similar to: queued effects - little help please

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "queued effects - little help please"

2006 May 30
problem with effect toggle - please help
Hello, I''m having the following code below - when I click on the button in order to toggle a div, it is working when the div is visible - after it is toggled once, the beforeStart stuff isn''t executed anymore! interestingly, when I change this Effect.toggle(this.bContentWrap, ''blind'', { to this: Effect.toggle(this.bContentWrap, ''slide'',
2006 Feb 27
RE: FW: Calendar widget
Perfect, thanks Marco, great help! Now, why didn''t I think of that? Lol! -----Original Message----- From: Marco M. Jaeger [mailto:mail-yVS5avHIROZWk0Htik3J/] Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 2:02 PM To: '''' Subject: RE: FW: [Rails-spinoffs] Calendar widget Thank you Alf - I appreciate your fast response Marco M. Jaeger | Url:
2006 Jan 07
queued effect
This is what I came up with so far: if ($(''windowContent'').style.display == ''none'') { Effect.Appear(''window'',{queue:{scope:''myscope'', position:''end''}}); Effect.toggle(''windowContent'',''blind'',{queue:{scope:''myscope'',
2006 May 24
enumerables problem?
I was wondering whether anybody could please tell me why this is causing an error in IE (works in Firefox): $A(container.getElementsByTagName(''*'')).each( function(el) { Element.cleanWhitespace(el); }.bind(this)); What would be an alternative of achieving the same? Thank you Marco M. Jaeger | Url: <> | E-mail:
2006 Feb 17
Released: window dialog script
Hello, First, please let me thank you to Ryan Gahl and Jerod Venema for their patient help - really appreciated their input - I couldn''t have done this script without their support. Today I released a dialog script based on scriptaculous and prototype. A demo can be seen here: . Please see the readme and changelog file for details. Your
2006 Jan 11
RE: RE: - unordered list problems
I just realized I made a mistake... in the first numbered solution, the != should be == ________________________________ From: rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/ [mailto:rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/] On Behalf Of Ryan Gahl Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:28 PM To:
2005 Dec 22
RE: Re: ajax - multiple updates on singlexmlhttprequest
>From looking at the Prototype code, it looks like any text in the ''X-JSON'' header will be eval''d and passed as the second parameter to your onSuccess handler. Your handler function could then be (using all the power of Prototype): var handlerFunc = function(t, json) { // Update info container Element.update(''someId'',; } But your
2006 May 02
Tab Panes - IE layout issues fixed
Layout issues in IE should be fixed: There still some css issues in Opera I couldn''t figure out yet - maybe somebody using Opera has some insight. _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Apr 07
ajax loading message
Hello, I''m looking for some help - I''m having problems in getting the loading message to disappear - sometimes it disappears, sometimes it doesn''t. This is the javascript I have: ajaxContent: function(iTabPos) { if (isNaN(iTabPos)) return false; var iTabIndex = this._posToIndex(iTabPos);
2006 Feb 21
Odp: RE: Ajax reqest and http status
Hi Marco. I now that the way prevent IE caching AJAX call is to link to parameters one parameter which will be complete random. Bur here is much important question. I using ajax call to connect url which is accesible only if user is logged (i mean there is a user session). Somethimes session expired and url is not accesible and there is redirect to other url i see that server return code 302 but
2006 Feb 16
Blind effect and tables
Greetings, I am trying to add a row to a table using the blind down effect. I have this working for lists (aka <li>) but not tables. With tables it seems to display the newly inserted row then blind. I basically want to start with the row hidden and then blind down. For example this works with lists: <ol style="" id="list1"> <li
2006 Jun 12
Please! stopping effects, help me again
My friend Sigi wrote: > Pulsator = Class.create(); > Pulsator.prototype = {initialize: function(element,options) > { > this.element = element; > this.options = options || {}; > this.options.afterFinish = this.action.bind(this); > this.stopped = false; > this.action(); > }, > action: function(){ >
2006 May 29
[Fwd: stopping effects, help me again please]
Hi * and thanks for you responses some body help me stop effect, just last effect. Thanks! to somebody help me with: Pulsator = Class.create(); Pulsator.prototype = {initialize: function(element) { this.stopped = false; new Effect.Pulsate(element, { afterFinish: this.action.bind(this) }); },action: function(element){if(!this.stopped) new
2006 Apr 07
Effect.toggle error in 1.6.1
I have this line of code: new Effect.toggle(document.getElementsByClassName(''modarea'', Event.findElement(ev,''li'')), ''blind''); I''ve confirmed that the Effect.toggle is indeed getting the proper element, however, I''m getting this in my javascript console: element.visible is not a function (effects.js: line 153) I
2006 Feb 09
cancel fade effect
I was wondering whether it''s possible to pass some arguments to the effect.cancel() - e.g. when canceling fading, I think the opacity should be reset to the default value or 1. Thank you _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Feb 08
Need help with effect
I need a way to do a blind up that makes the element APPEAR and a blind down that makes the element DISAPPEAR. In essence, the opposite of the current blindup/blinddown. Thoughts? -- Yehuda Katz Web Developer (ph) 718.877.1325 (fax) 718.686.4288 _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Feb 08
Effect Help
I posted the following earlier: "I need a way to do a blind up that makes the element APPEAR and a blind down that makes the element DISAPPEAR. In essence, the opposite of the current blindup/blinddown. Thoughts?" I think somebody responded in Dutch. Anyone else have any ideas? -- Yehuda Katz Web Developer (ph) 718.877.1325 (fax) 718.686.4288
2006 May 01
beta testers: tab panes
Hello, I was wondering whether anybody is interested to do some beta testing on a script I''m currently working on. Here is a little preview: A little doc file can be found here: _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2006 Feb 18
Updated: window dialog script
Dialog script has been update. A demo can be seen here: . Please see changelog for changes. The dialog script can be downloaded from here: . _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Jul 17
RE: scriptaculous appear effect and tiny_mce bug onopera 9
I seem to recall the Effect.Appear setting the final opacity to 0.99 to avoid some bug on some browser; anyone remember the specifics? Seems like we should probably just conditionally check for the broken browser and set to 0.99 for only that one, otherwise leave it at 1.0, but I know I don''t have the full picture of why it was necessary or whether it still is. Greg