similar to: internal manipulation of ...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "internal manipulation of ..."

2011 Nov 21
extending the colClasses argument in read.table
Hello, We've released the int64 package to CRAN a few days ago. The package provides S4 classes "int64" and "uint64" that represent signed and unsigned 64 bit integer vectors. One further development of the package is to facilitate reading 64 bit integer data from csv, etc ... files. I have this function that wraps a call to read.csv to: - read the "int64"
2014 Feb 26
help with gotoExitingHandler(R_NilValue, call, entry); . Implementation of error handling internally
Hello, I?m trying to leverage R_ToplevelExec to implement C level try/catch. The way it is implemented allows for running a function in a top level context. This context gets an empty handler stack, so either the function runs correctly or it jumps. When it jumps, it does not find a handler, so it jumps to the top level context. R does not allow me to call begin context and end context
2010 Jun 18
nchar( NA )
Hello, Is this expected ? > nchar( c( "", NA ) ) [1] 0 2 Should not the second one be NA ? Romain -- Romain Francois Professional R Enthusiast +33(0) 6 28 91 30 30 |- : Rcpp 0.8.1 |- : graph gallery collage `- : inline 0.3.5
2020 Sep 06
some questions about R internal SEXP types
Hello, I am writing an R/Go interoperability tool[1] that work similarly to Rcpp; the tool takes packages written in Go and performs the necessary Go type analysis to wrap the Go code with C and R shims that allow the Go code to then be called from R. The system is largely complete (with the exception of having a clean approach to handling generalised attributes in the easy case[2] - the less
2010 May 29
S4 dispatch for .DollarNames (utils)
Hello, I'm trying to make .DollarNames generic and implement a method for it in a package. .DollarNames is the function that is now called to get completion possibilities. My R code looks like this: setGeneric( ".DollarNames" ) setClass("track", representation(x="numeric", y="numeric")) ## A class extending the previous, adding one more
2013 Nov 16
serialization for external pointers
Hello, Are there any recipe to handle serialization / deserialization of external pointers. I'm thinking about something similar in spirit to the way we handle finalization of external pointers. Currently, if we create an external pointer, save the session, quit R, then load the session, we get a null pointer. One way I'm thinking of is to have an environment in the
2020 Oct 06
understanding as.list(substitute(...()))
Hi Tim, I have also asked a similar question a couple of months ago, and someone else did the same recently, maybe on r-devel. We received no "official" response, but Deepayan Sarkar (R Core Team member) claimed that: " There is no documented reason for this to work (AFAIK), so again, I would guess this is a side-effect of the implementation, and not a API feature you should
2010 Mar 07
duplicate STRSXP : shallow copy ?
Hello, As this little program illustrates, duplicating a STRSXP does not seem deep enough. require( inline ) fx <- cfunction( signature( x = "character"), ' SEXP y = PROTECT( duplicate( x ) ); int n = LENGTH(x); int nc = 0 ; char* p = 0 ; for( int i=0; i<n; i++){ p = (char*)( CHAR( STRING_ELT( y , i ) ) ); nc = strlen( p ) ; for( int j=0; j<nc; j++){ p[j] =
2014 Mar 26
internal string comparison (Scollate)
Hello, I?d like to compare two strings internally the way R would, so I need Scollate which is not part of the authorized R api. So: - Can Scollate (and perhaps Seql) be promoted to api ? - If not what are the alternatives ? Using strcmp or stroll does not seem as general as Scollate. Romain PS: Here is some context:
2023 May 13
aggregate wind direction data with wind speed required
?s 15:51 de 13/05/2023, Stefano Sofia escreveu: > Dear list users, > > I have to aggregate wind direction data (wd) using a function that requires also a second input variable, wind speed (ws). > > This is the function that I need to use: > > > my_fun <- function(wd1, ws1){ > > u_component <- -ws1*sin(2*pi*wd1/360) > v_component <-
2013 Feb 01
Problem using raw vectors with inline cfunction
Hello, >From what I understood from the documentation I found, when using the inline cfunction with convention=".C", R raw vectors should be given as unsigned char* to the C function. But consider the following script: library(inline) testRaw <- cfunction(signature(raw='raw', len='integer') , body=' int l = *len; int i = 0;
2004 Oct 21
an introduction to R in french
Hello wizaRds ! I am looking for a french and recent version of "An introduction to R". Does anybody know where i could find on of these. Thanks. -- Romain Fran??ois 25, avenue Guy Moquet 94 400 Vitry sur seine FRANCE _______________________ _______________________ francoisromain at 01 46 80 65 60 06 18 39 14 69
2010 Jul 17
How to generate PDF help file for our internal R package?
Currently, we have developed an R package for our company's internal use (at least for now). I have successfully built the package and generated zip file which can be easily installed. However, I am not sure how to generate the big HELP file in PDF. Right now, I have about 30+ Rd files for this internal package. I can run 'R CMD Rd2dvi' and WinEdt to create one pdf file
2023 May 13
aggregate wind direction data with wind speed required
Dear list users, I have to aggregate wind direction data (wd) using a function that requires also a second input variable, wind speed (ws). This is the function that I need to use: my_fun <- function(wd1, ws1){ u_component <- -ws1*sin(2*pi*wd1/360) v_component <- -ws1*cos(2*pi*wd1/360) mean_u <- mean(u_component, na.rm=T) mean_v <- mean(v_component, na.rm=T) mean_wd
2013 Jun 19
Calling an array in a struct in C to R
Hi there, Although I'm a quite experienced R user and know my ways in C, I stumbled upon a problem I don't know how to solve. Therefore, I hope someone can provide me with the information or pointers I need in order to understand the way in which the communication between R and C occurs. I have the following C code which basicallly reflects what I want: typedef struct { float
2020 Oct 06
understanding as.list(substitute(...()))
I probably need to be more specific. What confuses me is not the use of substitute, but the parenthesis after the dots. It clearly works and I can make guesses as to why but it is definitely not obvious. The following function gives the same final result but I can understand what is happening. dots <- function (...) { exprs <- substitute(list(...)) as.list(exprs[-1]) } In the
2013 Sep 19
Using long long types in C++
Hello, In Rcpp we'd like to do something useful for types such as long long and unsigned long long. For example, supporting our usual wrap construct. We'd like to be able to "wrap" a long long, or perhaps a std::vector<long long> so that it is returned to the R side in something meaningful (we are considering several options like loosing some precision and returning
2011 Jul 17
function design: multiple imput names
dear all, a simple question, I need to write a function in which I retrive an undetermined number of vector in the function. I solved the problem thanks to this link so my function will look alike this my_fun <- function(...){ my_list <- lapply(..., function(x){x}) } I need just one more
2018 Mar 22
Calculate weighted proportions for several factors at once
Hi, I have a grouped data set and would like to calculate weighted proportions for a large number of factor variables within each group member. Rather than using dplyr::count() on each of these factors individually, the idea would be to do it for all factors at once. Does anyone know how this would work? Here is a reproducible example: ############################################################
2007 Jan 18
How to optimize this loop ?
Dear R Users, I request your help to optimize a loop. Given a series of observations, I want to know how many consecutive past observations are below the last one. e.g : my_series <- c(3, 4, 10,14,8,3,4,6,9) As the last number (9) is higher than the four preceding numbers (6, 4, 3, 8), this function should return 4. my_series <- c(3, 4, 10,14,8,3,4,11,9) Here, it should return 0, as 9