similar to: Appending new tr into a table

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Appending new tr into a table"

2006 Jul 21
Abstract insertion question
Hi, In the following block of Prototype.js when will the catch() block run? I cannot create conditions in Opera where it will run. Thanks, Peter if (this.element.insertAdjacentHTML) { /* IE and Opera */ try { this.element.insertAdjacentHTML(this.adjacency, this.content); } catch (e) { // when will this run? can feature detection be used instead? var tagName =
2005 Sep 27
Hi *, We don''t know if you guys are the right audience, but we got a problem with prototype.js we need to solve. Essentially, it is a compatibility bug with the IE. We wrote a component so it updates itself periodically using AJAX. we used the prototype.js to accomplish this (using the periodicalUpdater object). now the component works fine using firefox or opera, but NOT with IE. the
2006 May 31
How can I make this thing work on IE?
Hello... i''ve been read lots of posts talking about this kind o mess in IE... but no one tells how could this be possible to work... :-) Any suggestions?? thanks... <html> <head> <script src="prototype.js"></script> </head> <body> <table border=1> <tbody> <tr id="0" name="0"> <td>LINE
2006 Mar 03
How to use the sortable_element tagname option?
I''m having some difficulty adding drag-and-drop sorting to my application. I''m hoping that someone can help me figure out what I''m doing wrong: #view <table> ... <tbody id="item-list-body"> <tr id="view-item-<%= %>"....</tr> </tbody> ... <%= sortable_element(''item-list-body'',
2009 Jul 07
[PATCH server] Update app to work with rails 2.3.2
Note that this does not fix gettext for app, that will be done separately in another patch as F10/F11 require different setups for that. In the meantime gettext works if manually changed in environment.rb to gettext_rails instead of gettext/rails Signed-off-by: Jason Guiditta <jason.guiditt at> --- src/app/controllers/application.rb | 200 --------
2006 Feb 14
Firefox java script error in prototype.js
Hi, I am usign two selects, a master and a slave: <%= select("master", "id", @master) %> <div id="slave_id_list"> <%= select("slave", "id", @slave) %> </div> <%= observe_field("master[id]", :frequency => 0.25, :update => "slave_id_list", :url => {:action => :update_slave_select},
2007 Jul 20
IE6 assigns "undefined" to _counted property when matching
I''m pretty sure I''ve come across a bug for CSS matching in IE6. (I''m kind of new at the collaborative thing, so I figured here would be a safer place to write this, as opposed to The relevant HTML is: <script type="text/javascript"> function getLineItems() { return $$("#LineItems tbody tr"); } function addLineItem(e) { var template =
2006 Apr 05
Firefox - Form within a table issue
Hi, Has anyone seen this issue before? Oversimplified Problem: I have a table within which I have a form - <body> <table> <tbody id=''table_body''> <form id=''table_form''> <tr> <td><input type=text name=name value=mandy> <br /> <input type=text name=age value=26> <br
2008 Apr 18
element has no properties error.
Hey all, I''ve recently started messing around with Prototype again, so I thought I''d start small and write 5 lines of code that would check if all fields in a form are filled out. So I thought document.observe(''dom:loaded'', function() { $(''submNewUser'').disable(); new Form.Observer($(''newUser''), 0.3, function(e, val) {
2008 Jan 22
dynamic table/adding rows in IE using 'new Element("tr")'
I''m trying to create a few menus using prototype.js "insert" function. I create a table using ''new Element("table")'', insert it in DIV and then add links - one row per link (or the other way round - create a full table, then insert it). I initially wrote a code that worked fine in Firefox, but did not in IE (currently testing with 6.0): function
2006 May 02
Very simple RJS not working in IE
My HTML: <div id="search_div" style="display: none;"> <table> <tbody id=''search_results''> </tbody> </table> </div> My RJS: page.insert_html :bottom, ''search_results'', "<tr><td>Test</td></tr>" "search_div" Now, everytime this gets called, it adds a
2006 Oct 26
Prototype: focusFirstElement and tabindex -1 ?
Hi, I''m new to prototype but it seems like an EXELENT framework. But I got a problem with the focusFirstElement when the first element have a tabindex="-1" since when negative number the user are never able to tab the element, so I would not want them to get focus on the element either. Is there really any time when a user want the set the focus on an element with negative
2006 Mar 01
manipulate <td>''s and their content by grabbing their classNames
Hi Guys, What''s the best way to grab all <td>''s in a particular table and manipulate them? Here''s the problem definition - I have a table that has ''n'' <tr>''s. Each <tr> has couple of <td>''s and the first <td> has an image. By default, each <td> has a ''x'' class and image src
2006 Jul 22
Prototype error. replace content inside a <TR> in IE
Does anyone know of a fix for the issue with prototype and replacing table rows in IE? render :update do |page| page.replace "row_#{params[:id]}", :partial => ''wireless_request/wrequest'', :locals => {:wrequest => @wrequest} end This ends up making IE throw an "rjs error [object error]" Searching around I found a couple of posts about
2006 Mar 09
Rails File Upload w/ Ajax Update?
I''m trying to upload a file, display the upload progress and then update a table with the newly uploaded file. Is there a way to specify a :success handler for form_tag_with_upload_progress such that I have access to the request.response data (in the way I can with link_to_remote)? The :finish JavaScript is being executed but because there is no request object, the table
2006 Aug 08
Updating a tr with RJS
I''m having a strange display issue when trying to update a tablerow using RJS. This is the code in the RJS template: page.replace_html "item_#{}", :partial => ''item_display'' So the existing <tr> has an id like item_1. When the update actions completes, it renders this template and effectively replaces the tr with item_display which as a
2006 Feb 02
What''s the javascript to submit an AJAX Form?
HI Everyone, How do I form the href on an anchor so I can create a link-style submit for an ajax form? In this snippet, the INPUT generated by #submit_tag works OK, but the anchor results in the AJAX replacing the whole page? Can I make the anchor/href submit the AJAX form as well? Thank you! I have this (list.rhtml): <%= form_remote_tag :url =>
2006 Aug 03
OT: Tables and Rails code
This might be off topic, not entirely sure. Basically I''ve created a table to return data and it seems that the column headings repeat along with the entries. So perhaps it''s where I''m placing the code and not so much my HTML. Ideas, solutions appreciated: <h1> Current job openings</h1> <% for position in @positions -%> <div
2006 Feb 02
dynamic addition of table rows
Hi, I have a table laid out something like this: <table> <thead> <tr> <th>col 1</th> <th>col 2</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="tablebody"> <tr> <td>moo</td> <td>moo</td> </tr> <tr> <td>moo</td> <td>moo</td> </tr>
2006 Aug 17
RJS - slower than normal RHTML?
I know that isn''t supposed to be the case, and it usually isn''t, but today, I''ve run across a situation where rendering the same partial through RJS is taking about 5 times longer than rendering the partial in the RHTML. I have in my main RHTML <tbody id="account_transactions"> <%= render :partial =>