similar to: Rails controller problems

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Rails controller problems"

2012 Aug 10
Persistent, sporadic failure in make_bak_dir mkdir
Through several versions up to and including the current 3.0.9 I experience sporadic, repeating (but not predictably) errors of this form: > rsync: make_bak_dir mkdir "/REPO/backup/XXXX-data1-20120727-040453" failed: File exists (17) > rsync: keep_backup failed: "/REPO/backup/XXXX-data1/data1/A182/tb5178/tb5178.hebb/out.TENT_warn.txt" ->
2014 Mar 25
Looking for some glue between Strong Parameters and CanCan
Hello Rails World, does anybody know a good solution for Strong Parameters in a Rails app authorized by Cancan (or a similar authorization gem)? def user_params if current_user.admin? params.require(:user).permit! else params.require(:user).permit(:password, :password_confirmation) end end Now I want to do this the "Cancan way". My first idea looks strange to me: def
2010 Dec 31
WickedPDF - wrong number of arguments
I''m trying to get this plugin to work for me. I''m having the following issue when I try to render a pdf (/fancy_things/45.pdf ).. Any suggestions? Thanks! ERROR: Started GET "/fancy_things/45.pdf" for at Fri Dec 31 10:59:07 -0500 2010 Processing by OrdersController#show as PDF Parameters: {"id"=>"45"}
2011 Jun 05
Cancan redirect back at AccessDenied
Hello I have a rails 3 app and I am trying to implement the redirect back action at access denied for cancan. If I try this in my application_controller: rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied do |exception| redirect_to :back end It gives the following error: No HTTP_REFERER was set in the request to this action, so redirect_to :back could not be called successfully. If this is a test, make sure
2014 Mar 25
cancan gem being replaced
I just came across this so I thought I would post it on this board since I see cancan come up a lot. It seems that Ryan Bates (who is primarily responsible for cancan) is taking a hiatus and the gem is no longer being actively maintained. The collaborators on that gem have formed a new team and have released the gem cancancan which is now cancan updated for Rails 4. You read more about it
2008 Apr 04
named_scope and ordering
Hi, this is a general design question and I liked to see how other people handle the following situation: Before named_scope I wrote custom finders for my model classes. Something like # order.rb class Order < ActiveRecord::Base class << self def find_all_marked find(:all, :conditions => {:marked => 1}, :order => ''name ASC'') end end end Now
2007 Sep 17
assertion failed after too many links error
While using dirvish, I ran into a runaway rsync process, which was continually spewing errors after encountering a "Too many links" error. This was with 2.6.9. I tried it again with the latest cvs version, and now at least it doesn't endless-loop with errors, but instead gives an assertion error. To reproduce: $ cd /tmp $ mkdir a b $ cd a $ date > a $ x=1 $ while ln a a$x; do
2012 Mar 30
cancan breaks scoped mass assignment
Hi all, I just installed cancan on a new project and found out that it creates some problems with the new scoped mass assignment features of rails 3.2 . Basically, in my User model I create some attr_accessible attributes in order to avoid users to edit their roles or other sensitive information. From the administration I allow admins to edit those protected attributes by passing
2011 Mar 02
Setting CanCan model
I successfully made login system with Devise and CanCan, and I have 3 types of users. Admin, internal and global users. I created Controllers and index actions: Admin, Cpanel, Report and State, and I want to restrict access to this controllers for some users. Admin user should have privilegies to access: Reports(all), State (read), Admin (all) Global user should have privilegies to access:
2008 Jun 05
how to specify controller '/admin/foo'
WeBrick handles the link correctly on development, but apache in production does not: <%= link_to "Orders", :controller => ''/admin/orders'', :action => ''index'' %> The controller lives in ./app/controllers/admin/orders_controller.rb From the production log, apache is looking for the "orders" action in
2011 Nov 28
getting a subdomain name in model.
Hi all, I am facing problem in getting subdomain name inside the model. The following is my setup. I am using cancan for authorization.I wanted a specific condition in Ability.rb ( the file which is placed in models if we install cancan gem). Below is the condition I wanted: ========================================================= user ||= # guest user (not logged in) if
2012 Jun 09
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in UsersController#update
Hi Im trying to link my User model to a Teams model. I seem to be getting the following errors. Any help would be great as Im just new to RoR Thanks error ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in UsersController#update Team(#2183395560) expected, got String(#2174675960) app/controllers/users_controller.rb:67:in `update'' app/controllers/users_controller.rb:66:in `update''
2006 Jan 06
HABTM problem not saving all associations
Hello all, I have an Order object that has and belongs to many Products and has and belongs to many Loan Types. This is so I can select multiples of each in my order entry screen via checkbox groups. I''m having some trouble with saving multiple HABTM associations for a single model object; only the first HABTM association declared in the model will save during the initial
2011 May 17
rails render_to_string problem
Hi I`m trying to test my controller with rspec and always get an error. The error is in the render_to_string method call (without it test works fine). So could u please help me with that? users_controller.rb: def update @user.update_attributes!(params[:user]) redirect_to @user, :status => 202, :text => render_to_string(:partial => "users/show", :type =>
2012 Aug 01
Strange error: uninitialized constant Barby::Code128A on Heroku server?
I can`t figure out why on heroku server my app crashed. On local server all seems works. 2012-08-01T17:14:50+00:00 app[web.1]: NameError (uninitialized constant Barby::Code128A): 2012-08-01T17:14:50+00:00 app[web.1]: app/models/order.rb:102:in `generate_shipment'' 2012-08-01T17:14:50+00:00 app[web.1]: app/models/order.rb:60:in `generate_items'' 2012-08-01T17:14:50+00:00
2006 May 15
losing validation error messages
Hello all, I am pretty new to Rails and have recently started on a simple project with it.. I have a simple home_controller and home/index.rhtml page that displays a login/registration form. The login/registration actions are handled by users_controller.rb. register action in users_controller always redirects back to :controller => "home", :action => "index".. The
2008 Apr 30
Admin namespace not working with duplicated action
Hi, I have decided to setup my Rails app with a public and admin side. To manage a list of users, I have a public app/controllers/users_controller.rb where users can list there friends. And an admin side: app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb where all registered users are listed and on which I can do some account management. In the routes files I have: map.resources :users
2011 Jul 28
CanCan filtering meta_search results?
At the moment, I am running meta_search, and then filtering through CanCan after I have a set of results. Is there any other way to restrict the returned objects within the initial search query? def index @search = User .search :first_name_or_last_name_or_practice_name_or_role_contains_any => params[:search].to_s.split('' '') @users =
2012 Mar 06
Devise/Cancan Signout User On Controller Action
I have implemented Devise for Authentication and Authorization in ROR application everything seems fine but getting one issue. I have two modals "Account" and "Transactiona" , and so two controllers respectively. My Transaction Index view call one of Account Controller method like this
2012 Oct 02
cancan and authorization on controller actions of a gem.
Hello. I''ve installed cancan and bigbluebutton_rails, The gem bigbluebutton_rails has some models and controllers, for example has bigbluebutton/servers_controller.rb. This controller has some actions like create, join, authorize, etc. I want that only users with role admin can create. What can I do? I need to put load_resource in