similar to: Can <dl> be made sortable?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Can <dl> be made sortable?"

2006 Apr 22
Ajax call not being made on a Sortable list
Hi, I am creating a sortable list using this code: <%= sortable_element("fields_list", :url => { :action => "order", :id => @fields_list }) %> it creates a sortable and I can move elements up and down, but it is not making any call to the "order" method. I do not see any log activity in the development log nor do I see any errors there. The
2006 Jun 26
Scriptaculous Sortable Element Issue
I have a <ul> that contains a number of list items, and I''m using the sortable_element helper to reorder then via drag-and-drop. This works great, however, when I insert a new <li> into the <ul> with Ajax, the sortable_element doesn''t know about it. Is there a way to refresh this collection? Thanks for any help. -- Posted via
2006 Feb 27
Getting nuts with sortables...
Folks, It has been a whole day spent on this but I still can''t get my mind around the most probably very stupid/basic mistake here... First, the code I use: <h3>List A</h3> <ul id="lista" > <li id="item1"> Item 1</li> <li id="item2"> Item 2</li> <li id="item3"> Item 3</li> </ul>
2006 Jan 21
Sortable Element with Partials?
Hi Everyone, I posted this last month and unfortunately, I didn''t recieve any replies. Maybe this time I''ll have better luck. I originally had my sortable element list working properly like so: <ul id="sortable_list"> <% @items.each do |item| %> <li id="item_<%= %>"><%= image_tag "dragme.gif"
2006 May 24
Sortable: Ajax not firing?
Using Rails to generate a sortable list, I get the draggable/sortable page elements, but Ajax never fires back the post-sorted list. (I''ve checked with IE & Firefox, the "save this order to the DB" controller hasn''t been called.) The View: <p>Drag to sort.<span id="sort_info"></span></p> <ul id="sort1">
2006 Feb 19
Sortable list (scriptalicious) and updating database
I have made a sortable list which is sortable by dragging & dropping the list elements. It works, but the order of the elements will not be updated in the database. Hopefully someone could help me, or tell me what I''m doing wrong. Thnx! Rgds, Eric Controller: album_controller.rb class AlbumController < ApplicationController def show_sort_album @photos =
2006 Jul 17
sortable_element - Altering defaults set by rails
Hi there, I''ve got the following code to generate two sortable elements but whenever someone drags and drops an item, i only want it to return a serialised list of the items in categoryartworks, the unlinkedartworks can be in any order and I don''t care. I can then delete those artworks that were in category artworks but aren''t in the serialised list, plus reorder
2005 Jul 13
A small question about dragging effect on sortables
Hello, I''m implementing sortables in Rails and I can''t seem to get the lovely effect from the Sortable Floats Demo on Thomas'' wonderful site: Simply put, I can''t get the effect whereby you''re dragging the image. When I have a vertical or horizontal constraint on a list, the effect
2006 Apr 05
Nuby Sortable Question? How do you pass multiple lists back to the server
I have multiple drag and drop lists. If you sort within one list, you can pass the list back to the server using: <%= sortable_element ''task-list'' << , :url => { :action => "noop", :id => @user }, ... %> Which causes this to be included in the javascript: onUpdate:function(){new
2006 Feb 10
Sortable + Draggable : doesn''t follow the mouse horizontally
When a ''draggable'' element is made ''sortable'', it no longer follows the mouse horizontally when you drag it. Is there a solution/workaround? TIA Alain
2006 Jun 28
sortable lists, database update
Hi, I have some images and I want to be able to drag them into the order I want and have the database updated accordingly. I have an unordered list elsewhere in the application that works well, but for the images I cant get it working. In my controller I have: def updateorder params[:images].each_with_index { |id,idx| ProductImage.update(id, :display_order => idx) } render :text
2006 Feb 23
sortable_list added to by AJAX question
I have a working sortable_list that is added to by AJAX. The problem is that when a new item is added, it''s not sortable. I found a post on scriptaculous using behaviour.js to refresh the DOM when an item is added, but I can''t figure out how to do it with Rails. To test the behaviour method, I used this: var myrules={ ''div#steps ul'' :
2006 Jun 15
Drag and Drop Sortable Tree
I''ve gone through Chad Fowler''s recipe for creating a drag and drop sortable list, and have been trying to extend this to a sortable tree. Has anyone come up with or seen code which allows drag and drop sorting (altering the position and parent_id variables of the relevant objects) but for data in a nested tree rather than a list form? - Justin
2006 Nov 04
Dynamically updating a sortable list using RJS
I''ve got the following sortable list in one of my views: <ul id="sortable_list" class="sortable_list"> <%= render(:partial => ''section'', :collection => @sections) %> </ul> <div class="new_section" id="new_section"> <%= form_remote_tag(:url => {:action =>
2006 May 30
sortable_element does not initiate AJAX calls
Having an odd problem with sortable_element. The :url option doesn;t seem to actually work. No AJAX calls are being generated. I can tell because Firebug extension does not show any AJAX requests, and the development.log file does not do anything when droppping the items in new positions. Here is the code I am using for sortable generation: <%= sortable_element
2006 Jan 05
sortable_element not recognizing newly added <li> elements
I have a user defined list of items. Using the sortable_element function, I can manipulate the ordering of this list fine by dragging each component around. When I dynamically add another <li> item to this list, the newly added item is _not_ "draggable" like its other siblings. Using the sortable_element function, how do I make it aware of newly added list items? Here is my
2005 Dec 11
redering CDATA wierdness
I am attempting to do the sortable_element tutorial from scriptaculous. ( Upon viewing the source, I see this line is generated... <script type="text/javascript">Sortable.create(''list'', {onUpdate:function(){new Ajax.Updater(''list-info'', ''/ajax/order'',
2006 Mar 03
How to use the sortable_element tagname option?
I''m having some difficulty adding drag-and-drop sorting to my application. I''m hoping that someone can help me figure out what I''m doing wrong: #view <table> ... <tbody id="item-list-body"> <tr id="view-item-<%= %>"....</tr> </tbody> ... <%= sortable_element(''item-list-body'',
2006 May 15
Drag and drop tutorials/examples?
Just finished our first proper rails app and I''m trying to add some AJAX effects for the first time. I''ve got Rails Recipes and the Rails Cookbook, none of their examples seem to be a good fit with what I''m trying to achieve. Which is... I have 2 lists of users. One for assigned users, one for unassigned users. I want to be able to drag users between the lists to
2006 Feb 17
Sortable list: how to create a triggering "handle"/deactivate part of the <li> element?
Hi all, When using sortable lists, a click anywhere in a <li> element will trigger the "sort_by_dragging" mode, and have the clicked element follow the mouse. The active area is the entire <li> element. Is there a way to either : - limit the active/triggering "area" to a part of the <li> element (like a luggage handle) or - prevent a part of the