similar to: Safari 2.0.3 Effect.appear Note

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Safari 2.0.3 Effect.appear Note"

2006 Jan 24
Safari problems w/ Effect.Appear and other effects
Prototype version: 1.4.0 Effects version: 1.51 I''ve recently been working alot with Scriptaculous and Prototype and I''ve got some good looking results in FF and IE. However, Safari is killing me! I would love for someone to look at this, and tell me if its my design or the libraries. One example: 1. Checkout the above page 2.
2008 Dec 24
Odd js behavior in Chrome & Safari
View file has a js function "confirm_result()" in <head> section: <script type="text/javascript"> function confirm_action() { result = confirm("Please select OK or Cancel") if (result == true) document.write("You selected OK.") else document.write("You selected Cancel.") } </script>
2006 Jun 06
Get value from form using rjs, and problem with Safari
Hi, I have got two forms, the first is a textarea plus a link that activates some javascript to change the form, the second activates some javascript on the onchange event which changes it into a textarea form. This works in Firefox, but not in Safari. Also, I need the value which is selected. I''ve found an example that gives the parameter to the javascript, like this: <input
2006 Jun 06
Getting value of form using Ajax (and problems with Safari)
I have got two forms, the first is a textarea plus a link that activates some javascript to change the form, the second activates some javascript on the onchange event which changes it into a textarea form. This works in Firefox, but not in Safari. Also, I need the value which is selected. I''ve found an example that gives the parameter to the javascript, like this: <input
2006 Mar 13
Bug with Ajax.Autocompleter in Safari 2.0.3?
Hello All, I''ve run across something that looks like a bug and wanted to throw it out there for anyone else''s input before I submit a bug report and patch. This is only observed in Safari 2.0.3 with Mac OS X 10.4.5 - I haven''t tried any other versions of Safari. I''ve got 2 fields: text input 1 text input 2 with autocomplete If you: 1. Enter some value
2005 Dec 14
Problem stopping default event in Safari
I''m going crazy here. I''m trying to stop a link from being followed after it''s clicked. It works everywhere except Safari (using v. 2.0.2 on Tiger) I''m using behavior.js to attach events based on a class or an id: ******************************************************* function loadData(e) { // load some data here based on the url of the a tag
2006 Jan 23
form_remote_tag and Safari (HELP!)
<%= form_remote_tag :url => { :action => ''list_setups'' }, :loading => "Element.update(''setupslist_display'','''');''setupslist_progress'')", :loaded => "Element.hide(''setupslist_progress'')", :update => ''setupslist_display'',
2006 Jun 24
Correct syntax for using the Effects Queue ?
this works: onclick=''new Effect.Scale(this,50);'' but this does not: onclick=''new Effect.Scale(this,50,{queue:front}); new Effect.Scale (this,200,{queue:end});'' what is the correct syntax for using queue ? many thanks as I have just started wrapping my head around scriptaculous g
2005 Aug 19
Effect.Appear problem
Hi, I''m doing a web site for a friend, and after see this scripts ... I will use them for all my webs !! :-) Testing the Appear effect with <>(version 1 and 1.5) over this div <div id=''s1'' class="seccion" onclick=''sel_seccion(1)''> <img src="img/Nosaltres.gif"
2012 Mar 08
Safari Version 5.1.3 (7534.53.10) Browser problem --- removing cookie on OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50b) when still valid
Hi All, Hope this note helps the newbies to Rails As I''m new to Rails, I''d like to share how I tracked down Safari''s dropping of my cookie. My Applebug no: 11003492 registered 7 March/2012 My development platform: MacPro running rails 3.1.1 on OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50b) Problem: Firefox worked as programmed but switching to Safari my current_user_token kept in the
2006 Jun 12
Effect.Appear/Hide and numbered lists
Hi, I''m building a wizard with several steps per page and i''ve organised them per page in a numbered lists. So an average page looks like 1. Do something xxxxxxxxxxx 2. Do something else xxxxxxxxxxx etc and the code is <ol> <li>Do something<br />xxxxxxxxxx</li> <li>Do something else<br />xxxxxxxxxx</li> </ol> On one
2006 Jul 29
RJS templates, Safari 1.3
Hello, I''m having a problem getting RJS templates working with Safari 1.3 (latest version available to OS X 10.3 and earlier). I''m using Rails 1.1.4, running on either linux or OS X.. same results. My RJS pages work fine using Safari 2.0, IE and Firefox.. just not Safari 1.3. The twist is that the following RJS sites work fine in Safari 1.3:
2005 Jul 27
safari vs. firefox on mac os x: flickering combination effects
Hi. I''m wondering if this is a documented problem. Combination effects such as .BlindDown or .SlideDown exhibit a not so fun flicker at the end of their rendering process in Firefox on Mac OS X. This does NOT happen in Safari. Does anybody know how to fix this or if it will get fixed in a next release? All best, Tench
2005 Jul 16
Safari Crash with prototype/success callback interaction
I just tracked down a problem I was having with Safari crashing. Given a form_remote_tag call, I was calling Element.hide on a block that was being returned via the ajax call, from the success event. ie form_remote_tag(:url=>..., :update=>''somediv'', :success=>"Element.hide(''somediv'');") where somediv was returned via the form. This
2020 Sep 25
Streaming issue with IOS and Safari
I would guess it has to do with the codec/format of your stream being incompatible with iOS/Safari. What codec are you using? Have you checked to see whether iOS/Safari supports it? Unfortunately there's no 'silver bullet', so to speak, with choosing codecs that are 100% supported by all browsers on all platforms. You can provide multiple streams (for instance, one Ogg/Vorbis and
2020 Oct 16
Streaming issue with IOS and Safari
Has anyone seen any improvement with iOS14? > On Sep 28, 2020, at 4:25 PM, webmaster at wrote: > > We had only MP3 for a long time, and all iOS users could listen. I don't think iOS likes OGG. > We also advertise the VLC app in case someone has an issue with the web player. > > On 2020-09-25 16:04, Jordan Erickson wrote: >> I would guess it
2008 Jun 03
Safari and Inheritance.
The following code doesn''t work in Safari, though its working well on FF/IE. We just recently started migrating and we are find issues with Safari 3.X var SipIxView = Class.create({ initialize: function() { } }); var CdrView = Class.create(SipIxView,{ view: function() { } }); I get the following error in Safari. var cdrView = new CdrView(); TypeError:
2006 Jun 29
Javascript Detect - Safari Version
Does anyone know how to accurately check for Safari version number? navigator.appVersion doesn''t work fine - it''s giving me funny results. I want to be able to tell a Safari 1.0 from a Safari 1.3 for my application.
2010 Jun 17
Apple Safari v5
Hi, Successfully installed Apple Safari using Wine 1.1.42 Once i start Safari, the apple flash comes and the below error message pops up. kindly help on this !! [img]/home/ideapad/.wine/dosdevices/c:/users/ideapad/My Documents/Desktop/safari-Program Error.png[/img]
2006 Feb 25
Safari File upload problem
Hello! I found your post to the about Safari File upload problem Did you able to solve this issue? > Has anyone else had problems uploading files with safari? > > Excerpt from my .rhtml: > > <form action="/photo/create?item_id=<%= %>" > method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> >