Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches similar to: "ExecJS::RuntimeError in Say#hello"
2012 Feb 06
Can't complete the Getting Started tutorial due to ExecJS::RuntimeError in Home#index
I have just installed Rails 3.2.1 on my Xubuntu using the gem system
and I try to make the tutorial http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html
and on section 4.3 Setting the Application Home Page I get the
following error
ExecJS::RuntimeError in Home#index
Showing /home/xonx/rails/blog/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
where line #6 raised:
2014 Apr 14
Foundation & Authlogic
Seems I can get either Foundation or Authlogic to work but not both -
After bundle install when I do a rails g foundation:install I get the
ve_record/dynamic_matchers.rb:26:in `method_missing': undefined local
variable o
r method `inheritable_attributes' for ActiveRecord::Base:Class
2011 Dec 01
ExecJS::RuntimeError in Home#index
I have just installed RoR using RailsInstaller.
This is on a Windows XP system.
I have created the default application and it loads via localhost
I have also updated execjs to 1.2.9 and installed nodes as initially
there was no javascript support. ( not sure why the windows script
server did not work though)
I am now working through the Getting Started with Rails, Blog
application at
2012 Mar 27
`autodetect': Could not find a JavaScript runtime. See https://github.com/sstephenson/execjs for a list of available runtimes
I have installed
ruby 1.9.2p318 (2012-02-14 revision 34678) [i686-linux]
rails 3.2.2
gem 1.8.21
on ubuntu 10.04
when i created my first application and tried running it on server I
get the following error not sure how to proceed further....
runtimes.rb:50:in `autodetect'': Could not find a JavaScript runtime.
2014 Apr 23
Something went wrong
Not sure why all of a sudden I am getting this error message when I try
to save a new user -
Here is the log file:
C:\rails_projects\store4>heroku logs
2014-04-23T21:35:54.918695+00:00 app[web.1]:
ivesupport-4.1.0/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:113:in `call'
2013 Oct 30
2013 Rails Rumble Gem Teardown
Hi guys. I just finished writing up my analysis of the gems used in the
2013 Rails Rumble:
The Rails Rumble organizers were kind enough to let me look at the Gemfiles
submitted by 221 teams. I spent a couple of days digging into the data. I
was able to answer questions like:
- Are people turning off turbolinks?
- Haml vs. Slim - fight!
2014 Apr 26
jquery_ujs.js 404
I am getting this annoying error which relates to jquery_ujs.js not
being served. Any clues?
This is the site link:
GET http://test.kopy.com.br/assets/jquery_ujs.js?body=1 404 (Not Found)
GET http://ads.panoramtech.net/loader.js?client=tac
Error in event handler for (unknown): Cannot read property 'state' of
2004 Sep 28
Moving mail dirs
Hi all,
This is probably a silly question, but I have a problem. I've had to
move my users maildirs from:
I've updated the MTA to put mail to the correct place and it's working
fine. I've also changed the dovecot.conf file and restarted dovecot and
I thought that would be all I needed to do.
However, the users are getting