Rails? I''m trying to pass a value through a session variable to various methods. I''m calling the methods with Ajax on a submit button. I do this twice on a page. The first time I pass a variable from the page to the controller and store it in the session and write a log entry. This works fine. When the second button
2006 Mar 23
ajax replace div
Hi, Using form_remote_tag methode, is there a clean way to directly replace the content of a given div instead of just update it ? If I destroy the content of the div using this code: :success => ''$(\''mydiv'').innerHTML = \''\'''', It works. But it''s not really a clean way... Any suggestions are very welcome.. Thanks. Seb
2010 Jan 06
[PATCH] Converter: Fixes to Xen metadata conversion
Specifically fixes the issue where <script path='vif-bridge'/> would be corrupted rather than removed properly. Makes metadata conversion less generic. --- lib/Sys/VirtV2V/ | 144 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/Sys/VirtV2V/ b/lib/Sys/VirtV2V/ index a6eba45..64a5a46
2008 Jan 22
dynamic table/adding rows in IE using 'new Element("tr")'
I''m trying to create a few menus using prototype.js "insert" function. I create a table using ''new Element("table")'', insert it in DIV and then add links - one row per link (or the other way round - create a full table, then insert it). I initially wrote a code that worked fine in Firefox, but did not in IE (currently testing with 6.0): function
2005 Nov 17
afterFinish option not working as expected
Hello, I''m trying to use the afterFinish parameter on the BlindDown effect, but it''s not working as I expect it to. My function appears to be called just as the effect is starting, not when the BlindDown is complete (finished drawing). Here''s the code that I''m using for the most part... Effect.BlindDown( mydiv, { afterFinish:Form.enable(myform) } ) Any
2006 Apr 06
problem with IE
hello there, im having a little problem with Internet Exploiter, im doing this: //// CODE //// var m = $(''XYZ'').cloneNode(false) m.setAttribute(''id'', ''XYZ_2''); m.value = ''''; var onblur = "alert(''hola'');"; m.setAttribute(''onblur'', onblur);
2006 Feb 10
Stopping an observe event
If I want to stop observing a div Is this the format? Event.stopObserving($(''''mydiv''),''click''); Deco
2006 Feb 01
Combine Ajax call with an effect.
Hello list. I am a newbie with prototype, scriptaculous and with JS. Right now, I have a successful ajax call that appears in my div (thedescription) when I mouse over the link, and disappears when I click on the link. What I would like to have happen is to combine this with an effect (ie, onclick="new
2016 Oct 07
Wine release 1.8.5
The Wine maintenance release 1.8.5 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Various bug fixes. The source is available from the following locations: Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
2016 Jan 09
Wine release 1.9.1
The Wine development release 1.9.1 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - A few more deferred fixes. - Support for debug registers on x86-64. - More Shader Model 4 instructions. - Support for the Mingw ARM toolchain. - Various bug fixes. The source is available from the following locations: