similar to: Re: Strange behaviour with sortable

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Re: Strange behaviour with sortable"

2006 Feb 13
8 / Scriptaculous
Hi list, Is it possible to create a "dashboard" type application, like, w/ _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2007 Nov 09
iframe is reloading during each sortable drag/drop point
We are creating a simple widget portal for our site and trying to use Sortables. Each of our widgets is an iframe. But when you try to drag an element containing an iframe the Sortables api causes the iframe to reload at each possible drop point. This causes the ui to shutter and become unusable. I have narrowed the issue down the onEmptyHover where dropon.insertBefore is called. Is there a
2005 Nov 03
sortables w/ hoverclass
Good hello. I'm confused by the 'hoverclass' option that can be passed to Sortable.create It works with Droppables.add but (for me) it doesn't seem to do anything when used with Sortables. (afaik Sortable.create just calls Droppables.add and passes the hoverclass option through- or at least it's supposed to) Not sure if it's broken in the current svn but
2006 May 29
Re-orderable column DataGrid + Patches for Sortable.delay and Sortable.ignorePositionXY
I would love to get some feedback and test a patch to rev. 4380. First, the money shot - check out this demo of a scriptaculous DataGrid: I''m using the <tr> as a sortable with the <th>''s as the sortable elements. The Patch file: The patch
2007 Jul 29
How to make Draggable Widgets with Placeholders
Hello. I''m trying to do some drag-droppable widgets like ... I''m completely looking for a code like Netvibes. How can I do that with Prototype or I want to make them droppable on placeholders like netvibes. Any ideas or links? Thanks. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the
2006 Mar 07
Sortable trouble
Hi everybody, Could somebody have a look at a little sortable example at It implements two Sortables and a Draggable. You can drag elements from the "source" Sortable to the main Sortable, sort them (surprise) and drag them to a trash. Whenever you drag from the "source", a new element is created (by cloning an invisible
2005 Aug 24
Strange Bug - Dragging a sortable filled with sortable - the bigger one "stays"...
*** don''t know if i''ll be clear... if not, tell me Hi. I don''t know why, but when I drag those sortables (tagged with the handle handle) filled with the sortables (the lists with lorem ipsum) The handled-one "stays" where you dropped them. When you drag the li between the uls that are the big containers, no
2005 Jul 25
dragdrop.js: drop from sortable
I have a Sortable that''s working like a charm, but now I would like to be able to drop objects from that Sortable onto a Droppable that''s not part of my Sortable. I just did a small test page where it didn''t work, so my first question has to be "is this supposed to work?", before I dig too deep into it. "accept" for the droppable is set to the
2005 Aug 05
disable Sortable
Can a Sortable be disabled/deactivated/destroyed once it''s been created? I''ve tried a few different things with no success. Here''s what I''m doing: I have an ordered list. When a particular event happens, I created a Sortable from the list. I clone the list prior to creating the Sortable so I can revert to the original list if sorting is canceled. If, however,
2007 Jul 19
Storing order of sortable objects in RoR
I have two sortable lists that you can drag and drop to and from. Each object in the lists have a position field in the object''s table. I want to be able to update the position in the database automagically once a user has sorted the list. I can drag and drop just fine but I am not able to store the new positions in the database. I am trying to use Ajax.request in the onUpdate callback
2005 Dec 28
Sortable - can we make one or more elements in a list sticky?
In a sortable list, is there a way to say, pass a className whereby some of the elements in the sortable element would not become draggables/droppables? If not, it seems like it could be implemented similarly to the handle option.. Any interest? Also - I submitted a patch that adds the option "delay" so that draggables in a Sortable won''t truly become activated until after the
2006 May 24
Sortable: Ajax not firing?
Using Rails to generate a sortable list, I get the draggable/sortable page elements, but Ajax never fires back the post-sorted list. (I''ve checked with IE & Firefox, the "save this order to the DB" controller hasn''t been called.) The View: <p>Drag to sort.<span id="sort_info"></span></p> <ul id="sort1">
2006 Nov 24
sortable - after complete dropping element want to send ajax reqeust with id of elements: draggable and droppable
Hi all. I have specific situations - I use sortable on html list, and after I move elements I want to do ajax reqeust to serwer with the id of dragging element and id of the element that was droppable. How to do it? which function in Sortable class i have to overrider or modify? i try to modife onhover method in sortable and put a ajaxRequest call before methods dropon.parentNode.insertBefore
2006 May 28
Sortable.create containment:
hi i got a problem with a Sortable.create. i got an array containing the ID of the elements i want to make an sortable of, that is no problem, but i want to be able to drag between the sortables and that where my problem is. i dont know how to assign an array to containment: until now the script looks like this: for (i=0;i<id_gruppe.length;i++) { Sortable.create(id_gruppe[i]
2007 Aug 27
Sortable + Table = Ouch!
I have an HTML table I am trying to "retro-fit" with a sortable such that a cell in one column/row and be moved to another. What I have tried in tyerms of formatting looks akin to: <div id="schedule"> <table> <tr> <td><div id="one">Some Text</div></td> <td><div
2006 Jun 15
Drag and Drop Sortable Tree
I''ve gone through Chad Fowler''s recipe for creating a drag and drop sortable list, and have been trying to extend this to a sortable tree. Has anyone come up with or seen code which allows drag and drop sorting (altering the position and parent_id variables of the relevant objects) but for data in a nested tree rather than a list form? - Justin
2007 Nov 02
3 onUpdate in Sortable.create
Can''t seem to get the onUpdate to work in for a sortable list. I am following the documentation and the included functional tests but nothing is firing for me. Any idea why? Sortable.create(''list1'', { tree:true , onUpdate:function(sortable){ alert(''onUpdate'') } , handle: ''handle'' , scroll:window ,
2005 Jul 07
Allowing drops on "empty" sortable
Hey folks, On the Drag and Drop demo page in the Sortable Lists Demo section: If you drag all of the items from the first list into the second list, it appears that you cannot drag a list item back into the first (now empty) list. Is there a way to allow a Sortable that is empty of draggable items to accept dropped items? Danilo
2005 Oct 11
Sortable as a class?
Hi there! My first post to this list, so first of all many thanks for the amazing Scriptaculous library. I''m currently using it for some nice Ajax effects in Apache Cocoon ( I''m currently struggling with Sortable, which I would like to adapt as the conventions used in Cocoon are different from those currently used. Basically, I would like to send
2006 Apr 22
Ajax call not being made on a Sortable list
Hi, I am creating a sortable list using this code: <%= sortable_element("fields_list", :url => { :action => "order", :id => @fields_list }) %> it creates a sortable and I can move elements up and down, but it is not making any call to the "order" method. I do not see any log activity in the development log nor do I see any errors there. The